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It was one of those average days in Hazzard. The Duke boys were all excited about an up coming race of theirs. Then again every race was exciting for them. It was like they were little again.
Normally the boys raced as a team. Usually Bo did the driving and Luke did everything else in the passenger seat. Every other race they would switch.
On this particular July day, they decided to race separately like they did every other month. There were times when they liked to test each other. Still they could never figure out who was the better driver. The last time they raced this way they tied for first place, going the same direction. They both were the best drivers around according to everyone. Their race that July was in Jackson County which was east of Atlanta, southeast from Hazzard.
Jesse was busy catching crawdads for some bisque. Daisy was in Capital City for her day off with her friend Lacy Strate, Enos' third cousin.
Bo and Luke were excited about this race because it would qualify them for the state championship. They drove down the night before towing the second car behind.

"I wonder who will be watching tomorrow," Bo said as they sat watching TV.

"I doesn't matter, cuz. All we have to do is drive our best and qualify in the top five."

"I mean Richard Petty could be there and-"

"Bo. It doesn't matter."

"It does to me."

"Ok fine. You can drive yourself crazy alone."

They were silent for about ten minutes.

"Sorry, Luke," Bo turned off the TV.

"It's nerves, I know. Now let's get some sleep."

"That was funny.”

"What was?" Luke asked lying back on the bed.

"We know each other so well we can finish each other’s thoughts."

Luke rolled his eyes and groaned turning out the light.

"It's true though," Bo said with an angry tint in his voice. Then he smiled. "Let's try it again."

"Bo," Luke rolled over in his single bed to face away from his cousin.

“Come on, Luke.”

"No," Luke covered his head with his pillow






Luke realized what his younger cousin was up to.

"Don't do that."


"Because," Luke laid back down thinking Bo had stopped.


"Shut up, Bo!"


Luke had enough of this. He whacked his cousin in the head with the pillow.

"Ahh! Stop!" Bo said jumping up.

"Why?" Luke said innocently.

Bo realized Luke was making fun of him. He picked up his pillow and whacked Luke.
The pillow fight lasted for quite some time. It had been awhile since their last pillow fight. Neither of the boys were really tired to begin with since it was eight o'clock. They were hyper for the next day. Feathers flew everywhere. Finally they sat on there beds and the feathers still fell from the sky. Bo laid back and blow at the feathers.

"Dammit," Luke said. "Now it's hot in here." He went over and opened the window.

"I think I'm tired now," Bo said not moving. Luke came back over.

"I'm sure we'll get a good night sleep now.”

"If we were home," Bo said struggling to sit up. "Uncle Jesse would have whooped us good."

"Tell me about it," Luke said lying on top of the covers.

Bo turned out the light this time. The boys did not say much of anything before they fell asleep exhausted.
None of this affected either boy's driving that day. It was something to think about that calmed their nerves. The race was to start around two o'clock that afternoon. The boys spent the whole morning working on their cars. Bo decided since it was an important race that he painted the entire General Lee orange. He left the 01 and the name. It said now 'The General.' He called it that more anyway. Luke's car was black with orange flames on the sides. His number was 10.
The race got off to a good start. The boys were in the middle of the pack. There were many good drivers from all over Georgia. This was going to be a tough race. The track was NASCAR approved so that made it more interesting. However, things started going bad after the first hour. Bo had taken a longer pit stop than usual because the team had never worked together before. Some cars had started losing control but they managed to avoid them.
However, Luke got caught up with number 32. 32 had been riding his tail and bumping against number 16. Half away around the turn 32 started losing control. He swerved into 16 who swerved back hitting Luke and 32 hit Luke from behind. Luke swerved causing 16 to slide sideways with him. 32 did not escape. He lost control a little later and crashed into the wall. Luke and 16 did a three hundred and sixty-degree turn before three of four cars smashed into them. Luke took the brunt of it. His car flew in the air about 50 feet and rolled for a good amount of time. It bounced once then slowly came to a stop. The engine was starting to catch fire. 16 rolled too and smoked up the track. Bo did not know what happened at first or who was involved. By the time he past
the wreak area under the caution flag he knew. A knot tightened in his stomach. He could not just jump out of the car to check on Luke.
The race finally started again after a twenty-minute wait. All the while Bo was driving himself mad worrying about Luke.
Meanwhile the paramedics had come to take those involved to Jackson County Hospital. 32 was unconscious. 16 had a concussion and groggy. Luke was out as well. The quickly took the drivers away for immediate medical care and to make the track safer. Cale Yarborough had been at the race because he had heard his friends the Dukes were racing that day. Cale immediately went do to the pit to see what he could do. They were pulling Luke out when he got down there. Seeing that Luke seemed relatively ok he started to wonder about Bo. Cale decided to ask the paramedics basically what was wrong with Luke before he told Bo anything. The driver told him the Luke suffered a concussion, some bruised ribs or so. Other than that he was fine. Cale walked over to the place in the pit for Bo's team. The race had started again but the time he got there.

