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Summer 2000

So far this summer, we have done basically nothing. Took my canoe out on its first voyage, a little bit into Keystone Lake. I've been consistantly reading two chapters of Proverbs/day. I'm about half way through the book of Assassins about the Tribulation.

On the week of Fourth of July, we went on our annual vacation of going to my grandpa's camp, a cabin in Warren on the Allegheny River. I got many opportunities to take my canoe out. The north wind makes a sail boat more affective there than a canoe, and thus it's not hard to resist the current upstream, but very difficult to resist the wind going upstream. Therefore, I almost consider it dangerous. Fishing wasn't good, and hasn't been for a couple years now. My parents had to return home for work on July 3, my brother wasn't well, so we went back. I went to Indiana to see fireworks on the 4th.

My family went to our annual big screen movie, "The Patriot". I would strongly encourage anyone reading this to go and see it.

July 20, 2000
Last Monday, I had an MRI. This time next Friday, we go to Erie to Shriner's Hospital for an evaluation on my scoliosis for information on surgery. Then we take the MRI and x-rays to Allegheny General Hospital for another evaluation, then I decide who does the surgery. This means that I will not be able to attend Mt.Aloysius College this fall as an interpreting major as originally planned. Now I'm checking into correspondence courses, thinking of either being a pastor or working towards a teaching license. Although I enjoy counseling, I enjoy teaching more.

On a more personal basis, I've been associating with my deaf friend Mike (see friends page). A few weeks ago, I interpreted a job interview for him, and now he has a job pending for the fall. I've been doing him several favors, and it has also made me a better interpreter, even if for now it is restricted to amateur. Today I learned he has a friend who is dealing with some tough problems. I would love to see God work through Mike and that eventually his friend could come to know Christ. Other than Mike, my contacts with local friends has been nonexistant.

I had planned on going to Costa Rica this week on a missionary trip a few months ago. Due to lack of money, I had to cancel. Now I've learned I had to cancel because He's going to have my back fixed enough to live fairly normally. I've been praying for the team, pretty faithfully, and hopefully I'll hear some good reports of Costa Ricans being saved and the missionaries spiritually refreshed.

During second week of August, I intend to interpret a message given at Indiana GODSTOCK (a gathering of the local churches of Indiana, PA). I hope it works well, and that His name is glorified.

August 6
During the last week of July, we went to Erie, PA on our vacation. The first day we were there, we went to Shriner's Hospital for a scoliosis, tendonitis(?) evaluation. Dr. Sanders recommended surgery, but told me that he couldn't operate until early next year. Both Drs. Sanders and Kandabarow of Allegheny General told me to expect a 50% reduction in curve. That would take it from 80 to 40 degrees. By the grace of God, maybe it can be taken to 20. My MRI showed nothing wrong with my back, except the scoliosis (while this is serious, God has given me the peace to be optimistic about it). I'm scheduled for a CT scan within the week to see if foot surgery will be required too or not, as I can hardly walk without much pain.

As for vacation, after Shriner's, we stayed at a luxurious hotel where I had the pleasure of using the indoor pool and jakoozie. We spent the whole vacation at Presque Isle. I swam on and underwater in Lake Erie. I kayaked twice on it. No, I don't have a kayak...a store was generous enough to let us try their kayaks for a donation. My brother Matt was too scared to take 'a tippy boat' out. We watched people flying kites. We were on a tour boat called the "Lady Kate" that took us on the Lake itself. The waves were 2-3 feet high, and it was almost nice weather. The guide talked some about the history of the area.

One of the neatest part was a Coast Guard base was open. We got to see some of the boys they play with...including a vessel. The boat weighed 2 tons, and costs $1.2 mill. The thing is 17 feet wide, and 42 feet long. It consists of three water tight compartments (to avoid any chance of sinking) and has all kinds of cool gadgets (radar, auto pilot, longitude/latitude coordinate graph, etc). Never would've guessed God would've blessed us with that opportunity...and the opportunity to see a house on a float, literally a houseboat.

GODSTOCK is coming this Friday. I've been inviting pretty much every deaf person I know to attend. Now we'll see how many God actually provides. I'm going to be really excited about it regardless how many deaf show up.

August 15
GODSTOCK is now finished. Wow was it great, and His name was indeed lifted high. I had the pleasure of signing for a Youth Evangelist called Santiago Rodriguez of Costa Rica. I interpreted for a band that is Greystone Worship Team. The Costa Rica missionary team put on their drama, wow, the power of that thing. It begins with Creation, then the Fall, goes a little through history then presents the Gospel. For any who don't know, the Gospel is simply Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. I got to intepret for the following bands:
  • Captive Heart
  • TRI
  • the former Damascus
  • Evidence
  • I was given the opportunity to interpret a play done by A.C.T.O.R.S. Sunday, I took the night off.

    8-15, I got my first CT scan on my feet. Depending on what's going on with it, feet surgery maybe required.

    8-25, Well, guess what, foot surgery will be required. I've been diagnosed with a fusion within my feet that have been causing me great pain while walking.
    I went to the Costa Rica mission debriefing. It was a wonderful evening full of opportunities to glorify God. Some gave testimonies, we watched a videotape of Costa Rica and talked about how some of the dramas went. God willing, I want to have the drama played before a deaf audience. The play is powerful enough it would require someone with a pretty hard heart to ignore it.
    We might be going on one last vacation tomorrow, not sure. Regardless, my brother starts his H.S junior year on Monday, and I start my freshman year of college the same day. Thus concludes my uneventful summer.

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