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Feb. 4, 2000
Revised Feb 9, 2000
Verses in New International Version

Many teenagers when they start go get ready for college have many questions in mind. Many of them would include stuff like "Where should I go?", "What will be my major?", "How will I get the money to do it?", "What activities should I participate in?", "Where will I be when I get out of college?" We have a few people who's question would be, "How can I glorify God before, during, and after college?"

Success is defined in many different ways among people. Some people feel that success is weighed by the amount of money they earn compared to the next guy, or their position in a corporation. Others feel that if they enjoy their career and can support a family they're successful. Greed among people is caused when they want to get richer so much that they'd do anything for it. Of course money and power go hand in hand. However, the Bible tells us that we are created to glorify God and to serve Him in the purpose He has called us to do. So, what does the Bible say about greedy people? First of all, 1 Timothy 6:10 tells us that the love of money is the root to all evil and that by longing for it they are distracted from their faith. Notice that nowhere does it say that money in itself causes evil. Matthew 16: 26-27 tells us "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? v.27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done." Now, another question could arise, how do we know that we are to work for the glory of God? Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we're His work force here on earth and are to do the work which He has prepared in advance for us to do.

It is strange sometimes watching who we believe to be good Christians to be so obsessed with making money and getting a higher position, and yet neglect their Bible and lack in church attendance. If one were to ask such a person, "What would you accept in exchange for your soul? Maybe a million dollars? A fancy car? A place in government? Family prosperity?" It would certainly be hoped by true Christians that such a person would decline from any of the offers above, yet although they would decline from them, they cling to them so much. Why? Do they not trust God to provide them both happiness and prosperity? There are two verses that says that such thinking is rediculous: Luke 12:28 "If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!" and Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousnes, and all these things will be given to you as well." These verses promise us that if we follow God, we will not have to worry about our necessities nor prosperity, as they will be given to us automatically. People must understand of course this doesn't mean they will get whatever they want, whenever they want.

People who are rich and without God aren't truly happy. How else could one explain a Hollywood star killing him/herself when they have so much prestige and money? Happiness isn't something that can be bought with money, but a gift from God. As a matter of fact, it is a fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy..." Look at another scenerio. How many people on their death bed with or without God would say, "My only regret is that I can't spend more time at the office."? No, their thoughts are constantly on their relationships with family and friends, and hopefully God as well. Satan will try to trick us into thinking we're successful with wealth, but it's only for a short time. There is a saying that states, "One is no fool who gives up a life one can not keep, to gain one s/he can not loose." How many people have saw a U-Haul following a hearse? Nobody, and why? Because just as we have brought nothing into the world, neither can we take anything out. That's why we have wills.

With all this said, I want to summarize it in this one point. Success shouldn't be measured by what we have necessarily, but who we have. If we have God, we will be successful on earth (one doesn't have to be rich to be successful). Romans 8:28 tells us that "all things work together for good to those who love God." God has put us here for a purpose, and until we desire to fulfill this purpose, we can't be successful. May this always be in our thoughts as we go through life.

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