"Bo Duke," Cale said through the headphone. "Come back."

"Who is this?”

"Cale. You remember me, right?"

"Cale!" Bo said with both surprised and relief. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you Duke boys were racing today. I saw what happened to Luke. I thought you should
know how your cousin is."

"Thanks, Cale." Then he paused. "How is he?"

"He's got some bruised ribs. He's conscience with a bad concussion but he seems fine. They took him to the hospital already.

"I have to go see him. I'm coming in."

"No you're not."

"What?" Bo asked confused.

"There isn't much a point in that. He's stable and there isn't a rush. You have a race to finish even
if you come in last. Do you trust me?"

"Yes, Cale," Bo sighed. "I'll finish this race, but could you try and get a hold
of my cousin and uncle?"

"Sure. I'll do that now. Then I'll come back and talk you through this. I'm gone."

Cale did as he promised Bo. It took awhile since Daisy and Jesse were not home. He did however get a hold of Enos who promised to deliver the message.
It was an ok race for Bo. He was distracted because of the accident. He just barely managed to come in fifth place. It was a time for him to be happy but he was not. As soon as they could, Cale and Bo headed for Jackson County Hospital. It was about 5:30 or so when they arrived.
They found Jesse had beaten them there. Enos had not found Daisy yet.

"How is he?" Bo asked walking over to his uncle.

"I'm not really sure yet," Jesse said. "Hello, Cale."

"Hi, Jesse. I'm sorry I can't stay any longer but I have some people to met for dinner."

"Ok, Thanks, Cale," Bo said.

Bo and Jesse sat for a half an hour in the waiting room. Actually Jesse did not want to know Luke's condition until his other nephew and niece where he to hear it as well. Daisy walked in around six with Enos and Lacy at her heels.

"Oh, Uncle Jesse. What happened?" She said coming over.

"Luke was in a racing accident," Jesse said. "We'll find out how he is soon."

"I'm not really sure what happened," Bo said. "But, thanks, Enos for telling them."

"Any old time, Bo. Lacy and I'll stay here for awhile with y'all. "

A few minutes later Luke's doctor came up to them.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Collin Grady."

"Hello. Dr. Grady," Jesse said. "How's Luke?"

"Well he suffered a massive blow to the head. Luckily his helmet took the brunt of it. He does have a concussion. He is still out but he'll be fine when he wakes up. He also has some bruised ribs. The rest of his is fine."

"So we can go in and see him?" Bo asked.

"Yes. One at a time though. He should be waking up soon too. Try and not pay any mind to the machinery around him."

