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Mike's HTML tips

This is how to center stuff:

< CENTER > This text is centered < /CENTER>
Looks like this:

This text is centered

Every time that one would hit "enter" on a word processor, use the code < BR > or the text will be all one big paragraph.

< H1 > This text is H1 size < /H1>

This text is H1 size

< H2 > This text is H2 size < /H2 >

This text is H2 size

< H3 > This text is H3 size < /H3 >

This text is H3 size

< H4 > This text is H4 size < /h4 >

This text is H4 size

< H5 > This text is H5 size < /h5 >
This text is H5 size

This text is H6 size < /H6 >
This text is H6 size

< I > Greetings everyone < /I > Greetings Everyone

< B >This is bold print < /B > This is bold print

I am a < STRIKE >girl< /STRIKE > guy. I am a girl guy.

The chemical formula for water is H < sub >2< /sub >O. The chemical formula for water is H20.

Use < SUP > for superscripts/exponents.


< A HREF="" > e-mail me < /A > e-mail me

< A HREF="" >Mike's Homepage < /A > Mike's Homepage

< A HREF="summer97.html" >See my summer page< /A > See my summer page


< FONT COLOR="000000" > Black

< FONT COLOR="C0C0C0" > Silver

< FONT COLOR="808080" > Gray

< FONT COLOR="FFFFFF" > This would be white if the background wasn't white

< FONT COLOR="800000" > Maroon

< FONT COLOR="FF0000" > Red

< FONT COLOR="800080" > Purple

< FONT COLOR="FF00FF" > Fuchsia

< FONT COLOR="008000" > Green

< FONT COLOR="00FF00" > Lime

< FONT COLOR="808000" > Olive

< FONT COLOR="FFFF00" > Yellow

< FONT COLOR="000080" > Navy

< FONT COLOR="0000FF" > Blue

< FONT COLOR="008080" > Teal

< FONT COLOR="00FFFF" > Aqua