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Under a Full Moon Part 3: Puppy Love..Kinda

"Hehehe! Hey Tags!" cried Etceterette, "Wanna play?"
"Sure! Anything for you, Baby!" he teased with a sly grin on his face.
"Oh, please don't call me baby!!" she said, putting on a puppy dog face that was surprisingly good for a cat.
"Stop! You know what that does to me!" he laughed.
"You are impossible!!" She yelled playfully. She batted him on the head, then on the arm.
"Ouch!" he cried, turning away from her and cradling his arm. She went in front of him, his face down.
"Oh my God, I'm sssooooooo sorry!! Are you okay?" she asked, concerned. But before she knew what happened, he snapped up and pinned her to the ground.
"Gotcha! Hahaha!"
"Oh, Tags, you really are impossible, ya know that?" she said, fighting to get back up.
He laughed, "You just gotta deal with it, Baby!!"
This made her yell and kick him off. "I'll show you a baby!!" They rolled around, fighting, till they ran into Pouncival, Jr., Cetty's brother.
"I can't take this!" Pounzie cried, "I'm gonna go watch Misto practice his magic!" With that, he walked over to the Magical Mr. Mistofolees.

"Hey, Misto!!" he yelled, waving to his magical friend. Misto waved back and said, "Wanna see a trick?" Pounzie agreed.
Misto was about to do his trick when, "AH-AH-AH," he leaned close to Pounzie's face and let out a big "ACHOO!!" with which he disappeared. Pounzie looked all around wondering where Misto had disappeared to. Then he heard laughing from above him. As he looked up he saw, "Misto!! You've been dancing around up there all this time? You clever cat!" With this he ran around, making fun of Misto by singing the famous "Magical Mr. Mistofolees" song.
"Oh, well, I never was there ever a cat so clever as Magical Mr. Mistofolees! Everybody!!! Oh, well, I never was there ever a cat so clever as Magical Mr. Mistofolees!! Hahahaha!!!"
Nobody joined in, they just laugh at how Pounzie teased Misto, who laughed it off, not being hurt by it.
Tags and Cetty were too busy playing and fighting that they didn't even notice.
Etcy and Vy were sitting together talking, when they noticed their kittens playing. Etcy said, "I think my little queen has a crush on your tom!! That reminds me of the crush I used to have on Tugger. Hahaha!"
Vy laughed. Cetty and Tags looked up from where they were fighting to see what was so funny. Their mothers were hysterical, so they just ignored them and went back to fighting.
After a while, everyone settled down. Misto just practiced shooting sparks around while Pounzie watched. Tags and Cetty were so tired they curled up together by a junk pile, occasionally batting each other's ears or back. They were a cute sight, but everyone figured they were just best friends.
Tags is really very handsome, thought Cetty, why didn't I ever notice before? I wonder if he likes me. Even if he doesn't, he's still a good friend.
Tags looked down at his friend and smiled, Wow she's really beautiful, and she's really playful. I wonder what she's thinking about?
Cetty looked up to find Tags smiling at her, "Are you just happy? Or are you laughing inside?" she inquired.
He was embarrassed to be discovered staring at her, but he said, "I was just remembering how fun today was. Don't you think so, Baby?" he teased.
"Haha. Yeah it was fun, but I'm too tired to even argue with you," she replied, smiling. She turned her head back, but he still stared at her.
She thought, I wish he'd fall asleep. That way, I could stare at him without him knowing.. And if he did fall asleep, I wouldn't have to get back up.
He was thinking similar thoughts, I bet she's really cute when she sleeps. I hope she dozes off, so we can stay like this.
"Oh yeah? Then I can call you Baby as much as I want without you fighting back?" he asked.
"If you do, I might just end up falling asleep, and your attempts at annoying me will be worthless, so you might as well save your breath." she replied coolly.
"If you fall asleep, we'll be stuck here together!" he said.
Oh, I wish! They both thought.

