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Names of God

God cannot fully reveal Himself in an earthly language. When Moses approached the burning bush and asked God who he should tell the Israelites had sent him, God answered, "I AM has sent you." I AM the English translation of four Hebrew letters: yod, hay, vawv, hay.

The Hebrew language has no vowels in it, per se. Later, vowel points were added to it for religious study. You might ask why God would give Moses a jumbled name like that. Why not?, God cannot fully reveal Himself in human language. The Jews interpreted the name, Yahweh, the true name of God. In light of the commandment not to take the Lord's name in vain (Exodus 20), the Jews began to call God, Jehovah. Jehovah is considered more appropriate when discussing God in conversation.

However, God has many names that describe attributes of His character. I will use mostly English names, but will use one Latin name, a few Hebrew names, and a Greek name.(Which I will try to incorporate into the English alphabet.) I will indicate when I'm doing so.

God's Names

  • Abba (Hebrew word for father)
  • Bread of Life
  • (Wonderful)Counselor
  • Divine One (diety is from deos, Latin)
  • Elohim (Hebrew for Creator?), El Shaddai (Hebrew for Lord Almighty), El Ellyon (Hebrew for Possessor of Heaven and Earth)
  • First Fruits
  • God
  • Healer, Helper
  • Immanuel (God with us, Hebrew?)
  • Jehovah, Jesus
  • King of kings and Lord of lords
  • Lamb of God, Lion of Judah
  • Messiah (Hebrew, Annointed One)
  • (Jehovah)Nissi (Hebrew, the Lord my Banner)
  • Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (present everywhere) One
  • Prince of Peace
  • Q?
  • Redeemer
  • Savior
  • Triune One
  • Unifier of the Church (Holy Spirit)
  • Vine (the Sustainer, refers to Jesus)
  • Way (to Heaven, refers to Jesus)
  • Xpistos=Christ (Greek for Anointed One)
  • Yahweh (Hebrew, Self Sustaining One?)
  • Alpha and Omega

  • Hope you enjoyed, I plan to put in references soon.

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