Dr. Grady left. The Dukes tried to figure out who would go first. Finally they had Jesse go. Jesse walked in and pulled up a chair next to Luke's bed. Luke has lying flat on the bed. He was wearing a hospital gown and the bed blanket covered him to his waist. There was an IV coming out of his left hand. The tubes were coming in the top part of his hand. On his right was a machine with lots of little numbers. The wires ran from the box to patches on his chest under that gown to monitor his breathing. Luke was breathing oxygen though an oxygen mask. Jesse took Luke's left hand in his. He listen to the beeping of the breathing machine, the dripping of the IV and the breathing sounds from the oxygen mask and Luke. Jesse has been in the hospital many times with his nephews. He was in here a little less with Daisy. He should be used to this by now but it still hurt him. He sat with Luke for about ten minutes before Bo took his place.
Bo was not prepared enough for all the medical equipment. Bo never liked needles so the thought of how they put the IV in made him sick. He was just glad that Luke would be fine once he woke up. He told Luke about being in fifth place, which made him happier now. He also told him that Cale Yarbourough had been in the crowd. Ten minutes later he got up for Daisy to take his place.
Luke woke up five minutes into Daisy's visit. He started moving his hand in Daisy's hands.


Luke was still groggy grunted as he struggled to open his eyes.

"Luke, honey, it’s Daisy cane you hear me?"

Daisy asked moving closer so Luke could see her better.

"Hi, Daisy," His voice was harsh and raspy.

Luke noticed the oxygen mask and groaned. The fake air was making him feel ill so he took it off. Daisy, however, not wanting him to mess any of the machines up forced him to put back on.

"We have to wait for the doctor," Daisy said motherly.

Luke made a face.

"Easy for you to say. You ain't breathing in this stuff.”

"I'm just happy you’re awake." Daisy said.

Just then a nurse came in to check Luke's chart. Daisy told her Luke was awake. The nurse went to get the doctor.
Dr. Grady came in about twenty minutes later. Luke was trying to ignore the fact that the oxygen was making him nauseous. He tried to get Bo to keep repeating the end of the race. Dr. Grady came in with an assistant doctor, Nathan Henry. They performed a quick physical.

"For now," Dr. Grady said. "He’s fine. He'll have to stay for a few days for some tests to make sure everything REALLY is ok. It's late now so we'll start that in the morning."

Everyone said good-bye to the doctors. Enos offered to take Daisy, Lacy and Bo home since Jesse would want to stay. They left Bo and Luke's car in a garage close by. Then they left.
The next day Bo and Daisy drove back into Jackson County in Dixie. It was about an hour and a half drive. Jesse and Luke had been talking most of the night. Luke could not sleep in the bed with all the machines. Jesse was just happy that Luke was ok. Dr. Grady and Assistant Henry came in around nine in the morning. They looked over Luke thoroughly this time. He asked him if he felt any different. Luke said no. Then they checked his legs. They tested his reflexes on the ball of his foot but nothing happened. The doctors were silent for a second. Jesse did not catch it but Luke did. He had seen that look when he was in the Marines.


"Luke," Dr Grady started. "Did you feel anything when we did that?"

"No," Luke said not sure if this was going well anymore.

"OK, we're going to try this again." Dr. Grady said. TheN he tested Luke's foot again.

"I don't feel anything."

"What's wrong?" Jesse asked.

"We have a problem," Dr. Grady said moving up the side of the bed. "I'm going to poke you a few times. I need for you to tell me when you do and don't feel it."

Luke nodded. For the nest few agonizing minutes Dr. Grady poked Luke's leg all the way up to his waist before Luke said he felt anything. Then he checked the right side to make sure. Both Luke and Jesse knew what was wrong by the time he was done.

"Luke has lost the use of his legs," Dr. Grady said. “It was best not to beat around the bush. "But, I have to run some tests in order to know if it's temporary or not."

Luke nodded his head but had no expression on his face.

"When will you do the tests?" Jesse asked.

"Early this afternoon. It'll be a few weeks maybe before we know. After the tests you can take Luke home. I suggest he stay put for a few days. We'll provide you with a wheelchair if he wishes to use it."

Dr. Grady left. The room was silent. Jesse did not know what to say to his nephew. None of the kids ever lost the use of their legs. Then there was the polio scare and they were worried about Bo. That was nothing like this.
Bo and Daisy walked into the room about and hour later around 10. They were happy and cheerful. They notice Jesse and Luke did not share their feelings.

"What's wrong?" Daisy asked.

Jesse and Luke looked at each other.

