The confused form of transportation slammed to the ground after jumping Dry Creek.
She smiled punching her younger cousin in the arm.
With that the orange clunker car leaped through the warm Georgia summer air with the echoed yells and laughter of the three entirely too happy Duke cousins. Unfortunately the event fixing to happen was forming in the southwest and soon to become dangerous. Everyone was at the Boar's Nest the afternoon as usual. They were on their lunch break. Most were celebrating having finished planting their crops.
Cooter let off a hardy laughed.
Sierra walked back to the bar, trying sneak a peak of the cousins before she disappeared.
The boys and Cooter looked at each other with several knowing glances then started laughing. They chattered loudly, eating stale popcorn, flirting with Sierra when she came back, drank and listened to Hank Williams on the jukebox. Little did they suspect anything. Well on a regular day they never would to begin with.
The Duke menfolk and Cooter looked at Enos in shock.
Daisy headed back into the kitchen.
The Dukes stayed at the Boar's Nest for another hour. At 1pm they left for the farm. Cooter went back to the garage. The boys were fixing the General and Jesse was feeding a piglet milk.
1:30PM. Daisy pulled up in Dixie with Sierra. They had a few hours before they had to be back for the dinner crowd. Besides Boss was up to planning again.
Luke sighed deeply as he came out from under the hood.
He wiped his hands on a dirty rag. Then he finally realized Sierra was standing there. He smiled nodding in her direction.
She lifted herself into the car and waited. Daisy laughed crossing her arms. The boys exchanged glances and climbed in the General too. They sped off towards the orphanage. Daisy went inside to rest.
1:50PM. Jesse headed out to the back forty to do some last minute planting. He took the mule with him.
2:05PM. The boys and Sierra arrived at the orphanage. They got out and looked around. It was very quiet since all the orphans took their yearly trip to Atlanta. All three split up. There weren't too many places to look. Luke walked into a large shed about a hundred yards away from the main house. In it he found all that he needed to know and more. Bo and Sierra heard his whistle and came running. Inside was filled with contraband, a whiskey still and several packages of marijuana.
Sierra stared in horror at what she saw. Finally after regaining her composure and brushing her hair from her eyes.
The three stood still in the shadows of the shed. A man appeared. He seemed curious as to why the door was opened. A few seconds passed before he left.
The man came back with another man. The second man told the first to find the intruders and bring them to the place.
The first man pulled out a small gun walking deeper into the shed. Sierra moved behind the boys. Behind Luke actually. Bo knocked the man out with a swift blow to the head.
The three of them made a mad dash back toward the General. The second man spotted them. He ordered some others after them. A bullet hit the tree they just ran past. Sierra not used to this covered her head. They ran and jumped into the bushes along the side of the main house. They inched their way long until they could see the General.
The three of them ran on the count of three. They speed off in each direction avoiding bullets and followed by the men.
2:35PM Daisy woke from her nap. She went outside to stand on the porch thinking about things that she had to do. She slowly started to realize that something was strange. It was just so quiet. No sound was made. She walked over to the barn to get some eggs for later. The horses in the barn pawed and paced. They seemed nervous. Daisy felt a knot coming into her stomach. She ran inside and brought the radio outside with her. It was just like usual just country music. A light breeze drifted through. It felt cool and it felt like a storm was coming. She rubbed her arms as a light chilly breeze caught her long brown hair.
Suddenly a news bulletin came across the radio.
The music resumed. Daisy felt ill. She was the only one at this part of the farm. They boys were off helping Sierra. She knew she had to keep an eye out for the farm and the animals. She went to Dixie to use the cb. Daisy thought it best to stay outside so she could watch the sky.
Luke switched the channel and tried to find Bo and warn him.
There was a short pause. Sierra was about to turn the channel when Bo came across the cb.
2:55PM. The sirens in town blared. A tornado was spotted in the Southwest. It had touched down twice already. Now it was looking to do that again. Bo was in that area cause the orphanage was west of the town and he had gone south.
Bo sat in the parking lot of Hazzard High School waiting for something to happen. There were a few teachers starting to plan for the fall semester. Bo sat on the motorcycle with the helmet in his hand. The air-cooled and the sun slowly disappeared.
A chill went down his back. It felt like a scene in a horror movie. The killer however formed in the sky. A hush fell over the land. Nothing made a sound. He looked up in the southwest corner of the sky, his right. Dark clouds started to form. The sky grew completely dark and the wind started to blow harder blowing his blond hair in his eyes. As he brushed it out of his face he saw a flash of lightening. The clouds quite quickly started to lower toward the ground. In an instant Bo found himself running toward the school. Fortunately the doors were unlocked.
