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Winner of Contest 3
The winner was the ONLY entry...

*Jemima and Mungojerrie are walking along in the park on a sunny day*
Jemima: It sure is a beautiful day
Mungojerrie: sure is
*Both cats lay down and sunbathe*
*Suddenly some noises start coming from the bushes*
Jemima: What was that?
Mungojerrie: I'm not sure...
*Mungojerrie gets up and slowly walks toward the bushes with Jemima following*
*Then suddenly the figure of a cat pops out....*
*Mungo jumps protectively in front of Jemi*
Mungo: Who’re you?
*Jemi looks around Mungo*
Jemi: Aw, Mungo look, it’s only a kitten.
*Mungo watches it wearily*
*Jemima steps toward the kitten, who is chasing its
Mungo: Be careful Jemi.
Jemi: I will, don’t worry.
*The kitten notices Jemi and sits down, smiling up at
Jemi: Aw, where’d you come from little one?
Kitten: Meow!
Mungo: It is kinda cute isn’t it.
*Jemi smiles*
Jemi: Wonder where it came from.
Mungo: Well that’s obvious, the bushes.
*Jemi LOOKS at Mungo*
*Teazer is heard giggling, Jemi looks around*
Mungo: Hey Teazer, where’re ya?
Teazer: Right above you silly.
*Both cats look up and see Teazer lounging on a
fountain near by*
Teazer: I see you like him, I found him wandering
about not far from here and was taking him back to the
*Jemi looks at Teazer hopeful*
Jemi: You think Munk and Old Deuteronomy will let him
Mungo: I’m sure of it!
*The kitten cuddles up to Mungo and purrs*
*Jemi and Teazer smile*
Teazer: We’d better get back before he falls asleep.
*Jemi smiles*
Jemi: You two looks so cute.
*Mungo blushes and gently picks up the kitten*
Mungo: Well then, let’s go.
*Mungo, Jemi, Teazer, and the kitten head back to the
Junkyard as the sun sets.*