"Luke isn't able to walk at the moment," Jesse said.

Daisy and Bo were silent and stunned.

"What do you mean?" Bo asked.

"I can't walk," Luke said harshly. "There doesn't need to be anything further explained. "

"How come they didn't notice it yesterday?" Daisy asked.

"That's not something you ask an unconscious person."

"Umm, excuse me can you feel when I touch your feet.?" Luke smiled trying to get them to laugh at his joke. It did not really work.

“What now?" Bo asked.

"Well Luke has to have some tests to see if it's temporary." Jesse said. "Then we can go home and wait."

"It's better than other things that could have gone wrong," Daisy said trying to optimistic.

The Dukes sat around with Luke until 1pm to keep his spirits up and reassure their own.
Dr. Grady took Luke to a large room with more medical equipment. The rest of his family waited in the waiting room. It seemed odd to all them to see Luke in a wheel chair.
Dr. Grady decided to do some x-rays first. He decided to x-ray Luke's back because that is where he was sure the problem was. Then some nursed and Nathan Henry poked Luke with some more instruments testing his reflexes. After two hours, they wheeled Luke into the waiting room.
Luke decided to would be better for him to ride with Jesse in the pickup instead of Dixie which had no doors. Luke kept insisting that he could pull himself into the pickup buy Bo and Daisy kept telling him to save his strength. Luke continued to be stubborn about it. Soon Daisy and Bo gave up. Jesse had thought it best not to get involved. Luke had a great deal of arm strength from farm chores that he lifted his limp legs up fairly easy.
Jesse and Luke were silent on the way back to the farm. Jesse knew Luke was stubborn about most things. He knew Daisy and Bo were just as bad. He knew there were going to be some fights brewing soon. Luke just stared out the window thinking. He thought how he would have to drive to Atlanta for another company reunion. Then he realized he could not drive. He also began to think of all the things he could not do. He tried to be more positive but he had to face the truth. Lying to himself would get him nowhere. This is the way life would be for the next couple of weeks.
Four days after Luke came home, Jesse served the crawdad bisque that he had made several days before for lunch. They all knew it would taste better anyway. After dinner Enos, Lacy and Rosco stopped by. Rosco stayed just a couple minutes then had to leave to go back to the Boar's Nest to keep an eye on things.

"Hello," Jesse said when he answered the door.

"Hi, Uncle Jesse," Enos said. "This is my third cousin, Lacy, from Savannah."

"Hello, Lacy," Jesse said as they all walked into the living room through the kitchen where Luke was on the couch. He actually was reading.

"How are ya doing, Luke?" Enos asked sitting across from Luke in the chair closest to the fire.

Luke put his book down. His legs were covered with a blanket. He was wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt.

"Just fine, Enos," Luke said. "Just a little awkward though. I’m used to be able to go places more often."

“You don’t use the wheelchair?" Lacy asked standing behind him.

Jesse sat in his chair by the bookshelf with Daisy beside him. Bo stood near the kitchen.

"No, I'm not really interested in using it," Luke said.

"Don't you wanna go outside the house and to the Boar's Nest and other places?" Enos asked casually.

"I'm fine here. Besides there isn't any wheelchair access if I ever use it," Luke said. Then he changed the subject.

"What's up with you?"

Enos, Luke, Jesse and Lacy talked for awhile. Daisy and Bo said nothing. They hated Luke's attitude towards the situation. Daisy and Bo finally decided to go to the Boar's Nest. Daisy had to work soon anyway. They finally talked on the way there.

"Bo, why can't Luke just try the wheelchair?" Daisy asked a question she knew the answer to. "It's not a big deal."

"I know," Bo sighed. "You know how stubborn Luke is. He's just like all us Dukes. Maybe Jesse can talk him into it.

"You know Jesse wouldn't step between us. We'll just have to wait then."

Enos and Lacy left about an hour later. Enos was going to take Lacy back to Savannah and he wanted to get there before dark. Jesse and Luke were left in the house. Luke picked up his book, To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. He had seen the book many times but had never stopped to read it. It was about a Southern town, which he could relate. Jesse decided to feed the animals then come back and cook some dinner.