People started coming out of classrooms and stood in the hall. They kneeled down facing the wall and held their heads to their knees. They waited. It seemed like an eternity.
Meanwhile Jesse was still at the back forty. He had not heard the radio announcement or the sirens for the Duke farm was too far outside of town. He had a gut feeling though something was terribly wrong. His big toe was hurting and Mauden was acting up.
Mauden just so desperately wanted to be unhooked from the plow she almost ran off with it still attached.
Jesse looked toward the south. The sky looked almost green. Then it looked black. He knew what it was a tornado coming start toward him. He started to unhook Mauden. Then he let her run. At the moment all he was concerned about was finding a place to take cover even if the tornado completely missed him. He looked quickly around, nothing. Jesse then took a shovel and started to dig a ditch.
3:05PM. The tornado hit the area were Bo was. Outside the winds howled. The building started to vibrate. Bo looked down the hall at the others huddled there. They remained silent just listening to on coming winds. The lights flickered. Bo lowered his head toward the wall and put his hands on his head. He wondered how this would keep him safe. He was not holding on to anything. The lights finally went out.
He slowly stood and peered in the small window of a nearby classroom. The sky was dark and rain was coming down. The trees swayed back in forth like a rag doll thrown in the air.
Suddenly the windows shattered. Bo jumped back and knelt into his former position. The floor vibrated. The small window burst out sending shards of glass amongst other things into the hall. Bo held his breath. He did not have time anymore to think about how he was worried about everyone else. He had to be prepared. Just as quickly as it came, it stopped.
The building no longer shook, no rain, and the sun was out. Bo stood up. He felt dizzy since something heavy slammed him in the head. He looked through the space where there had been glass before. Everything was calm. He looked down the hall to his left everyone looked fine.
The tornado was very moderate grade tornado by the time it hit Hazzard High School with winds around 100 mph. It was not strong enough to bring any buildings down but it did do considerable damage anyway. It stayed grounded this time. Its winds grew stronger. It's size increased as well. It was now 100 yards wide. At this point it was heading due northeast, the typical path of a tornado. But then again tornadoes do not always follow its set path much like life in Hazzard. About around Hazzard Pound the tornado splits in half forming a second funnel cloud. The second lost strength when it left the first. It headed due north toward Luke and Sierra. The original tornado headed straight for town.
Daisy ran around the house moving stuff around. It kept her from thinking about what may have happened to Bo. She had a bad feeling and ran outside. The sky was black. Without a second thought she ran to the barn and let all the animals out. She then looked to the southwest. She didn't see a funnel cloud but she heard it's great roar. She waited.
The second tornado was acting crazy. It was hopping over things, taking out a house but let the barn alone. Then it skipped the next few houses.
Luke and Sierra were up by the Indian caves near the river.
Luke leaned back on the windshield of the General. He was silent for a minute.
They were silent for a bit. Sierra looked over at Luke who was lost in thought.
Sierra smiled. The wind blew her auburn hair back into her face as she looked at Luke. She sighed as Luke leaned over and kissed her
3:15PM. The sun disappeared. The countryside was silent. Then they heard the distant roar of the wind. Sierra pulled always slowly rising. It sounded like a speeding train. Her auburn hair blowing all around. Without a word Luke jumped off the General and started it followed by Sierra. His Marine instincts kicked in. He turned the car northward and drove as fast as he could.
3:25PM Town
The original tornado had split again. The third one headed north toward the Duke farm. The original had hit one half of the town. It plowed through buildings and it the County building. When it left half the town was untouched the other half was a mess.
3:30PM. Daisy saw the funnel cloud coming toward her she ran toward the root cellar. The wind was really blowing now and she had trouble getting the doors to open. Finally she got it. The tornado closed in as she closed the doors. The ground shook. She could hear metal hitting metal. The storm lasted all but five minutes.
The sun was shining brightly. The barn was gone as well as most of the kitchen but the rest of the house was untouched. Daisy breathed a sigh of relief. Then she went to see what she could find.
Boss, Rosco, Lulu, Enos and Rosco and Lulu's Mama had been in town until they realized were the storm was coming. Boss thought it would be best to go back to the Boar's Nest. Lulu complained and was fraught with worry but they made it to the Boar's Nest. They all walked inside except Enos who was to keep look out. Lulu and Mama went down into the basement to wait. Boss and Rosco stayed up stairs with the bar lit by two candles.
