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Lavender ran across the kitchen table.  CRASH!!!
“Uh oh…”she thought.
“Stupid cat!” yelled her owner.
She had tipped a flower vase onto the floor, and she knew what was coming.
The human continued with the usual beating on the cat, then left the room, feeling satisfied.
“It wasn’t my fault,” she thought as she wiped some of the blood off her paw, “their stupid pollicle Max was chasing me!”
Two slender cats, Lavender’s parents, walked into the room looking superior.  Lavender sat motionless, while they circled her, menacingly, like they do in boot camp.
“You really deserved it this time, you know,” said her mother, Rouge.
“Yes, and don’t try to blame it on Max, like you always do,” said her father, Jinx.
“But it WAS Max! He was chasing me, and-“
“There you go again!  You are responsible for you own actions, you know.  You shouldn’t have gotten in his way.  One would think you would have learned that much by now.  You’re not a kitten anymore!” hissed Jinx.
“I know!  You would also think that you would treat me like an adult now!  I don’t need your constant repremandation, and I never have!” said Lavender.
“Why don’t you just leave, like you always talk about doing?  It would make life so much more pleasant for everyone else around here,” said Rouge.
“As a matter of fact, I will!  You’ve never been actual parents to me!  You mean no more to me than the next cat!” shouted Lavender, as she choked back a tear.
“And you’ve never been much of a daughter.  You weren’t even planned.  You’re just another mistake!” hissed Jinx.
And with that, Lavender bounded out the open window.  She didn’t care what happened to her, as long as she was alive.  Nothing could be as bad as that place.  She looked back once, and headed towards the city.
“Hey! Watch it!” shouted Lavender as she walked down the crowded sidewalks.  It was late at night, she was cold, hungry, and needed to find some shelter.  She slowly made her way towards an alley, crowded with garbage cans and cardboard boxes.   She found a small space in a corner, curled up, and started to go to sleep, when-
“Hey Lucifer! Get a load of this!  It’s a house cat!” yelled a small grey cat.  A large, dark figure made a huge shadow on the sleeping Lavender.
“What is it now, Drake!? If its another one of your stupid toys, I swear, I’ll slash you so hard it’ll-…well helloooooo!  It’s a pretty little house cat.  How cute, it even has a  little name tag! Oooooohhh! And little bells on the collar, too! How precious!  Sleeping so soundly, I’d hate to wake her!” he said as he shook her violently.
“WHAT NOW???!!!” growled Lavender as she looked up at a huge black cat.  She suddenly looked worried.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I wake you?” said Lucifer.
“Yeah! Did we wake you?” echoed Draco.
“Ummm…I’m sorry is this place taken?” said Lavender quietly.
“Taken? TAKEN?  This whole city is my territory!” boomed Lucifer
“Yeah! Our territory!” said Draco.
“SHUT UP DRACO!” yelled Lucifer.
“S-s-sorry L-lucy” stuttered Draco.
“What did I tell you about calling me Lucy!? I’m not LUCY!!! It’s Luci-FER!!! Total different meaning!” growled Luci-FER.
“sorry,” whispered Draco.
Meanwhile, Lavender is sitting there looking quite confused.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.  I’ll be leaving then, sorry to bother you,” said Lavender.
 “Whoa, you’re not going anywhere, pretty. C’mere and lemme get a look of you,” said Lucifer.
Lavender stepped into the light, towards the two.  She noticed they both wore extremely sharp spiky collars.  Although Draco’s was a bit too big, and actually looked kind of funny.
 “She’s actually not that bad…she’s gorgeous…she’s…she’s PURPLE!  Lucifer, she’s purple!” said Draco.
 “How’d you get to be THAT color?  Did you fall in some paint, or what?” said Lucifer, looking a little puzzled.
 “I-I-I don’t know…” she stammered.  She knew it wasn’t normal, but she had grown accustomed to it.
 “Its…” wavered Lucifer.
 “WEIRD!!!” yelled Draco.
 “Beautiful…” said Lucifer, suddenly attracted to Lavender, entranced by her unique color.
 “Ummm…thanks,” said Lavender, getting uncomfortable.
 “Hey, why doesn’t she join our gang, Lucifer?” asked Draco.
 “Don’t be crazy, she’s a house cat…well, maybe…actually that’s a great idea!  You could be with us! Well, us and about 10 other cats…you obviously don’t have somewhere to live right now.  How about it?
 “Well,-“ started Lavender
 “And, uh,” Lucifer read her nametag, “Lavender…don’t say no.  Or something …unfortunate… might happen.  You get what I’m saying?” warned Lucifer.
 “I was going to say yes anyways, if you would let me answer you!” said Lavender, gaining her courage.
 “Whoa, you’re a real firecracker!” said Lucifer, “Oh, and you’ll be needing this!” he said, as he tossed her quite a spiky collar.
 “Wow…” she said, studying the points.  She took off her old collar and tossed it into a nearby trashcan.  “Thanks.”
 “Well, let’s go meet the rest of the group,” said Lucifer as he guided Lavender out of the alley.
Lavender had been with the gang for about a month, and was growing accustomed to their ways.  Her personality had totally changed from shy, to rough, and very outgoing.
 “Ooooohh, pretty, said Lavender, looking through a Tiffany’s display window.
 “Keep going, Lav.  You always hold up the group” growled Lucifer.
 “Oh shut up Lucifer!  You may be the leader of the gang, but not of me!” shouted back Lavender.
 “That’s where you’re wrong Lav.  When you decided to join us, you signed yourself over to the group.  You have to keep in order and know your place, like everyone else!” he yelled, threatening to strike her with a raised paw.
 “It’s not like you gave me much choice, you know!  You think you’re always right, just because you’re the leader!  Everyone knows I’m the brains of this gang!  You were nothing before I came here!” she shouted.
 “You’ve gone too far!” hissed Lucifer, and he slashed her on the cheek.
 “How dare you!  You have no right to touch me!” she yelled as she struck back at him.  Although she had only been with them for a month, she was now an expert acrobat and streetfighter.
 “That’s it!  Striking at the leader is too far, even for you!  You are officially banished!  If we see you here ever again, you’re dead!” shouted Lucifer.
 “Thank god!  I have an excuse to go, finally!  And believe me, if I see YOU again, you’re the one who’s going to die.  And I’m keeping the collar!” and with that, she ran off towards the junkyards.
 On the way there she had an extreme feeling of déjà vu.
 “Didn’t Jinx tell me about this place, once?  Something about Jell-O cats or something like that.  Whatever, if I belong anywhere, that’s where it is,” she thought as she slowly scampered towards the junkyards.  As she got closer, she thought, “Home…..” and she quietly entered the junkyard.

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