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Neptune pt. 2: Macavity’s Revenge
 By TantomileKitty

 Macavity had pounced, and landed right between Neptune and Misto. He growled at them. “Aww, what a cute couple…too bad the bitch won’t be part of it anymore!” He slashed out at Neptune’s face, but Misto blocked it with a powerful wall of magic.  Misto wasn’t large, but he had enough magic power to stop an entire army, or at least he thought. That power was about to be tested.
 Macavity had brought his entire army of henchrats and strays with him, to be sure that Neptune would either join him or die resisting.  Then the fight broke out. He would yell commands such as “dodge that claw!” and “get him out of the way!”  Meanwhile, Misto was trying to help Neptune while trying to stay alive at the same time.  They were both getting beat on, but they would not quit until Macavity left, or was killed.  Neptune was dodging around, killing a henchrat while dodging a stray’s outstretched claws.  She was trying to get to the center of the semi-circle, where Macavity was.  She saw a mob of rats surround Misto, and she went to go help him. That’s why she never saw the paw that plunged her world into milky blackness.
 When she awoke, she saw that all the rats and cats were still fighting Misto, but he was starting to slow down.  Just when she went to get up and help him, she felt a clawed paw keep her down.  It was not Macavity; on the contrary, it was Munkustrap.  “You must stay down, Neptune.  Macavity has hurt you badly, and getting up may kill you.” and with that, he bounded into the raging battle of good and bad.
 She had realized as soon as she had woken up that she hurt all over. Now as she struggled into a sitting position, she looked herself over.  She took mental notes of all the wounds she saw. Hmm…slashed shoulder, not too bad; bitten leg…must have been a rat; I don’t see anything vital- She stopped in mid sentence as she noticed that her chest was deeply slashed halfway open.  It was a grisly sight; she didn’t particularly want to look at it, but she knew she had to, to see just how bad it really was.  She took a deep breath and slowly poked the wound with her paw.  It felt like a living hell to her, but she wanted to know how deep, how bloody, and how bad.  She felt in between the slash marks and noted that she could feel her ribcage, her lungs, and her heart.  That was really bad.  Macavity must have slashed her ribs so hard a few had snapped, exposing her heart to the world.  She had formed Macavity’s next plans in her mind: Kill off Misto and Munku, come over and stick a claw in her heart.  She had to stop him from doing that.  When she saw that Macavity was in her sights, she let out a powerful lightning bolt. It struck him on the arm, and he just shook it off.  As soon as he was in her sights again, she struck another one, even more powerful, that struck him in the chest.  Her last sights were Misto zapping the hell out of the army of rats, Munku killing one last stray, and Macavity falling to the ground.  I guess we won… she thought dreamily, as she closed her eyes.
 “Munku, hurry, get me Jenny’s needle! We need to be faster! I don’t want to lose her!” Neptune heard Jellylorum’s voice waft into her head. It sounded far off and distant, like she was talking into a big tunnel. “We are hurrying, Jelly, but this might no even work!” That was Munkustrap’s voice; it too sounded distant. She shook all thoughts out of her head and went to sleep.
 “Neptune? Neptune? Please wake up…come on…you’re better now…” Misto’s voice fluttered into her head like a little butterfly.  But something was strange about his voice, it was clear, and somewhat worried sounding.  “Neptune? Think something, anything, into my mind!”  She thought out to him, “Misto…I hurt all over…where am I?”  “Neptune, you’re in the junkyard, in my pipe…you’re in a coma…” She then became worried like she was never worried before.  “Misto, am I going to die? I don’t want to die yet!  We’re not even mated yet…I’m too young…”  “Tune, you’re not going to die…you just need a chance to rest your body before you can go back into the world again…” He sounded very sincere, yet somewhat wavery, like he really didn’t know the outcome of her life. “If I do go, just tell Pouncival that I’m sorry I took his tin can, and tell Munku I’m sorry for acting out so often, and Jenny that I’m sorry for clawing her rat’s crocheting project, and-“  “Tune, you’re not going to die!  Just believe that, and it won’t happen.”  Misto sounded fierce, like Neptune had never heard from his mouth.  “I’ve got to go to the others.  I’ll see you later, Tune.”  And with that, his thought line ended.  Neptune thought to herself, he’s right.  I just need some rest, and I’ll be fine…I hope
 Neptune woke up with a start.  She was very tired and still hurt, but she was alive.  And she smelled fish somewhere.  “Misto? Munku? Jenny, Jelly?  I’m alive!”  Misto ran into the pipe, followed by Munku, Jenny, and Jelly.  Misto embraced her in a tight hug.  “Ow, ow, ow, Misto, let go!  It hurts!”  He let go, and inquired, “Are you hungry?  We found a nice salmon, and I’m cooking it for dinner-” She cut him off.  “Misto, how long was I in a coma?  I’m starving!”  He sighed.  “You were in a coma for almost a whole week.  I can understand your hunger.”  He disappeared, and reappeared carrying a huge salmon.  He magicked off the whole head and gave it to Neptune.  “That shold hold you off for a while.”
 It was the night off the Jellicle ball.  Everyone was dancing and just generally having a good time with themselves and their mates.  Then the music stopped, and Misto came over to Neptune, and asked, “Neptune, would you be my mate?”  She quickly answered.  “Yes!”

                                The End…Or is it?

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