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Michael Moll
17th PA Infantry Militia, Company "H"

1st Lieutenant Michael Moll (B: abt 1830) enlisted in the 17th PA Infantry Militia, Company "H" on 15 September 1862 in Tremont, Schuylkill County, PA. Company "H" was recruited in Berks County, PA. He was mustered out 26 September 1862 in Harrisburg, PA.

In the 1870 Census, Michael Moll lives in Tremont. He lists his occupation as a blacksmith. His wife's name is Isabella (b: abt 1833). His children are: Alice (b: abt 1855), William Jas (b: abt 1857), Leo Jane (b: 1860), Lewis C. (b: abt 1864), Arthur M.(b; abt 1868), and Isabel M. (b: abt 1870).

In the 1870's Michael Moll moved west, settling in Creston, Union county, IA as a blacksmith. In the 1880 census, William Jas (Jas William, J.W. ?), age 27, is a clerk.

The Regiment was called September 4, 1862, to repel Lee's invasion of Maryland. Disbanded September 24, 1862.

THE rebel army bad no sooner achieved its triumph in the second battle Bull Run, than it hastened northward, and commenced crossing the Potomac. The southern border of Pennsylvania lay in close proximity, all unprotected, and by its rich harvests invited invasion.

The Reserve Corps which was originally organized for the State defense, had been called away to the succor of the hard pressed army of McClellan upon the Peninsula, and was now upon the weary march, with ranks sadly thinned in the hard fought battles of Mechaniceville, Gaines' Mill' Charles City Cross Roads, and the second Bull Run, to again meet the foe, but powerless to avert the threatened danger.

On the 10th, the danger having become imminent, the enemy being already in Maryland, he issued a general order, calling on all able bodied men to enroll immediately for the defense of the State, and to hold themselves in readiness to march upon an hour's notice; to select officers, to provide themselves with such arms as could be obtained, with sixty rounds of ammunition to the man, tendering arms to such as had none, and promising that they should be held for service, for such time only as the pressing exigency for State defense should continue.

On the following day, acting under authority of the President of the United States, the Governor called for fifty thousand men, directing them to report by telegraph for orders to move, and adding that further calls would be made as the exigencies should require.

In the meantime, the militia had rapidly concentrated at Hagerstown and Chambersburg, and General John F. Reynolds, who was at the time commanding a corps in the Army of the Potomac, had assumed command.

Fifteen thousand men were pushed forward to Hagerstown and Boonsboro, and a portion of them stood in line of battle in close proximity to the field, in readiness to advance, while the fierce fighting was in progress.

Ten thousand more were posted in the vicinity of Greencastle and Chambersburg, and "about twenty thousand," says Governor Curtin, in his annual message, " were at Harrisburg, on their way to Harrisburg, or in readiness and waiting for transportation to proceed thither.

But the enemy was defeated at Antietam, and retreated in confusion across the Potomac. The emergency having passed, the militia regiments were ordered to return to Harrisburg, and in accordance with the conditions on which they had been called into service, they were, on the 24th, mustered out and disbanded.

Source: The Union Army, vol. 1, p. 227