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  Rumplediva's Jennyanydots Nightmare

Just like everyone says, Jennyanydots is a clown. Even the dim
Rumplekittix (Kittix: That's me, That's me! Wait.. dim is a good thing right?) says so. I had the dream it
was weird....

    I am lying in bed swirming with nervouness, I have just been for an
audition. I  start to dose off, untill I guy with a big bell comes
charging into my room (well, duh! Isn't it obvious THAT was gonna happen?!) He
starts saying you've made it! You are in CATS, playing Etcetera, and an
understudy for Jemima and Rumpleteazer. I take loadsa money for my
piggy bank and start to throw it all over the place. I am sooooooooooooo
happy! The next bit jumps the rehershals, and we are at the dress
rehershal. Then this Jennyanydots comes up to me waving her tap shoes infront
of me. I faint with me being so scared, and then I wake up.

Kittix: Well.. Rumplediva had yet another dream.. hehehe..

The Other Dream..

I was lying in my bed- it was 11:15, when I dosed of and had this dream..... I was auditioning for cats, when I went to enter the hall where they held the auditions. I was nervous, but just as I went to enter the room, a cat/well, guy in cats dressed up with an Alonzo coloured tugger mane and Alonzo's body ran up to me and squirted gel all over my hair, and ran away, laughing. I then discoverd a funky look. I have grown my fringe out so I gelled back all the hair of my face. I walked into the hall and this guy stood up and said "THERE'S OUR BOMBALURINA!" I was suprised. This other guy said, "Yeah, she looks like a true cat but I think she's more of a Jemima(or Sillabub,Kittix!). One stood up and said "Your our Bombalurina!" Then a lady said, "Hmm, I think more of a Cleopatra!" Then the guy who first said I was Bombalurina said "Huh?" Then this girl just ran in playing Mungo&Rumple on a horn and shouted "Rumpleteazer!"They all agreed then for me to be Rumpleteazer and understudy Bomby and Jemima. But then the lady who said Cleopatra said "We have to see if you have a cat like figure- take your clothes of! I did and then Missto ran up to me and we started, well, hmm, *coughs* well, *coughs* Y'know! Anyway, then he magics me into a giant junkyard and Grizzabella starts crying ands says "I wanted to play Rumpleteazer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She then goes to kill me and Iwake up, laughing my head of.

Kittix: And yet a 3rd dream, where now I shall call Rumplediva 'Our Little Dreamer'

The Bath Tub Cat

This was another dream I had! I'd fallen asleep watching cats, so
that's why I think I had it!

I was in a big relaxing bath. My little brother (I don't even have one
in real life-how weird is that)....oh, sorry......) had left his rubber
duck in the bath. As I was getting into the bath (lets not get into
that, and don't imagine it, I mean, I'm naked!) I stepped on his rubber
duck. I slipped on it, and picked it up and shouted "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
DUCK!" Just as I said that, the rubber duck frowned at me, and I was
like "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooo! Your alive!" So I dropped it. Then this really cute little kitten
came flying in. I was white with lilac stripes and it came in and
shouted "BATH TUB!!!!!!!!!!" It grabbed the duck and as it pulled it out of
the bath, it had turned into a swan. The cat said "are you ok?" and the
duck said "Yeah. She thought I was an ugly duckling but look at me
now!" Then Old Deuteronomy, Jennyanydots and Pouncival came in dressed in
farmer outfits singing 'there once was an ugly duckling' and the little
white and lilac kitten flew away. Next thing I knew this little mouse
was walking down a red carpet with a crown on and then Pouncival,
Deuteronomy and Jennyanydots gave it pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep, horses(hee
hee, it makes me laugh when i think of it, the little mouse carrying a
horse!) roosters, cows(this one, too!) and a big bottle of water! then
Jennyanydots asked the mouse to marry her, so he said "No, the water
doesn't pour right and neither does the pinapple (hey, don't ask me, i
just dreamt it!) So Jennyanydots left the building.
Then Deuteronomy took Pouncivals hand and left too. The mouse took a
vase that my mum has and left, too. I stepped back into the bath. Then
that little white and lilac cat came back in, with Pouncival and
Deuteronomy. AND Alonzo. But Jennyanydots did not
come...................................................................ah ha! A ginger and yellow
cat came flying through the window with a black mask on! It was Jenny,
followed by Mungojerrie and the mouse. They all lay down on the floor and
did press ups (atcually, it didn't look like that!) and then they
picked up all the farm animals they'd brought before. They washed them, said
goodbye a flew out of the window. Then I waited, and waited for
something to happen. Nothing happend. Then I picked up the rubber duck and
relised it wasn't a duck anymore, it was a resemblance of the white and
lilac cat.

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