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Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, a very notorious couple of cats, slunk through the dark streets.  They were out making trouble.  As usual. Both had a compulsive need to make mischief.  Their actions were not done in anger. It was just for fun!

The two tiger cats darted along the sidewalk. A high-pitched giggle burst from Teazer, followed by a ‘shush’ from Mungo. They came to a street corner. Mungo glanced around for humans while Teazer darted across the road. Neither of them saw the speeding truck. But then they heard it.

Looking up in horror, Rumpelteazer froze in absolute terror as the vehicle barreled down upon her. She felt something slam into her side. But it wasn’t the truck. Shoved by Mungojerrie, she tumbled onto the sidewalk.

Then it was over. As fast as it had come, the truck was gone. Teazer pulled herself to her feet and said,

“Thank, Mungo. I woulda been squished.”

But there was no reply. Teazer looked around and saw something she had prayed she would never see. Unnaturally still, Mungojerrie’s broken body was lying by the side of the road.

“Mungojerrie!” she screamed.

She raced to her fallen mate’s side as he sputtered to life.

“Rumpelteazer…” he wheezed.

“Oh Mungo…”

She cradled his large body in her arms and wiped away some of the blood that was trickling out of his mouth.

“I’m sorry……Teazer……” he gasped, struggling to breathe.

“Oh love, why’d you do it?”

“Had to……save you……”

 “Mungojerrie, please don’t leave me!” she pleaded desperately.

“Love you……Teazer……”

His body shuddered and went limp. Mungojerrie died in his mate’s arms. Rumpelteazer felt as though part of her soul had been ripped out. Sobbing uncontrollably, she stayed with her soul mate.



The next morning, Munkustrap found them.

“Oh no…”

He bounded over to Rumpelteazer’s side. He checked Mungo for a pulse. Finding none, he wrapped his arms around Teazer protectively.

“What happened?”

“I was crossing the street, and there was a truck, and he pushed me away, and he saved me! He saved me! He saved me…”

She started crying again. Munkustrap tried to comfort her. He couldn’t tear his eyes off the still form of his comrade. Mungojerrie, the lovable goofball. So lively. So carefree. And now he was gone. He tried to take Rumpelteazer back to the Junkyard, but she insisted on staying with her mate. So Munkustrap stayed with her till Alonzo came along.

“Oh my gosh…”

Munk motioned for Alonzo to carry Mungojerrie back to the ‘Yard, while he helped Teazer to her feet. The black and white tom couldn’t stop his tears.



When they reached the ‘Yard, the first person to see them was Skimbleshanks. He hurried over to comfort Rumpelteazer, but she broke away and ran into her house. Skimble didn’t say anything, but his sorrow at the loss of the calico tabby was evident. Munkustrap took Mungo from Alonzo, who hugged Skimble tightly and whispered hoarsely,

“I can’t believe he’s gone.”



Such was the reaction of the entire Tribe. At the funeral, there wasn’t a dry eye in the whole crowd. Rumpelteazer knelt by his grave as they filled it. The tombstone was very simple.







A small list of the many positions he filled in our lives and in our hearts.

You will be greatly missed.



The Junkyard mourned for days. It seemed now that he was gone, cats realized how much a part of them he really was.

Rumpelteazer was inconsolable. She had lost him. Mungojerrie. Her partner in crime. Her dearest friend. Her closest confidante. Her beloved mate. Her most trusted advisor. Her protector. Her soul mate. She wept for days. No one could comfort her. Then she had a dream.



She was standing in a field. No flowers, no trees, just green grass and blue sky. She saw a figure moving towards her. Mungojerrie. She ran and threw her arms around him. He kissed her gently, then held her back and looked her in the eye.


His voice was the barest, sweetest whisper.

“What are you doing?”

She became confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you killing yourself?”

“I’m not killing myself!”

“You are.”

She looked away.

“It’s just not worth it without you, love.”


He gently cupped her chin in his paw and turned her to face him.

“You have to keep on living. We’ll be together soon enough. Don’t rush it. I want you to live your life to the fullest. That’s why I died.”

Her eyes filled with tears. She flung her arms around him.

“I miss you so much! I’ll keep living. I promise.”

He smiled at her, his face radiant.

“Mungo? What’s it like in Heaven?”

He grinned at her.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Then he became serious.

“Rumpelteazer, I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you. I loved you as long as I was with you. And I’ll keep on loving you till the end of time.”