"Luke," Jesse said as he brought Luke his dinner. "Maybe you should try the wheelchair. If not tonight but in a few days."

"Uncle Jesse. I'm fine."

"Luke, it's been four days since you got back, don't you think-"

"No," Luke said firmly putting down his tray on the floor no longer hungry. "Why does everyone feel obliged to tell me what I should do with my life now? For it being just a couple days I'm fine."

"Sorry, Luke. I hoped you might decided to leave soon or move around it would be easier with the wheelchair."

"Jesse, do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

"Is this about being seen by everyone?" Jesse asked. "They wouldn't look at you any different."

Luke sighed. It was hard enough to face the fact that he may never walk again but it was harder with people who did not understand. However, Jesse was the only one who remotely did.

"Pride I guess. Even if they don't say anything I know a difference. I don't want to hear everyone apologizing for condition. I don't want pity."

"I understand, Luke, more than you know. We'll get through this."

"Yes, sir," Luke said looking at his book. "I never thought after high school that I'd read anything except for car magazines
and the Good Book."

Jesse smiled.

"Well in a way things work for good."

Jesse went over to the bookshelf and picked up a book. It was Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. He did not even know it was there or how it got there. He figured he would take a chance. He sat down in his chair across from Luke. Luke smiled and they sat in silent until Bo and Daisy came home.
Daisy and Bo saw them there and could not believe it.

"You still up, Uncle Jesse?" Daisy asked. Jesse did not hear her. Luke did not either.

"Uncle Jesse?" Bo asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry kids. I did not hear you. What time is it?" Jesse asked.

"Midnight," Bo said.

"I guess they are right about a good book," Jesse said putting the book back on the shelf. "Well I'm off to bed."

"Night, Uncle Jesse," they said.

The three cousins exchanged glances but did not say anything. Daisy and Bo went to their rooms leaving Luke still in the living room reading the last two chapters of his book.
Two weeks later Luke was still on the couch. He still boldly refused his cousins pleas to use the wheelchair. Jesse had tried to talk to Daisy and Bo not to bother Luke anymore but they did not listen. Luke was now reading his sixth book. Bo had enough of his cousin sitting about and not getting on with his life.

"Luke," Bo said standing in front of Luke. "Why don't we go to the Boar's Nest for a beer or two. Sarah Henderson and Katie Grant are asking about you."

"I kinda like being here, cuz," Luke said. "Sarah and Katie ain't going anywhere anytime soon."

"Luke, I don't understand you," Bo said angrily. "Why don't you fight?"

"Fight what?" Luke responded angrily as he dropped his book.

"At least try and walk."

"I'm not doing anything until I hear if it's worth it or not," Luke said.

"I thought you were a fighter."

“I am, Beauraguard," Luke said. "Have you forgotten I went war? I've seen men with worse than this. I've seen men with no arms.
I've seen me who've lost their eyes. I've seen men just disappear right next to me. I've seen men with no legs at all below the knee. Gone just like that. Heck, this is cake! At least I have a choice to at least know if my legs will work again. That's more than you'll ever know."

Bo was silent. He could not fight Luke after that. He left the room in an angry huff.
He went outside, got into the General and drove to Cooter's Garage. Jesse had tried to tell him to leave Luke alone but Bo was a Duke just as stubborn as the rest of them. Cooter was not there when Bo pulled up in the General. Bo got out and sat on the General's hood. Rosco saw Bo from the steps of the courthouse. Since Boss was away with Lulu in New Orleans, he had not seen much action with the Dukes. Ever since Luke's accident he did not have the heart. He did chase Daisy once for fun. She ran off the road and when Rosco caught up to her; he let Daisy watch Flash for the afternoon. Daisy laughed. It seemed to lighten her spirits but not much.

"Howdy, Bo," Rosco said approaching Bo.

“Oh, hi Rosco," Bo said. "Am I under arrest?"

"No," Rosco said. "If you want me to chase after you and fly into Hazzard Pound though...."

