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School Page

Graduation Details

My Senior Year Classes:

  • Business Math/Advanced Math
  • Chemistry
  • Advanced Sign Language
  • Bible
  • Government
  • Literature

  • Hi people. I go to Orchard Hills Christian Academy. No, we don't have to wear uniforms, we only have a dress code. Wednesday is our chapel day. More information will come as the year progresses.

    A few things have happened since the first day of my senior year. First of all, for the first time, we actually have a flag football team. I know little about it, but my brother (sophomore) tells me that our team is one of the best in the school's league. Second, I went to my second Leadership Conference in the Poconos near Lancaster. Last year, we only had about 6-8 students grades 10-12 attend. This year, we had 14 students. Since most of the upper classmen went, we hope to really see spiritually good changes occur in the school. The first conference the school attended created a spiritual revival in '97 with the introduction to Contemporary Christian music into our student lead chapel services. The following year, in my personal opinion, was a disappointment. This year, we have decided that if there is to be a revival, we would create it by shunning out Satan through uniting the student "cliques", and being friends with everyone, rather than through emotionalism in music.

    Third, the school's signing groups, "Love Reaching" and "Life, Light, Love Signers" performed Contemporary Christian music at grandparents' day. Soon, we will be having our second annual Christmas Program that will be completely bilingual (spoken English and American Sign Language).

    Not much has happened since then. Soon we will be having graduation practice. I anticipate to graduate third in my class, to Wallie and Julia. I'm also planning to be signing a song for graduation. If money comes, I'll be going on another missions trip this summer, this time to Costa Rica. More information will come as the year closes, below I've written some details about my junior year.

    No revival would ever occur while I attended the school. I write this on May 29, 2000. We are now done with graduation. Feels weird in a way, but same in other ways. I go from one school to the next, except the courses are different. As for class ranking, on our senior year, Wallie and Julia were first and second. However, they decided to average all annual grades from freshman to senior, and so I graduated salutatorian (2nd). Wallie was Valedictorian (1st). Yes, I got to sign a song for that, called "Surely We Are in the Presence of the Lord". Money didn't come, so I won't be going to Costa Rica. However, I'll have to see if I felt lead to go to Oklahoma to teach Bible school to the Natives on reservation. As for what my summer will bring, I have absolutely no idea. Might do piano lessons, will probably continue guitar. Hope to get both back and foot supports before going away to college. Don't want to go away with my current problems being the way they are. Well, any further details I'll start recording on my Summer '00 page, which is yet to come. Below are a few details about my junior year.

    Last year, for the first time I was elected into Student Counsel. Much to my suprise, it functioned more as a private club than a government. The counsel consists of two representatives from each grade.

    We have done many activities this year. We went to Lancaster, PA to a play called "Noah". Student Counsel representatives went to a Leadership Conference sponsored by ACSI that had students from about 28 different schools in the tri-state area.

    We had our annual Christmas program. The special thing about this year was that the entire program was done in both English and sign language, whether it was a single person signing or an entire group. Two groups signed; "Love Reaching", consisting of about 15 students grades 9-12, and "Life, Light, and Love Signers" consisting of about 10 students grades 7-8.

    Another activity we participated in was a ski trip to Seven Springs. In the spring, we went to Old Bedford Village. On May 27, the Orchard Hills Christian Academy senior class of '99 will be graduating.

    This summer, I'm not sure what I plan to do. I may end up joining CEF(Child Evangelism Foundation, I think) and doing missionary work with deaf and hearing kids. If that's not God's will, I might end up getting a job and being home to teach my cousins sign language so that they can begin a ministry in a few years. Either way, this is the last summer I'll have before I'll be graduating, so I want to make it count.

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