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Contest 4 Winner


*Macavity held Cassandra out over a cliff by her neck*

She struggled to breathe, but managed to speak.

Cassie: Macavity, if you don't bring me back over to ground right now, I'll yell and tell everyone about your little stuffed pollicle doll!

The Hidden Paw gasped and hissed.

Macavity: You wouldn't!

Cassie: I would so!

Macavity started crying. He let Cassandra drop suddenly to the earth beside him.

Macavity: But all the other toms'll laugh at me!

Cassandra giggled and patted Macavity's back.

Cassie: There, there...I won't tell...

Macavity hugged her legs.Cassandra pushed him away and started back to the Junkyard. Cassandra giggled again.

Cassie: Oh...Macavity...You really do have a pollicle doll? I was just making it up!

Macavity: You litte! Get back here!

Cassandra giggled and ran to the Junkyard.