By the time night came, they were both already asleep, so their parents left them there. In the middle of the night, Etceterette awoke to a strange coldness, but when she realized she was with Tags, she didn't mind. A minute later, Tags woke because she was shivering so hard. "Cetty? You ok?" he asked.
"I'm fine, just a little cold, that's all," she replied.
"Well here," he said, moving her closer to him and putting a paw around her waist, "That better?"
"Much," she said beaming.
"Hey," he said to her, wanting to talk before she fell back asleep.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing it's just, well, I’m glad I have a girl for a best friend, because I'm having some problems."
"Oh yeah? You? Problems? No!" she teased.
He said, "Yeah, well, there's this girl I like, but she doesn't seem to like me back. What should I do?"
She blushed, hoping it was her, and she was glad it was dark. "Really? Who?" she asked nervously.
"It's...uhhh...a secret. But what should I do? Please help," he said.
She was disappointed that she didn't get to know who, but she said, "Well, just let her know you like her, because she might just like you back."
He said, "Okay, I will, but Cetty?"
She yawned, "Yeah?"
"Please don't hate me for this," and he planted a light kiss on her cheek. She blushed again, still grateful for the darkness.
"You mean it's me?" she asked, thinking, Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes!!!
He said, "You never noticed? Anyway, if you want me to leave, I understand." He started to get up.
"Wait," she said. As he turned around she gave him a kiss.
It took him a while to think straight, "You mean you do like me?"
She said, "You never noticed?" They kissed again and fell back asleep in each other's arms (AAWWW).

They awoke the next morning to see everyone crowded around them. Everyone was saying "AAWWW" and " How Cute!" but then Pounzie said, "You all DO realize that they're just friends, right?"
"Well of course!!" said Jenny, "It's still very cute."

Later, Cetty went to her Aunt Jemima. Jemima wasn't really her aunt, she just called her that because she was best friends with Etcetera.
"Aunt Jemima?" Cetty asked quietly, stepping into Jemima's junk pile, where she lived.
"Yes, hon? What is it?" she replied.
"Remember this morning when me and Tags were asleep together? And Pounzie said we're just friends?"
"Yes, of course, that was too cute!"
"Well, we're not just friends...."
"You're...going out?" Jemima asked slowly.
"Well, I don't know if we're going out, but he told me he likes me last night and I told him I like him and we kissed. You think I should tell anyone?"
"Maybe you should talk to Tags about that," said Jemima.
Cetty smiled, "Yeah, thanks!"

As she stepped back out into the junk yard, everyone stared at her saying things like, "Oh, I always knew they were cute together," and things like that. She was confused, What do they mean?
She saw Tags in a corner and walked over to him, "Hey Tags, what's up?" she said.
He turned to her, turned red, then started walking away. She ran after him, "Wait! What's wrong? You can tell me!"
He looked at her and, with his head down, said, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." Then he turned to walk away.
She caught up with him, "Sorry for what?"
"I told everyone in the junk yard. I don't know why, but I told them about what happened last night. I'm so sorry."
She giggled, "Oh that's okay, I was about to tell them anyway!! But when I told Jemima, she said I should see if you wanted anyone else to know first, but now I don't even have to worry!!"
He turned back, happy as ever, "Hey ya wanna go hang out by the creek?" She agreed and they walked off, paw-in-paw.
When they got there, they found a nice shady tree the sit under. They were curled up together, kissing every once in a while.
"Are you hungry? I'm hungry," he said, and Cetty giggled.
"I guess so," she said.
"Be right back," he said, realizing this was a perfect moment for him to show off and catch some fish. The stooped down on the rock by the creek. When a fish came by, he tried to get it, but couldn't. He looked back at Cetty, embarrassed, but she just smiled at him. He turned back, relieved. When he tried for a second fish, he fell right in!!! He jumped out, very humiliated. He started to clean himself, trying to avoid eye contact with his new "girlfriend". Then she walked up to him and started to lick him, and help him dry off. He got an evil grin on his face, then shook water all over her!!! They laughed and sun-bathed all day, deciding to have rats for lunch, instead of fish.
When they were dry, they went back to the junk yard together, where everyone stared at them. They blushed, but mostly ignored everyone. Pounzie had a very disgusted look on his face, because his sister and his best friend were each other! But eventually he got used to it, even though they usually wanted to be alone.
Cetty and Tags still fought an played, but it was somehow cuter, and now she didn't mind him calling her Baby.
Everyday they went to the creek. When it rained they huddled up together in an old car they found one day exploring. But they were never apart.


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