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Summer 2006

I spent the month of May reading books, playing Rome: Total War on my brother's computer, and watching TV.

In June I returned to Camp Orenda as a third year counselor. I would be the first year that I ever had all girl campers under my care. Basically I do everything for them except their personal care. Christy was my camper for second session. She became interested in playing guitar so I brought the one my dad bought me back in '03(?) for her to play. It's nice, a wooden, Fender electric acoustic. My buddy Alan from church lowered the strings for me, free of charge, and I bought a set of plastic coated strings from him. Plastic coated enables me to play it without needing calloused fingertips. Anyway, Christy played it at the talent show.

For the first time, we went to a Minor League baseball game. I'm not talking small children, but Pittsburgh Pirate wanna-bees. They had the game, then set off fireworks at the end. It was a neat experience. I also liked my third year with Christy because it solidified our friendship. She had a huge crush on me the previous year and I reluctantly agreed to be her boyfriend for the week. This is an almost common practice at the camp when a camper develops a crush on someone. I wasn't sure whether or not she would be willing to remain friends with me after I told her that I wasn't interested in a romantic relationship. However, things worked out OK, so this year was more relaxed between us. Third session, I had Ellie the second time since I'm the only counselor who's even close to being fluent in sign. She's both deaf and has cerebral palsy. Interpreting for her has been an interesting experience.

Following camp, my family went to Warren to my grandparents' camp. I was reaquainted with Brittany Jones whom I originally met at OHCA. We decided to hang out for a weekend so we went together. My brother, Matt, took his MAC girlfriend, Jenna. We had a great time and I got to do some canoeing. After a few days, we returned.

Brittany and I hung out a few times during the summer, but nothing more than a casual friendship came out of it. Matt dated Jenna until Oct. '06 when she broke up with him. Matt was accepted into the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt)'s Law School. Lord willing, in three years Matt'll be a lawyer. Imagine, the first person in our family's known history to earn a doctorate.

As a side note, in 2005, my grandparents were forced to sell their farm. It was divided into four parcels. Another family purchased two of them and have became a nice new neighbor to have. After quibbles with the other buyer, my dad finally decided to buy the other two parcels, one containing the barn and their farmhouse. We have a ten year mortgage on it. Most likely, after my grandparents go to be with the Lord, we will either sell my current house or theirs and my dad'll use the money for retirement funds. If Matt or I are able to begin our careers locally, we might take over one of them eventually. We'll just have to see how things go.

It's been a year since my grandpa Miller passed away. Since he served in the Air Force, he was given a military funeral. Once again, my mom's brothers were there with portions of their families. It's saddening that it seems that we only get to hang out during these times. I wish for better circumstances in the future.

Anyway, I spent the rest of the summer mostly playing on the computer and working on my apologetics project.

One exception, during latter July I decided to accept Allen's invitation to join him on a truck run. In other words, he's a truck driver and I decided to travel with him for a week. We went as far east as Waterbury, CT, west to Chicago, IL, then back nearly as far as Philadelphia, then back home aftewards. It was truly a neat experience and I hope to do it again next year.

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