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Katie's Writings


Here, I would like to share some of my writings and poems with you. 
I have a few poems published,
and some that just are waitning to be shared. 
On this page,
I am sharing a few poems,
random thoughts I have had regarding weight loss surgery, and friendship. 
I hope you enjoy this page.



This poem was written before my story was even thought of. 
It was written in 1995. 
When I think of myself regarding surgery,
I am an Angelic Butterfly ready to shed the cocoon of morbid obesity for good. 
Weight loss surgery is the thing that will help be be free of that cocoon
and to show just how splendid the Angelic Butterfly is becoming.

The Angelic Butterfly

I've found safety in my cocoon for many years,
sheltered from the hurts life threw my way.
I've been growing, one day at a time,
to become the beautiful, angelic creature I'm meant to be
within the haven of
the cocoon.
Then one day, with lots of hard
work and determination,
the cocoon cracked, and the Angelic Butterfly
emerged stronger than ever before.
As her wings slowly unfurl,
so many dreams, long forgotten, are
beginning to be realized.
As the feelings are felt,
the wings are fully expanding to
reveal their true beauty.
As the butterfly begins to soar
to new heights once thought impossible,
With the help of God, and her
angels, the only way for this butterfly to
go (as all butterflies go) is up, up up!
Look out world, the Angelic Butterfly has

Cathy Ann Wierman

Copyright ©2002 Cathy Ann Wierman


Looking Back, Moving Forward

My life has been so miserable! 
The death of both parents began my obsession with food and obesity.
  No matter what I diet I tried, I did lose some weight, only to gain it all back and then some. 
Food was my comfort, love and protector. 
It shielded me from hurt, or so I thought...

As time went on, I just got larger.
  I wasn't really protected!  for 35 of my 45 years,
I was deluded into thinking that being obese was a good thing,
but in reality, it was doing me harm! 
Arthritis makes it hard for me to get around and do things with my husband. 
I now have diabetes, both of which are affected by my morbid obesity. 
Depression keeps me housebound
a lot of times and I just don't like to socialize because of my size.

At this point in time, I have a bright spot to look forward to. 
I will be having weight loss surgery. 
I have been researching the subject for nearly a year,
and feel that this is the right way to go. 
I want to be able to live life and be healthy.
  I want to be free from pain. 
I want to love my reflection in the mirror. 
WLS will give me that, and so much more!

As I look ahead, I feel so many emotions,
but when it comes down to it, I will be so happy to be healthy! 
I am going to 2 support groups currently
that are helping me allay the fears I have regarding surgery. 
I get to talk with people who have had surgery,
and meet with other pre-ops like myself. 
While I am waiting for a date for surgery,
I am still doing research on the procedure I am having done.  I
have my support system in place,
and I am blessed for having Allen, my Rocky G. there with me every step of the way. 
I am excited about meeting Toni, my wls angel. 
She had surgery in March, 2002, and is well over 100 lbs! 
My online friends, and my new WLS friends are such support to me. 
I am really blessed.

Looking ahead is really a good thing for me. 
I am confident in Dr. Marymor
and I know I will be in great hands in the OR! 
I also have had previous abdominal surgeries,
so I am not too worried at this point.

This surgery is just a tool. 
I know this is a major lifestyle change,
and it will change me for the rest of my life. 
I am ready and willing to do whatever it takes
to make the WLS a success! 
I have, and always will consider myself "The Angelic Butterfly." 
WLS will help me achieve this.

Cathy A. Wierman
11 September 2002


Precious Gifts

Precious gifts, to me are given.

They reveal a glimpse of Heaven.

Always loving, caring, sharing,

helping me be bold and daring.

These gifts are without end

because they are my closest friends.

Cathy Wierman

Copyright ©2002 Cathy Wierman