Bo smiled.

"That's ok," Bo said. "I'm not in the mood."

"Is it about Luke still? I haven't seen him for that last few weeks," Rosco said.

"He wouldn't come out. He's being stubborn. He says he'll wait until the doctors tell him if he will be able to walk again. And he says there ain't any wheelchair accesses anywhere in town."

"He's right though. All we have are steps except for the Boar's Nest really." Rosco said.

"I'll get Enos to build a couple then maybe we'll see Luke."

"That might work," Bo said. "He has to be bored though. Jesse says to leave him alone."

Just then Cooter drove up in his tow truck. He climbed out and walked over to Bo and Rosco.

"What are you two discussing," Cooter asked suspiciously.

"Luke, who else?" Bo said.

"Bo, he'll come out on his own," Cooter said.

"It's that stupid pride of his," Bo said.

"Bo," Cooter sighed. "You really don't understand. You've never had this problem."

"What do you mean, Cooter?" Rosco asked.

"Well it's been awhile back. Let's see...a little after Luke got back from Nam.
I was racing in one of those dirt track races. I'm not sure how it happened, but my car crashed and my legs were stuck under it. Doc said there was a good chance that I wouldn't walk again. Now you got to understand a good old boy not able to drive…well it was a few weeks and I found out I could. What I'm saying you have to have been there to understand." Cooter said.

"So he wouldn't leave them?" Bo asked disappointment.

"He might soon. It's been while. Don’t try anything like parties or girls. That'll make him madder. In fact I'll talk to him," Cooter said.

"All right, Cooter," Bo said. "I'm off."
"Where?" Cooter asked.

"To see Nora Cooper," Bo said flashing a grin.

Rosco and Cooter went about their business. Bo went to see Nora to forget about Luke. Cooter went to talk to Luke later that day and told him about his story. Luke was happy that someone else understood. Cooter asked Luke just to come to the Boar's Nest once before the doctors called about the results. Cooter said that he would have a party not a surprise one like some people would and to keep them from doing it. Luke agreed. He was getting tired of sitting there. He even said he would use the wheelchair but he was not sitting in it all night. Cooter agreed and told Daisy and Bo but warned them not to harass him or he would change his mind. Cooter left and Jesse, Daisy and Bo walked into the living room to receive a great shock. Luke was doing 360's in his wheelchair. They could not believe that especially since it was near the piano.

"Look who's here," Luke said wheeling himself around to face them.

"Finally, Luke," Daisy said coming over to him but stopped when his smile left.

"Don't think this is any of y'all's doin," Luke said looking at Bo and Daisy. "I did this myself. And I was thinking there ain't an easy way out of the house without me getting hurt worse."

"I'll build the ramp," Bo said.

"I'll help you, Bo," Daisy said.

After they left Jesse stood still in place.

"You were planning on shocking them weren't you?" Jesse asked.

"Not at first," Luke said. "Besides it's amazing I lasted this long. You coming to the party?"
"Sure, Luke," Jesse said. "I'll try and talk to Bo and Daisy."

"Tonight, I'll be in our room," Luke said as he wheeled around and around again.

Jesse went out to the barn where Bo and Daisy were. They worked in silence. They had wanted Luke to get out for three weeks and now they acted like nothing good had just happened. When Jesse walked in they looked up and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know, Uncle Jesse," Daisy said. "I thought I'd be happy when Luke finally decided to get up and move but now I feel worse. I think it hit me when I saw him in the wheelchair."

"Yeah," Bo said. "At least when he was on the couch he looked fine like nothing happened."

Jesse sighed.

"Luke has been fighting alone. You two couldn't except it and help him. What Luke needed for the past three weeks was good company and talk. It's hard enough suffering when people want you to act like nothing happened."

Bo and Daisy looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse," Daisy said. "I guess I haven’t been very supportive."

"Me neither," Bo said.

"Ok," Jesse said. "But I think you need to tell Luke that yourself. We're all going to the party tomorrow and be happy. No one there is going to feel sorry for Luke. Things could have been worse."

