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Summer '01

The month is June was pretty much finishing up my Biblical courses. Last May, you were going into OHCA 5x/week. On Mondays, you would teach sign since Miss Cornell was sick (later to be discovered the black mold). You would stay another 15 mins. to teach worship team lessons. During the last two weeks, you would go to teach 1&3 grade to sign "Battle Hymn of the Republic" for the end of the year program. For one week, you would teach Darla Dain to sign "Awesome God" somewhere around lunch time so that she could lead a performance at her church. By the time you'd get home around 1pm, your brain was shot and didn't feel like doing much college work. Tuesdays were normal. Wednesdays I was in early to open up for chapel. The rest of the week, I think, had no chapel parts involved.

Anyways, by June, you needed to finish alot of work. You finished your courses June 25. Dad didn't get July 4 week off, so for the first time in ten years we didn't go to Warren that week. Instead, I stuck with my guitar and, starting June 6, my piano lessons. The Sunday before we left for camp, I played my first time on guitar at church.

At camp, the first evening the fishing was lousy. Because my dad and grandpa filled the rowboat, you and Joey went in the canoe. And, for the most part, it was fun moving the thing around. The number of snags joey got from being careless drove you nuts. Dad caught a fish or two. Nothing we could keep though. Following the first night, you lost all interest in going fishing, and didn't go out the rest of the week. You borrowed a coin book from the library, and read a little about foreign coins. You brushed up on your German, learned some new phrases in both Spanish and French. Other than that, you were on the canoe a good bit. The first day, you didn't leave the eddy. By mid-week, you had gone to almost the end of the far island upstream on both sides. I wish we had gone to Big Bend, but we didn't. Later on during the week, you went to a music store in Warren. The salesman couldn't have been more accomodating, much to my surprise. I spent several hours trying a wide variety of different electric acoustic guitars. I even got to try a used Martin, and my dad was willing to buy it...but it didn't have the electronics which I insisted on having. I couldn't decide on a guitar right away, so we went to Captain Hooks, and it was raining cats and dogs. We bought 1000 p-balls and got our CO2 tanks filled. Following that, under mom's advice, I asked my dad to go back to the music shop and buy the guitar I found to be my favorite, the one I have now. Due to the rain, we bought a soft case for it. The guy gave us about $20 worth of accessories. That was neat. I would later have a strap button put on it, and sometime plan to have the strings lowered.

When we returned home from camp, I resumed my weekly music lessons. Some days later, the Monday before GODSTOCK, I went to a meeting on the fair grounds. I forget all the issues they discussed. I guy called Terry agreed to be a back-up for me if I had several deaf people. At that time, I had no idea whether I'd have no deaf at all, or 50 of them. We covered some last minute issues, and found out about the Bryan Hill Pre-Rally, which I'd travel back in time in a second to relive.

At Pre-Rally, being on staff I had to be there an hour before it started. We prayed, discussed what we were expecting from GODSTOCK. A new committee member prophecied an outpouring of the Spirit on Indiana, and that His name was already written on the town. The whole prior week I had listened to a Perry Stone audio tape to practice my interpreting skills, and I struggled a good bit through it. When pre-rally started, I signed a few songs I knew, and soon I fell under the anointing and God restored my voice to sign translating skills. Other than the idea I was using Pidgin, I don't know if one could've told me from a deaf person or not that night. The first half, I signed most of, except the dramas. Then we had our intermission. God led me to welcome an elderly lady...I got more out of that than I bargained for. I shook her hand, the next thing I know, I'm escorting her to the be joined by a visiting teenage mission lady from NY. Santi was in the area, and talked with us some...that elderly lady felt like a queen. Following that, we took her downstairs, had her seated and waited a little on her. We chatted some briefly, then I went and socialized with people closer to my own age. I can't remember what all was discussed, but I didn't have much time left. I returned upstairs only to find out that the next few bands were playing more wild music, and I didn't understand a word they were saying. I maybe not a guitar expert, but I know enough to know their lead guitarist was using all power chords, and those are only used in hard rock and heavy metal. I left relatively early, at about 11pm, I think.

