Luke’s blue eyes glowed as he smoothed his dark brown hair from his eyes.
The boys raced along those country back roads. They did not expect any kind of trouble from outside of Hazzard not hired by Boss.
Liam, Devin, Chase and Jasmine were in their hideout in an abandon house near Hoff Creek at the old Simmons cabin west of Hazzard. They ran illegal gambling and other so called "minor" crimes. When they had to be careful about the FBI they founded unsuspecting marks. They waited in Hazzard to see what they were up against.
Cooter laughed and the boys enjoyed their drinks despite the beer being flat. Devin and Liam had walked in and sat down near the jukebox. They ordered two beers and scoped the place out.
Devin and Liam agreed and after twenty minutes they left to check out town then report back to Jasmine. Bo and Luke did not even notice the two strangers at the other end of the bar. They were laughing with Cooter and flirting with the waitresses as usual.
They were silent for a few minutes as they finished their beers. Bo and Luke decided to take the fish home to Jesse. Cooter went back to the garage.
Luke thought for a second then smiled.
Bo groaned and pulled out of the parking lot. Luke finally lost it and burst out laughing. They argued most of the way home. Jesse was home today. He was feeding the chicken when the boys drove up.
from a paper mill." Bo tried to say something but Jesse cut him off.
Jesse and Luke laughed. Bo just scowled. He hated when they ganged up on him. He was not as dumb as everyone thought he was. Then he remembered.
Jesse rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wished they would not fight, but it would not be much fun if they did not. It livened things up around the farm.
Meanwhile Devin and Liam had gone back to met Jasmine and Chase at the hideout. They had decided to start the casino as well as robbing the Boar's Nest. The latter they would do first.
Chase and Liam sped off toward the Boar's Nest in their gray sedan. Both men were used to working in the city. They felt awkward in the country. There was nowhere to hide. Jasmine worked anywhere; no place was too small or big. It was in her blood to be a con- artist but she liked to mix it with other things. Daisy got off work with Sarah Henderson that night. They were going to go shopping the next day on their day off. Daisy was going to stay at Sarah's house since Dixie was still at the garage. Neither of two men in the bushes watching the front door. They sped off. Boss and Rosco left shortly after out the front door
Chase and Liam dressed all in black went around to the side door and picked the lock. Chase used to his blowtorch to open Boss' safe. Liam took the money out of the cash register. They loaded their truck they had hid in the bushes. Then they disappeared into the darkness.
Jasmine and Devin unloaded the two slot machines they had and the roulette wheel.
Jasmine went to Hachapee the next day to spread the word. Devin hitchhiked into town to spread the word there.
Bo, Luke and Jesse went into to town to buy some supplies at Ruebottom's. They knew nothing of the robbery either. But they did see Rosco going into the courthouse awful quick. But they dismissed it until Boss and Rosco were chasing them as they left town.
Bo sped off and raced down Mill Road with Rosco hot on his tail.
Then he put the cb down and nodded at Bo who yelled and tore off leaving Rosco up against a tree.
They decided they better get in touch with Daisy in Capital City. When they could not reach her they CB’ed Cooter who they knew was going there later. Cooter agreed to tell her. Now the boys had to figure out how to clear themselves.
Jasmine found a group of men looking for a good card game and like the fact that a woman ran it. She told them she did not guarantee them anything but she told them they had a secret place to gamble without the police interfering. She told them where to go and to be there after it got dark.
Devin did not have as much luck in town so he decided to hitchhike to Chickasaw. He figured that with Sheriff Little around getting rid of moonshine that there were plenty of gamblers wanting a game and he was right.
The Dukes decided to hideout at still sight number five because they knew Boss and Rosco would still be trying to arrest them. They could not figure out how to prove themselves especially since on one saw anything. Cooter had gotten a hold of Daisy. Sarah and Daisy decided to stay in Capital City overnight at Sarah's aunt's farm.
That night around ten o'clock the mini casino, card games and crap games were underway. No one heard the loud betting and yelling since the cabin was well hidden. Devin kept watch along the road near the cabin. Every four hours they switched. Play ended around dawn when people would be waking up and notice something odd.
Bo and Luke went to the Boar's Nest anyway hoping maybe that would lead to something. Daisy and Sarah got a ride from Sarah's uncle so they would not be noticed. Jesse stayed at the farm and waited while he husked corn.
,CENTER>"You going back tonight?" Jared drank his beer.
Bo and Luke walked in about that time and went over to the bar as well.
They were silent drinking their beer and overheard Nathan and Jared.
Luke continued to stare straight ahead.
The boys left to search the countryside for anything strange but they could not find anything. Nathan and Jared were still unaware that they tipped the boys off. Bo and Luke decided to wait at the Chickasaw line. They figured that the people running the gambling had to have found about Sheriff Little. They hid the General on a hill looking over and CB’ ed Jesse. He said he would be by later to give them sandwiches for dinner.