"Yes, sir," Daisy and Bo said together.

They decided to finish the ramp. Jesse went back inside. Luke was sitting on the couch holding his head.

"What's wrong with you?" Jesse asked.

"Remember when we were little and we used to spin around until we couldn't walk straight or even stand up?" Luke asked.

"Yeah," Jesse said bemused.

"I'm so dizzy," Luke said and groaned.

Jesse laughed and went to get Luke some aspirin. Those were his boys they never did grow up. Enos had made some ramps for in town like for the sidewalk and the courthouse but did not put them anywhere. He heard about the party at the Boar's Nest. There were not any steps there so he stopped. Boss and Lulu came back the day of the party. Boss was not thrilled about it but he was glad Luke Duke was feeling better though he never really cared about the Duke family. The party already started before the Dukes got there. Cooter made sure that no one would try and surprise Luke or anything else.
Luke was pretty good at using the wheelchair by now. It was not one of those electric ones. Luke had great muscle strength anyway so it was not that hard. Bo and Daisy put the ramp up then went back into the kitchen where Luke was at the table.

"We gotta talk to you," Bo said coming over and sitting down.

"What about?" Luke asked.

"Well," Daisy started sitting down on the other side of the table. "We're sorry that we haven't been supportive of you the past few weeks."

"And that we harassed you endlessly. We wanted to see you up and moving but when you did we could see for the first time that what happened to you was real." Bo said.

"When you were sitting on the couch," Daisy cut in. "We couldn't tell anything was wrong. “We convinced ourselves that that wasn't the problem."

"But when you were sitting in the wheelchair it came flooding back," Bo said. "Jesse was right. It was up to you."

The cousins were silent for a few minutes.

"I'm much obliged that you said something. It is not being seen by the people of Hazzard, it was the fact that they would pity me," Luke said.

"We don't pity you," Bo and Daisy said. "We're happy like Jesse that nothing worse happened."

"Cooter," Daisy said. "Is at the Boar's Nest spread the word and keeping people from apologizing when you get there."

"Good old Cooter," Luke said.

"That leads to not many conversations," Bo said smiling.
"I can still arm wrestle and play checkers," Luke said.

"You're on, cousin," Bo said. "We'd better go."

Luke climbed into the wheelchair that was next to his chair. That impressed Daisy and Bo that he was that strong. Then they walked out first. Luke followed and flew down the ramp. He told them to fix it. It was too quick for the handicapped. When they got to the General, Bo started to offer Luke help but stopped cause Luke was stubborn and he wanted to see if Luke could do this. Sure enough, Luke grabbed on the welded door and pulled himself up. He grabbed on the roof as he moved to get his legs in. The he slide down like usual. Bo and Daisy hopped in soon after. They sped off toward the Boar's Nest. When they got there, Bo got Luke's wheelchair as Luke pulled himself into the window until Bo came around. He plopped in and they all went in. There were a lot of people there dancing, drinking and listening to louder than normal music. They did not notice the Dukes come in. Luke wheeled over to where Cooter was at one of the booths. He got into the one opposite Cooter and Bo took the wheelchair out of site.
Every now and then people would take notice. Some of the girls apologized then remembered they should have said something else and turned red. Luke did not actually mind. He prepared himself for it to be worse.

"Hey, Luke," Enos said coming over.

"Hey, Enos," Luke said. "How are things?"

"Good, good," Enos said. "Boss Hogg is here!" Luke sat there with his mouth open.

"Why?" he finally asked.

"Mr. Hogg does feel bad about what happened but that's all he'll say." Enos said.

"Oh, well. Hey let's play checkers," Luke said.

Everything went well for the first few hours. Then after awhile there were at least two bar fights. The first Bo was in. Luke hated not being able to stand and fight. The again Bo was having trouble standing and he could walk. Enos finally broke it up. The second one Enos broke up quickly cause it followed the first.
The Duke cousins did not get back to the farm until late that night. Jesse had left a long time ago. They were happy and getting along now. Luke had a little bit of a problem getting up the ramp because it was so steep. Bo had to push him.

