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Henry and Michael M. Moll
174th PA Regiment Infantry, Company "D".

1st Lieutenant Henry Moll and Private Michael M. Moll joined Company "D", 174th PA Infantry in October 1862. Company "D" was composed of men primarily from Bucks County.

On August 4th 1862, President Lincoln requested 300,000 milita volunteers to server for 9 months unless sooner discharged. For those states that could not meet their assigned quotas, the federal government was prepared to enfoce a draft. In preperation for a draft, federal marshalls were appointed to update the defective militia rosters of most of the Commonwealth's counties. When Pennsylvania failed to meet it's quota, the actual draft began in mid-October 1862.

The 174th PVI was formed from these draftees and proceeded to Washington, and thence to Suffolk, where it reported to General Peck, and was assigned to General Ferry's Brigade. On the 31st of December, it was ordered to Newbern, North Carolina, and proceeded thither, arriving on the 6th of January, 1863.

When General Foster, with a part of the forces in North Carolina, was ordered to reinforce the army operating in front of Charleston, SC , the 174th PA was included, and sailing from Beaufort on 27 Jan 1863, and reached Hilton Head on February 5th. It debarked at Helena Island, where it remained in camp until the 27th, when it proceeded to Beaufort. Engaged in the routine of camp and garrison duty, it remained here until June, 1863, and was then transferred to Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Towards the close of July, 1863 its term of service being about to expire, it was ordered north, and returning to Philadelphia, was mustered out on the 7th of August. 1863

Duty assignments:

Duty at Suffolk, Va., till December 31, 1862.
Moved to New Berne, N. C., December 31-January 6, 1863
Port Royal Harbor, S.C., January 27-February 5.
At St. Helena Island, S.C., till February 27.
At Beaufort, S.C., till June, and at Hilton Head, S.C., till July 28.
Moved to Philadelphia and mustered out August 7, 1863.

Regiment lost during service 13 by disease.