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The Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer Galleries
of... NOTORIOUSNESS! (echo)..ness..ness..ness..

Now, these are a variety of pictures of our favorite cat burglars at their best. I didnt write the names of the productions, I'm sorry but I'm lazy, but some pictures I might've known what production it was and the picture is named after the production. (Yay for run on sentences!) Others, well, I didnt get anything. I got these pics from a bunch of different sites, so you had best check them out before taking any pictures here. Other than that, I dont own these pictures so whats the use in stamping them and saying "DO NOT TAKE"? I'll probably add more and more to this as I find pictures so enjoy!

(May take awhile to load, obviously.)

Stretching for perfection..

Oooh, the butt slides..


Solo portaits..



Mungo & Rumpel togetherness..

You've come a long way... kitties..

Yes, the Original Broadway Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, or should I say Coricopat and Etcetera? Uh, uhm.. I didnt get this picture from anywhere.. honest!


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