"Come on, Luke," Bo said. "At least turn your wheels."

"I'm fine the way I am," Luke said.

Daisy rolled her eyes and opened the kitchen door for whenever they got up the ramp.

"Why do I always do stuff like this?" Bo asked.

"You're the youngest," Luke said. "Why are you complaining?"

"Because now I'm not a child," Bo said.

"Uncle Jesse would beg to differ," Daisy said. "On both of you." Then she went inside.

"What do you mean?" the boys asked.

They were silent cause then they remembered how late it was. Luke finally decided to help push his way up. When he did Bo lost his balance and fell.

"And I'm the one that can't walk," Luke said rolling into the house.

Bo made his share of faces until Luke noticed. They did not fight that night cause they were too tired. The next morning Bo was working on the General. Daisy was doing the laundry. Luke was sitting outside with the chickens drinking lemonade. He said he was supervising. Jesse was inside making some more coffee when the phone rang. It was the hospital. Dr. Grady told Jesse the results were in they should come down later that day. Dr. Grady also said that he was better at telling news, any news, face to face than over the phone. Jesse thanked him and hung up.

"Luke," Jesse said. "Your test are in."

Luke's stomach dropped. He had kinda forgotten about that. He decided not to show it on his face.

"What did he say?" Luke asked cooly as his cousins came over.

"He said we were to go down there this afternoon. He wouldn't say over the phone."

"I'm sorry, Luke," Daisy said.

"Why are you apologizing already? Doctor Grady said he likes to tell all news to his patients face to face," Jesse said angrily. Daisy took it back.

The Dukes climbed into the General an hour later. They talked most of the way but in nervous intervals.

"Jesse," Bo asked. "You don't think we grew up?"

"Of course you grew up, physically anyway," Jesse said. "But sometimes you two still act like children."

"No we don't," Bo and Luke said from the front.

"You do," Jesse said. "It's one of the books on ourselves I didn't know was there, Peter Pan."

"Jesse, we don't wear tights and fly," Luke said.

"It's not that," Jesse said. "But you two do fly."

"It would be cute," Daisy said trying not to laugh.

The boys groaned and Jesse lightly punched her.

"It's just that you still like to have fun. You two will always be the same. My boys," Jesse said.
"I'll make you little hats," Daisy said.

"Oh, shut up," the boys said.

The Dukes finally arrived at Jackson County Hospital. One of the ambulance drivers remembered Luke, tried to help. But Luke said he was fine and proved it to the driver by getting out of the General with ease. They had to sit in the waiting room for awhile cause they were early. Dr. Grady finally came down the hall.

"Hello, Luke," he said. "How have you been?"

"Been pretty good," Luke said. "Resting and all."

"Well I guess since your whole family is here right now I'll tell you the news," Dr. Grady said.

"It's bad. I know it's bad," Daisy muttered to herself. Bo told her to be quiet.

"You have damaged slightly the nerve in your spinal cord the helps send information to your legs to move because of a dislocated disk. But we can fix it with a minor surgery and you'll be walking regular in a few months" Dr. Grady said.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief.

"When will the surgery be?" Luke asked.

"Since you're here. Tomorrow," Dr. Grady said.

"Tomorrow is fine," Jesse. "The sooner the better."

Luke stayed the night. Bo and Daisy went back to Hazzard to get him some stuff. They were happy about Luke. Luke was happy too but not about the operation. Luke went home four days after they fixed his disk. Within two weeks he was feeling a bit in his legs and feet. After a month it was mostly back. Doc Appleby suggested a physical therapist in Atlanta for Luke since it was relatively close. Luke was not thrilled with the idea and insisted he could do it on his own. On the therapists at the hospital, when they finally got Luke there, was a former Vietnam veteran and understood where Luke was coming from. He told Luke had worse patients than him. Luke finally agreed. Within three months Luke was walking with crotches. He could not drive just yet so he drove Bo crazy in the drivers seat. By January Luke was back to his old self again about the fight the system as usual.