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Inside Jokes

Stuff  that no one else finds funny

Chuckle, LOL, LMAO, or just plain old laugh! Read these inside jokes and don't be afraid to laugh to yourself...I promise no one will think you're crazy ;o).   If you would like to submit an inside joke please e-mail it to me at, I'll post it as soon as I can!


"Holler back young one! What? What?"

Showering with Joe the bus driver - "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?!"

Carrie's gone Sid huntin'!

Where can I get a Michigan Shocker?!

Putt...did you just pee on John?!

Katie, gotta love that fresh fish scent on your chest!

Why is my prime rib moving?

Dee, Adam and Blake - the Ocean Pee Trio!

Who farted....never mind....where's Brandon?

Why does it smell like smoke in a non-smoking room?

Egyptian Rat Screw 24-7

Amanda and her vicious "pelvic thrusts"

Adam giving a PA kiss to who?! Oh that ugly Oklahoma chick!

Hey Gary, why do GUYS  keep on coming up to us to give us PA kisses?

Alright, who shit in the ocean.....STEVE!!!!

"Gary, I have all these bubbles forming in my mouth, but I dont know why." "Trevor, did you get a Michigan Shocker?" "Dah! That Michigan girl!"

Hey everyone meet at the stairwell at 12:15...too bad bed check was still going on


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