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Our Pets

We have one beagle:

Pete, who's a full blooded beagle. Died, March of 99.
Bunny,who's a half blooded beagle, and part bird dog.
We have a chow chow mix:

Ginger, who we've had the longest. I think it's been 9 years now. She's had puppies, but we never kept any of them. She's our resident guard dog.

We have a golden retriever mix:

Angel, who looks like a full blooded. She was already an adult when we got her. She's really nice and friendly.

The ferret is Cody. We've had him for about a year and a half. He's growing up. He's really active, and hardly ever is sleepy when I have to time to hold him in that state. We're learning to put up with him:).

We have two turtles:

A mud turtle, and a German turtle. I've turtles since I was in 4th grade.

We have one aquarium:
It currently contains a few white clouds.

In Memory of my ferret Samson. I got him in 1990 at age 9. He passed away June, 97. He was a sable,and the most spoiled ferret that ever slept on the planet.

In Memory of my brother's ferret Corey aka Birdie. He got him in 1991 at age 7. He passed away July 19, 1998. He was an albino. He loved to play in his youth, and was lazy in his later years.