OK, now's the big day (July 28), GODSTOCK itself. I was there a good amount of time before they started allowing non-staff members and people outside the Brazil team in. They gave me parking relatively close to the grand stands, which was really nice on my feet. I was parked maybe 25 yards outside the stand entrance. Anyways, I set up on the platform, with what pathetically few lyrics I had. I signed what songs I knew, made a few small attempts at ones I didn't know, and signed one of the dramas. Since I wasn't seeing any deaf, I stayed away from signing them so they'd get the audience's full attention. But I was on stage most of the morning. Noon time came, i was thirsty, but still too excited to be hungry. I don't think I ever fasted so easily in my life! In fact, if I had drank water instead of pop, I may not have eaten anything till supper time. I really wanted Nikki to see Toymaker and Son, and looked around from time to time during the play. She was nowhere to be found. Mom later told me she did something stupid and got grounded. I'm seriously starting to think that maybe I'm not supposed to have a part in her accepting Christ, other than interceding for it. Seems every time I try, it fails. Nevertheless, the Brazil team did just as good a job with Toymaker as the Costa Rica team did last year. Following the play, native Costa Ricans Santi and Rachel (Andreas spoke at pre-rally) spoke about the trip. At that point, the Spirit was just flooding the area. We requested people needing prayer raise their hands at their seats. The Brazil team spread over the grand stands, and I went over to a young lady whose name escapes me now and asked if her hand was up. The answer was affirmative, so after some inquiring, I found out she had an emotional stronghold she needed delivered from. Her mom?, she, and I prayed in agreement for deliverance, she breaks out into tears and later Santi and some other guy comes to check how things are going. After the prayer, the next step escaped me, so Santiago picked up and had her renounce the stronghold on her, and accept His freedom. It was an abusive stronghold, and I didn't want to know what that was.

I signed for a few bands during the afternoon. These included partial sets of Quehanna, Seth Ellsworth, and Daniel's Window. All have some great songs...if only I could've understood the lyrics better. During my afternoon break of listening to the MadKatz perform, a former Boy Scout friend reintroduces himself to me. Tim McGill and I chat awhile, and to my amazement he shows me a card that certifies him as an Eagle Scout. I congratulate him and tell him that I quit at First Class, but that I went into Tae Kwon Do and earned a black belt. Details of that on my TKD page. I reintroduced him to my parents, then he went off. I later returned to the lower grand stand when a young lady named Sarah introduced herself to me. In a nutshell, she knew a little sign language and wanted to learn more. Anyone who's read my site knows that I both perform and teach sign. Since she lives within driving distance, I agreed to give her a few lessons.

Later GODSTOCK evening, after finishing translating Seth Ellsworth's songs, I left stage, and someone signs to me, "Are you deaf?" My eyes got really big, the whole day I believed I was only demonstrating sign. Anyways, the person's name was Fred, his wife Ruth and their baby boy. The parents are deaf, the baby might've been hearing. I thought for sure though, that the baby was deaf. I couldn't imagine a hearing baby sleep through a seemingly hard rock concert:). Except for vibrations, it wouldn't bother a deaf baby much. I introduced myself to them, and brought Sarah down to chat with them. She got to practice her Pidgin Sign some, and I helped her when necessary. This is something I should be putting on my ministry page, rather than here. I later signed a partial set from Daniel's Window at the end. It was a really fun day...and to think I wanted to leave mid-afternoon, but decided better not to. Two decisions were later made for Christ, and I believe His name was glorified.

Twice in August I've been to Sarah's house. I introduced her to beginning ASL grammar structure, taught her to sign "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High", and "Flower in the Rain". Oh, this is more for my records, so I know where to pick up after I start college. She knows ABC's and a few random signs. She should know 123's, to 100 at least. Oh yes, make sure not to neglect fingerspelling practice. She needs practice both signing and 'reading' it, and you need practice reading it. For two lessons, that's a good bit.

I haven't done much but rest since GODSTOCK. This Saturday I move into my dorm. If opportunities allow, I'll likely be going to the Indiana County Fair next Sunday. I should spend much time on campus to get a circle of friends established, but one day for a new friend should be alright. I'm excited about college, getting to make new friends, and studying a field I really enjoy. Changing lifestyles has me a bit apprehensious, but if this is His will, all will be fine.

My brother enters his senior year in high school. Geez, I remember the first day of my senior year! He's thinking about colleges right now, wanting to major in criminology. Right now, maybe developing corporate security systems looks attractive to him. The family's just waiting to see what he chooses, and where he goes to college. I just want him to do as the Lord leads him.

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