Around nine o'clock they spotted a car speeding across the county line then slowed down on the other side. Luke nodded to Bo and they got into the General. They followed the car filled with men to piece of land they knew nobody lived at. Luke thought it would be a better idea if they walked down the road in case they heard the car. Chase saw two figures running through the woods toward the cabin. He got suspicious and followed them. He stayed far enough back.
The boys got close enough to see the action going on.
Luke remembered to bring the binoculars.
Chase followed them to their car and got their license plate. He waited till morning to Jasmine about them. She had a fiery temper much like her red hair and flaring green eyes.
Bo and Luke went back to the farm to figure out what they would do. Chase told Jasmine about the spies.
They boys did not suspect that Jasmine was aware they had been there the night before. The next morning they had Rosco to deal with again. They still thought he was mad about the Boar's Nest but apparently the jewelry store in town was robbed early that morning. A witness said they saw two figures and a sports car like the General. The witness was Devin.
Luke did not even bother to look at Bo to tell him to lose Rosco, which Bo did. After that the boys went back to still site number five. Luke needed time to think.
The boys sped off toward the cabin. They parked in General in the same bushed. They made it down the hill to beside the cabin. They had not seen anyone or any cars. The place seemed abandoned. The boys climbed in the side window since it was open a crack already. Inside looked like a hide out though. There were sleeping bags on the floors. Boxes of food and other things. In one of the far corners were something covered with cloth. Underneath the boys found the slot machines and the roulette game.
The boys exchanged defeated glances and slowly raise their hands.
Liam came over and tied the boys hands behind their back. Chase held a gun to them as Liam marched them outside to a shed that was nearby. Liam locked the door behind them.
Forty-five minutes later the boys were out and trying to pick the lock on the door. Jasmine had finished arranging the evidence and was calling Rosco. The boys finally got the shed door to open. Chase saw them first running toward the General. They boys fought Liam, Chase and Devin. Luke hit Chase in the stomach as he charged him. Devin hit Bo first in the face. Bo hit Devin back and he bumped into Liam on the way down. Liam went after Bo from behind but Bo elbowed him in the stomach. Liam finally got a hold of Bo and Devin started to hit him. Chase had flipped Luke so he could not come to Bo's aid. Luke finally knocked Chase down and punched Devin in the face. In the distance sirens could be heard.
Chase got up and jumped in the gray sedan with her. Luke, Bo, Liam, and Devin were locked in a struggle. When they heard the sirens. Devin punched Bo into the General. Liam did too and then punched Luke. Liam and Devin ran to the black sedan and sped off. Bo hit his head rather hard on the General. He was not unconscious up his head was throbbing. Luke knelt down as Rosco pulled up.
The boys groaned. Luke tried to help Bo up. He was very dizzy.
Luke gave Rosco the keys to the General. Rosco then went to hook the General to his patrol car. Luke helped Bo into the back of the patrol car. Rosco came back and they headed for town.
Jasmine told the guys to take the stuff to the old saw mill then spread the word about gambling tonight after dark.
Rosco put the boys in the jail. Enos gave Bo some aspirin and water. Bo decided to take a nap. Luke tried to keep him awake certain that Bo and a concussion. They talked for ten minutes for Bo went to sleep.
Jesse and Daisy did not got to the jail cause they knew Rosco would lock them up so they sent Cooter to see what was happening. Cooter offered to pay the bail but Rosco said that no bail had been set. Cooter tried to argue but to no avail so he left.
Two hours later Bo woke up or rather he thought he was awake. He was not sure because everything dark.
Bo was silent for awhile. He shut his eyes hoping that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. He sat back up again realizing it was till dark.
Bo started to shake his head and opened and closed his eyes.
A little while later Enos came down with dinner.
Enos left. Neither of the boys was hungry. Luke tried to tell Bo that everything was ok. Bo wanted to believe him but it was like he was in a dungeon or something. It was not a feeling he liked. Enos came back with Doc. Petticurd. Doc looked at Bo's eyes. He told Bo that they would know in a few days whether it was temporary or not. He put on a bandage that covered Bo's eyes. He insisted that Rosco let the boys go because Bo needed rest without stress. Rosco went against Boss when he found out about Bo's eyes.
Luke drove home. He cbed Jesse on the way back. Jesse had had that problem several times. He tried to help Bo went them got back. Bo just said he wanted to go back to sleep and said he did not want any help. He walked into the couch. Since he was there he decided to lay down there.
Jesse, Luke and Daisy sat at the kitchen table discussing everything that happened.
