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asdkljfaklsdjfl...sorry. But anyhoo, Michael Gruber I think
does a great job of being Munkustrap.  Munkustrap is a berry cool
cat.  And he is a really cute cat, and he looks good without the make up.
I read somewhere that Munkustrap, Tugger, and Macavity all have the
same father....that's right you guessed it, it's Exotica, oops i mean
Old Deuteronomy, it's an easy mistake.

K I actually found this a tad bit scary

Mikey poo

OMG he looks so good hereYou gotta love his facial expressions

The Pekes and the Pollicles

Why do they tell you about naming cats when someone's wondering what a jellicle cat is


hehe cute

He looks so cute here and he sounds sooo good at this part

There's that cat that tries to get my Misto, to the Batmobile

More Munky-unky-wunk

I don't know what part this is from

Yuck! Don't salute that cat