He kissed her. A long sweet kiss.



The next morning, everyone noticed Rumpelteazer was different. She came out of her house and talked to people. Mostly they reminisced about Mungojerrie. There were tears, and there was laughter. But by the end of the day, she didn’t feel very well. She went home to bed feeling slightly queasy.



When she woke up she felt worse. She went to the bathroom and threw up. Then and there she decided to go see Jennyanydots.



By the time she got to Jenny’s house, she felt much better. She was debating whether she should go in at all, but Jenny spotted her and called her in the house.




Jenny pondered. Teazer had listed her previous symptoms and Jenny had given her a complete physical examination. There was only one logical conclusion.

“Dear, I think you should sit down.”

She directed Teazer to a chair and took a deep breath.

“Well, the reason you’ve been feeling this way is-“

Her voice broke and she wiped a tear from her eye. Teazer got worried.

“What? Is it bad? Am I dying?”

“Oh no! It’s just that I… I’m so happy for you. You’re expecting a kitten.”

Rumpelteazer stared at the older queen for a moment. Her paw rested on her belly.

“Thank you, Mungojerrie.” She whispered.

Then she and Jenny had a good cry.



By mid-afternoon the whole Junkyard knew. Teazer had had as much congratulations as she could take. She went home and laid down on the bed, remembering. She wept for joy atHe kiHeHHHHe the thought of the life growing inside of her. Mungojerrie’s kitten.



Months passed. Rumpelteazer was the proudest mother-to-be anyone could imagine. She carried her head high even when her pregnancy became more and more obvious. She learned as much as she could about raising kittens. Now all she had to do was wait.



“It’s a tom!” Jennyanydots announced.

Panting, Rumpelteazer looked between her legs as the elder queen toweled down a little bundle. She fell back against the pillows, exhausted. Who knew anything could be so much work? Suddenly, she heard a gasp and

“Oh my…”

She propped herself up in terror.

“Is he dead?”

Jenny handed her the squirming bundle. Teazer blinked in amazement. The kitten was a veritable carbon-copy of Mungojerrie.

“Oh my…” Rumpelteazer whispered.

He was the most beautiful, delicate little thing she had ever laid eyes on. Immediately a name popped into her head.




Years passed. Windrider grew into a strong kitten. One day, when he ten, Rumpelteazer was watching him play with the other kittens. Skittles, Alonzo and Cassandra’s kitten, was picking on Apollo, Mistoffelees and Victoria’s young kit. She was bullying and shoving the poor little fellow when a rescuer appeared. Windrider dove and shoved Skittles away from her prey. She lashed out at him, scratching his cheek. But he stayed in her path till Apollo got home.

When he came in the house, Teazer cleaned him up.

“Your father would have been proud of you today, Wind.”

“Mom, what did happen to Dad?”

So she sat him down and told him everything.



Windrider grew even closer to his mother after that. They developed a special bond. She advised him on everything, including his love life. Windrider became mates with Spitfire, daughter of Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina. When they had their first kitten, Teazer had never been more proud of her son.

“You’re a granddaddy Mungo.” She whispered.



25 years. 25 years since she had lost him. Rumpelteazer sighed to herself. She lived alone now, in she and Mungo’s house. She was tired. The years had not been kind. The Jellicle Ball had been wonderful. After many glorious years, Jennyanydots had gone to the Heaviside. Rumpelteazer missed her dearly.



Rumpelteazer awoke in the night to a noise. She looked around. She could have sworn she heard a… there it was again. She stepped outside and looked around. In the dark, she spotted a familiar calico tabby leaning against a pile of junk.


He spread out his arms and she ran into them, not believing her luck.

“Oh, Mungo, it’s been so long…”

“I know, I know.”

He smoothed her headfur.

“Oh Mungo, I’m so glad you gave me Windrider.”

“He’s a good boy.”

Mungo looked his mate in the eye.

“I’m so proud of you Rumpelteazer.”

She saw the tears in his eyes.

“I wish,” he continued. “I could have been here with you.”

“I missed you.” She whispered.

“I missed you too.”

“I didn’t think I could live without you.”

“Don’t worry.” He smiled at her adoringly.

“Now we’ll be together forever.”

Locking a passionate kiss, the two soul mates rejoiced in each other’s company once again. Teazer felt herself grow younger as the weight of the years fell from her shoulders. She smiled at Mungo, and he wrapped her in his arms.

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, reunited at last.



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