Luke called Cooter later about that. Cooter agreed. He went to Chickasaw to figure out where and when it would be. Bo woke up later. He felt for the bandages, which were still there. Jesse noticed this and came over. He gave Bo a walking stick. Bo did not like the idea at first. Jesse told him he needed so he didn't fall down any steps or run into things.
Cooter meanwhile found out the place was the old saw mill in Hazzard. He
recognized a few Hazzard people but not many. Jasmine was busy running around. Liam and Chase were keeping an eye on things in the building and outside of it. He figured the other, Devin, was searching the surrounding area. He played some of the crap game but he kept getting snake eyes. He left around 2am and no one noticed.
Bo meanwhile could not sleep since he slept most of the afternoon anyway. He decided to feel his way around the living rooms and kitchen to found out where things were. He was pretty good with the walking stick by morning. That made him a little happier.
Bo and Luke went to the garage the next day to see Cooter.
Luke laughed.
Bo scowled.
The boys arrived at the garage some time later. Bo was in better spirits by the time they got there. Luke was impressed. Cooter was working on Enos' patrol car.
Luke made an annoyed groan, which Bo ignored.
Cooter then filled the boys on what happened. The boys left to go back to farm. Luke started thinking of a plan. First they had to convince Rosco that they were innocent. Cooter had told them that Jasmine and them had planned on robbing the bank in the morning. Luke decided that the Duke family turn themselves back into jail to prove their point.
Boss was surprised when Rosco brought him down to show him what was going on.
Nothing happened that night. Fifteen minutes before the bank opened Devin and Chase robbed it. Enos was coming in from night patrol and saw them leaving.
Boss was speechless. Enos confirmed that when he was on his break at dawn the Dukes were still there.
The three of them went down to let the Dukes out. They protested. Boss was not surprised at anything anymore.
,CENTER>"No," Rosco said. "Get."
Rosco rolled his eyes and made a few sounds. It took awhile but finally he got those pesky Dukes out of the cell.
The Dukes drove him still joking. They got back to the farm where they were met by Cooter and started planning.
Jasmine and Devin were counting the money they managed to get over the past week. Chase quickly came in from outside and told them something important was on the radio. They rushed out side where Liam had joined them. The announcer said.
And in local news the FBI will be in Hazzard in a few days to check up on
reported rumors about illegal gambling in the Hazzard County area and the surrounding counties. We'll keep you posted.
The next day the Dukes went to convince Rosco and Boss. Jesse told Doc to met them at the courthouse and check Bo there. Boss wouldn't listen. Finally he gave in because he had nothing else to go on and somebody else robbed the bank. The Doc came in.
Doc took the bandages of slowly. Everyone was silent. Boss and Rosco were curious.
Bo tried to open his eyelids, which were heavy. He could see some light but it was awful bright. He closed them and tried again rubbing his eyes. Everything was still a little blurry but he could see.
Everyone breathed.
They all left. Rosco and Boss would come later when Daisy cbed them. They met Cooter on Falcon Lane near Bronson Canyon, which was close to the mill. Daisy and Cooter waited in Dixie and the boys went on ahead. Luke brought a megaphone.
take the slot machines in the gray car and the money. Devin come with me and
Luke and Bo watched on the hill as the four of them ran out of the cabin. They split up again. Luke and Bo ran back to the General.
Coming out of the saw mill road, Jasmine and Devin went right and Chase and Liam went left. Cooter and Daisy sped off after Jasmine and Devin. Bo and Luke after the other two.
Devin got out his gun and fired at Dixie. Daisy swerved back and forth to miss the bullets.
She sped up and forced Jasmine off the road. Devin lost the gun in the process of hitting the tree. He jumped out and fought with Cooter. Daisy ran up to Jasmine who punched her in the face. Daisy shook it off then punched Jasmine back.
The boys meanwhile were being shot at too by Chase. One of the bullets hit the windshield. As usual Bo and Luke managed not to get hit. Bo rammed the car from behind a couple times. Liam finally lost control and went off the road. All of them got out and fought each other. Luke punched Chase and Liam got to Bo before he could do anything. Luke flipped Chase into their car. Chase got up but not fast enough. Luke head butted him. Chase sank to the ground. Liam tried to flip Bo but Bo elbowed him hard in the stomach. Then he punched him in the face again. Enos then pulled up because Daisy had called them when they gang left.
Cooter finally knocked Devin out. Daisy and Jasmine were still fighting. Daisy finally
flipped Jasmine over her back. Jasmine hit a rock went out. Rosco and Boss pulled up. Cooter found the jewelry in the trunk. Enos found the money and the slot machines in the other trunk.
The real FBI did come to take Jasmine, Devin, Chase and Liam to the state pen. Boss got his money back. Everything went back to the way it was before the visitors came. Bo was still however convinced he could drive blind.