Rosco scowled.
Just then Enos burst into the bar.
The three of them ran down the stairs into the basement and stood by the wall on the southeast side. They waited
Meanwhile Sierra and Luke tried to out drive then second tornado that picked up strength. Sierra noticed that it was weaving back and forth. Objects swirled everywhere.
3:35PM Soon they come to the caves with the tornado just miles behind them. Luke apologized to the General for leaving him so vulnerable. He took the keys and they ran toward the caves. The wind was blowing so fast that it was hard to run. Almost like a back dream, still they continued on. Rain started to come down followed by hail. Luke and Sierra just made it into the opening of the cave when the tornado past them. They moved as far back as they could. They could feel the wind try and suck them out. The nightmare ended and everything went silent again.
Jesse laid waiting for the twister to get him in the field. HE watched the tornado coming toward him. He lay back down in the ditch he dug. He had also buried the plow in the earth and used Mauden's bridal to attach himself to it. The strong winds came and were gone within a matter of minutes. About ten minutes later that tornado vanished.
About fifteen minutes later both the other tornadoes lost momentum and vanished. The skies cleared and the folks of
Hazzard came out to check out the damage.
3:50PMAcross the radio came another message:
Bo went outside to look for the motorcycle. He was sure glad it was not his because he found it in a nearby tree. He went to another car that was relatively upright and picked up the cb.
Then she started to snicker.
Jesse unhooked himself from the plow and climbed out. Good thing he was in a field. He decided to look for Mauden before he headed back to what he believed would be left of the farm
Luke and Sierra wondered out of the cave a half an hour later just in case the tornado doubled back. Luke went to look for the General which he found in ok condition except for the fact a small tree fell on it. Sierra managed to help him remove it.
The General acted up at first then finally decided to cooperate with Luke and started. Luke picked up the cb.
Just then Cooter came across the cb.
Luke and Sierra climbed into the General speed off toward the farm. The dodged objects laying randomly around and inspected the damage along the way.
Bo finally got the motorcycle out of the tree and was heading south. Jesse decided to ride Mauden back and was on his way as well.
Boss, Rosco, Enos, Mama, and Lulu came up stairs. The roof was gone and one wall but that was about it. Tables and chairs were everywhere. Enos took Mama and Lulu to Mama's house to see what was left. Boss and Rosco took some time flipping over Rosco's patrol car before they headed to the County building.
Daisy sat on the front porch because it had not been touched and waited for her family to arrive. A horse walked by followed by a goat. Bo pulled up first.
Luke and Sierra pulled up a few minutes later.
Daisy then took everyone to see the other end of the house and all the damage. The barn was leveled. Jesse’s pick up was up the hill over looking the house. Everything was scattered all over the ground. The oddest thing was that Dixie was sitting where their kitchen used to be. They boys laughed then when to try and get Dixie out of the house.
Everyone laughed. Daisy, Sierra and Jesse went to work picking up objects off the ground.
"The Chapin's live five miles southwest of us, right?" Bo asked.
The boys got Dixie out a few minutes later. Daisy and Sierra took off in Dixie and the boys in the General. Jesse found his pick up and followed too.
Boss was picking up what was left of his office. The one wall had blown out. Rosco was helping him but I seemed to be getting worse rather than better.
Boss' eyes suddenly opened wide and he dropped what he was holding.
Boss and Rosco speed off toward the orphanage hoping to stop the Dukes or at least beat them there. The Dukes beat Boss and Rosco by about five minutes. They got to the orphanage. Lots of trees were down. The front porch was gone but the rest of the main house was fine. The shed was gone. Smashed television sets lay about the yard. The still was wrapped around a tree. The marijuana was in small pieces everywhere.
Just then Boss and Rosco came speeding up the road. They jumped out and ran toward the Dukes. Rosco pointed his gun at them.
Rosco and Boss looked around at everything spread out across the field. Boss took Rosco's hat and kicked it. They both left fighting and talking fast.
The Dukes decided to have dinner at Cooter's since he still had a kitchen. They invited Sierra. Sierra told the boys she would rather be friends with them because it was too hard to choose. Besides she was going back to El Paso in two days. She did promise to come back There was no death toll. Nobody went to the shelter because they spent the night with friends and neighbors. There were about twenty injured but not seriously. The people of Hazzard cleaned up and soon forgot about everything that happened that day.