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Summer of 1998

States I've been in this year

  • Pennsylvania
  • Ohio
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • Missouri
  • Kansas
  • Colorado
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • South Dakota
  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin

  • June 15-July 3

    We started our trip by going to a small town in Kansas. There I got to meet Adrian on our one year mark. We went to the Cosmosphere where I got to see a module for the Apollo 13, a SR-71, and much more. Kansas is flat, as I told Adrian that her state looks like God ran it over with a steamroller. Then we entered Colorado. We visited Molly Kathleen Gold Mine, Pike's Peak(cold, hottest part of day and year, around 34 degrees above). From there you could see both the Rocky Mountains and the CO plains. We went to a pueblo where we got to tour the inside and got to see a few Indian dances. In Wyoming we went into Utah and Idaho just to say that we were in those states. We went to Yellowstone National Park where I got to see animals such as black and grizzly bears, buffalo, moose, elk, black-tail deer, and much more. The animals are protected, as I was within 30 feet of a buffalo in a parking lot. We purchased a fishing permit and I caught an 18" cutthroat trout. I got a picture of it before it was released(only cuz I had to). We got to see Old Faithful erupt, and several stinky geothermal pools and smaller geysers. In Montana we went to Nevada City where we got to see a restored Old Western town. Half of it was destroyed by gold miners. The other half was able to tour. We went to a mining museum where I purchased a nugget and my brother purchased some flourescent rocks. Later in the trip we went to a place that William Clark had carved his name in the rock. We also got to see Custer's Last Stand. In South Dakota we got to see the badlands(boring). Then, what I considered the best part, Mount Rushmore. They gave a presentation of why the guy picked the four presidents: Washington, Jefferson, T.Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Then they had the lighting and played the national anthem. The following day we started home, traveling a grueling 30 some hour trip almost nonstop like we did getting to KS. Now I'll have the whole thing recorded for when I forget:).

    July 4-

    We went to my grandpap's camp in Warren, PA once. There I caught some fish under 6" long. Later that day my mom and I went upstream about a tenth of a mile and came back.

    I started going to an activity at my school called Prayer and Praise. We would start with a prayer circle and knocking down a fake plant to "symbolize the destruction of rain forest". I'm not sure what I think about it. We pray requests and praises, then we talk about what happened that week. Then when that's done we snack and then do an activity. I really enjoyed going there this summer, and I plan on doing it this coming up school year.

    This summer, Adrian and I broke up. I'm pretty well over her now and am looking forward to meeting girls next year and finding someone to take her place. I'm currently practicing for the upcoming archery season. I'm planning on teaching my brother next year when I turn 18. That's been the other half of summer, more will come.
    Now school is about to start. I went to camp with my grandparents for the first time without my parents there. It was neat. My grandparents are a lot more lenient than my dad is, so I got to do a lot of stuff on the water I wouldn't get to do otherwise. One is canoeing with a weak paddler. When I wasn't on the canoe, I was on the paddleboat or fishing. Fishing didn't do so well, biggest one caught was maybe 5". I'm beginning a sign language ministry at the church associated with my school. I currently do the songs, and I'm starting to do prayers. I need to know ASL before I can do the whole serman. My school starts this coming up Wednesday, August 26, and I'm looking forward to getting involved in stuff and making new friends. I've had good experiences, and bad, but I thank God for all of them.

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