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Under a Full Moon

Etcetera and Pouncival  stepped out of a small pile of trash late one morning, beaming at each other. They were remembering their night from before. They walked out into the junkyard to greet the other Jellicles, who'd been wondering about them.
"Mornin Etcy," said Jemima, "Where ya been?"
Etcetera blushed, "Oh, nowhere," glancing over at Pouncival, who stared back.
Jemima was in shock, "Don't tell me you're interested in that clown!!!"
Etcetera looked hurt, then just smiled, "More than interested...we came out here to announce our mate-binding!!!"
Jemima was even more shocked. "You CAN'T be SERIOUS!"
"I am...more serious than I've ever been in my life."

Meanwhile... "Hello there, Pounz, where ya been all morning?" Greeted TumbleBrutus, Pounz's brother and best friend...Pounz didn't know what to say...
"I've spent the night with Etcy..." he blushed a deep crimson. Tumble was also shocked, "You mean know..."
Pounz nodded, seeing Tumble's bewildered face turn to a teasing grin, "Tell me, man, how was she?"
Pounz looked angry, "That's not something I wanna discuss...but there is something else...we've decided on a mate-binding!!!"
"You serious? Already? After just one night?"
"We love each other!! I don't know what happened we each other!!"

Jemima squealed, ran over to Pounz and threw her arms around him, "Oh!! I just heard the good news!! Congratulations!!! Congratulations!!!"
After hearing this, everyone else got too curious to ignore it. They ran over, asking what was so great. Jemima couldn't hold it in, "Etcy and Pounz are getting a mate-binding!!! YAY!! WAHOO!!"
Etcy and Pounz blushed together...both looking a little aggravated. "Jemima," Etcetera said, "We kinda wanted to tell them ourselves, ya know." Jemima felt very bad, "I'm so sorry you're right...I'm just SSOOOOO happy for you!!!"
"We know," Pounz replied, "So are we." He looked deep into Etcy's eyes, and everyone knew it was love.

Everyone all burst out at once, "AAAWWWWWW!!!!"
That brought Pounz and Etcy to attention, which made everyone laugh. Old Deuteronomy had just entered the Junkyard when everyone ran to him at once, yelling and screaming to where he couldn't understand a word anyone said, then he saw Pouncival and Etcetera together and understood. He walked over to them, saying, "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" They blushed and told him. He was smiling so big, it looked painful!!
He announced that he'd perform the ceremony at the next full moon, which was only a week away!! During the next 6 days, everyone was bustling around, fixing up the Junkyard, preparing for the happy event. Jemima, Vicky, and Electra all got together and found a wonderful place just outside the Junk-yard.
It was a crashed pick-up truck with old boxes and blankets in the back. They started fixing it up for Etcy and Pounz to live in after their mate-binding ritual. When they were done, it was a wonderful home, and they said they would live there if they hadn't decided to give it to the "Newlyweds". But by the time they finished, it was just one more day before the next full moon!
The whole Junkyard was full of excitement the day of the ceremony. Etcy and Pounz didn't really help much, because they spent that whole week together just kissing and gazing into each other's eyes. Everyone thought it was so romantic that they'd get "married" under a full moon.
Finally it was the night. The queens were all off in a corner with Etcetera, grooming her and putting flowers in her fur. The toms were all with Pouncival cleaning his fur, while Mistofolees conjured up a temporary bow tie on Pounz. When they walked out and saw each other, Pounz and Etcy were surprised and filled with passion for each other. The girls all squealed with delight. This would have normally made Pounz and Etcy blush, but they were lost in each other's eyes (AAAWWW!).
Finally they were brought together in front of the big tire, where they held paws, waiting for Old Deut to show. The anticipation killed them. They wondered what would happen, for there was a different surprise at each mate-binding ceremony and they wondered what theirs would be.
Finally, the Jellicle leader appeared, wearing his very own bow tie (thanks to Misto) and he was sporting that oh-so-painful-looking smile again. He began to speak in a strange language, one which only the senior Jellicles could understand. Etcy and Pounz wondered what he was saying, but dismissed it, being overwhelmed with joy.
Finally it was time for Old Deuteronomy's legendary surprise, and everyone held their breath in anticipation. Old Deut waved his arms around and the stairs came down, the ones which only came down during the Jellicle ball, which took the chosen one up to the Heavyside Layer!! Everyone was shocked, then something actually started to come DOWN the stairs (gasp, gasp). Four Jellicles came out: Etcetera and Pouncival's parents!! They came to wish them luck and happiness, and they told them that they were watched all the time (which strangely, didn't creep them out) and that the Jellicle God would bless them with an abundant family!! Etcy asked them why they were there, because you go up there to come back as a new Jellicle. They explained that when they got there, the Jellicle god told them they had unfinished business before they could go, and that it was this!! They didn't seem mad that they had to wait, because the Heavyside Layer, no doubt, was a Jellicle Utopia!! Finally they had to leave again, and Pounz turned to his new bride. Seeing she had tears in her eyes, he held her in his arms. After a while there was a Jellicle dance, and the whole thing seemed to center around the new couple (well, duh!) and they danced till their paws were sore.
Jemima, Vicky, and Electra almost forgot about their surprise home, but remembered when Pouncival and Etcetera walked back toward their junk heap. They were overjoyed!! They lived Happily Ever after (I'm sure you coulda guessed that, huh).


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