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Under a Full Moon 2: The Kits

It was a couple months after Etcy and Pounz hooked up.  Ever since, they'd been so "busy" that they were glad they lived OUTSIDE the junkyard! (Hehehe)  There was a new queen in town name Vylette, who had recently moved in from the city.  She and Etcy quickly became friends, but she didn't see why everyone loved Tugger so much.  She knew much cooler cats in the city!  Tugger noticed that she didn't want him, which made him want her!  He tried his best lines, but she ignored him.
"Why doesn't Vy like Tugger?  She must be crazy!" Jemima said one day.
"Electra replied, "I don't know, but that leaves more of him for us!  Even though he seems quite taken by her."  They just shrugged and continued to pursue Tugger.

It happened as suddenly as anything.  Vy rushed out of Jennyanydots's car one day and ran to Etcy's pickup, where she sleeping-yes, sleeping- curled up next to her beloved tom.  (AAWWW!)
"Etcy! ETCY!! Get out here!" cried Vy.
Etcetera ran out.  "What?  What's wrong?  What happened?!"
"Nothing silly!" laughed Vylette.  "I've just come back from Jenny.  She says I'm pregnant!  Isn't that wonderful!"
Etcy jumped down and hugged her friend, "Yes!  It's great!  How many do you think you'll', wait, who's the father?"
Vy looked down, "Well, umm, well, Tugger came into my tent last night and..."
"Tugger?!  As in THE RUM TUM TUGGER?!?  I thought you hated him!"
"I do... Well, I did... I just changed my mind."
"Well, I'm happy anyway!" Etcy cried.  She turned to get Pouncival, her "husband", but he was already perched on top of the truck, smiling.
After the pregnancy announcement, there was another: a mate-binding!  After hearing this, Etcy and Pounz went home and remembered their own.  They looked deep into each other's eyes, then made love again before back to the junkyard.  They were grateful for this opportunity, for they hadn't had enough chances for it in the past week or so. (Hehehe)
The next day, Etcy decided to go with Vy, who had to discuss certain things with Jenny.  When they entered her car, Jenny could right away find the scent on Vy meant she was pregnant, and she smiled at the thought of new kittens.  Etcetera explained that she'd be helping Vy through this, so she came to know what to expect.  Jenny understood.
After a while, Vylette stepped out to... ahem... relieve herself.  Etcy moved closer to Jenny to tell her how good things were with Pounz.  It took a minute for Jenny to realize Etcetera was carrying a similar scent as Vy.
Her eyes went wide, "Oh my God!  Oh for Heaviside's sakes!" cried Jenny.  Etcy was concerned, "What is it, Jenny?"  Just then Vy came back in, "So what did I miss?"
Jenny threw her paws around Etcy.  "Oh my God!  You're pregnant, too!"
At this, Etcy almost fainted.  "Really?  Oh my God, I have to find Pouncival!"
She ran out into the JunkYard, calling her mate, "Pouncival?  Pounz?  Where are you, Baby?"
He emerged from a junk pile with a rat in his mouth.  "Vat ith it, Thweetheart?"
She embraced him, crying, "We're gonna have kittens, honey!  Kittens!  Oh, my God, kittens!"
She pulled away to look at him, and how shocked he was.  He spit out the mouse and replied, "Are you serious?  Kittens?  Really?  Oh my God."  He hugged her very tight, then quickly drew back, putting his paw on her belly.  "I didn't hurt them, did I?"  She laughed and told him no.
They kept hugging and Pounz said, "I love you so much.  I know they'll turn out great if they get your beauty."  She giggled, and they kissed.  Everyone had crowded around them by now, but they were enveloped in each other's eyes.
They started walking back to their truck, despite everyone's yells.  They snuggled up together.  He started rubbing her stomach, making her purr so loud he couldn't help but purr himself.  They stayed that way till morning.
Etcy woke to find her beloved gone, but she was too tired to look for him.  Finally, he came back, with five rats for her.  He insisted on waiting on her hand and foot.  Every time he left, she got very sad, but he always come back soon.  He was about to leave again, when she said, "Don't be long... Daddy," which stopped him dead in his tracks. Then he snuggled back up with her, overcome with love and joy to where he couldn't leave again.  She beamed, quite proud of herself.
Life continued in the JunkYard, except Etcy couldn't visit her friends as often.  After a few weeks, she and Vy got quite noticeably larger.  Every time Pouncival saw Etcy walking, her hips swaying, he smiled.
One night when they settled down to bed, he rested his head on her belly and heard the most miraculous thing, his kittens inside!
He lifted his head to tell his sweetheart, but found her already asleep.  He planted a light kiss on her mouth and saw her grin in her sleep.
She awoke the next morning to find Pounz giving her a bath, but felt a strong rumble in her belly.  "Baby?"
"Yes, hon?"
"I think it's time!"
He sat there for a moment, shocked, then started running around the truck.  "What do I do?  What do I do?"
"Go get Jenny!  And HURRY!!" she cried.  He ran to the JunkYard and brought Jenny back.  Eventually everyone heard, and gathered nervously around the truck, but they couldn't see from the ground.  Etcy only allowed Jenny, Pounz, and Vy inside.  Pounz was next to her, kissing and calming her.  She yelled out in pain and he fainted.  He awoke a little while later, from another of her screams.  When he got up, he saw there already a tom that looked remarkably like him, but his attention was diverted when another was coming out.  It was a queen very much like his beloved.
They both cleaned their two kits, knowing that was the only ones, but it was enough.
Vy and Jenny left the lovers to their kits, but everyone remained outside the truck.
Then Pouncival came out and said that they had a new tom, named Pouncival Jr., and a queen, named Etceterette.
A few days later, Vy gave birth to just one tom, name Tag, with an all-black body, except his light brown mane, headfur, and fluff at the end of his tail-and he looked a lot like his father, Tugger.
After a few weeks the kittens were all friends, playing and fighting.  Etceterette was nicknamed Cetty.  Pouncival Jr., who pounced like his father (only not so high), was nicknamed Ounce of Pounce, but Pounzie for short.  Tag was just called Tags.
Like his father, Tags started to act like he was "All That", and Cetty started noticing that he was kinda handsome.  Cetty being the only queen his age, Tags also took interest in her (AAWWW)!  They started play flirting, which made Pounzie (Jr.) seem a little left out. (Poor baby!)


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