Well once again, we have NO pictures. Don't worry though, there wasn't any real picture worthy stuff happening. And as a matter of fact, we did something better than pictures. We VIDEOTAPED!!! No, we didnt videotape ourselves, we hooked up the 64 to the VCR and RECORDED our AWESOME SUPER SMASH BROTHER BATTLES. And guess what we're taping some of our other SSB adventures and we might be SELLING THEM. That's right, you can own a piece of CJT Supersite history. Contact kingedgar14@yahoo.com if you want one. Will be a part of the soon to come STORE!!!
We had a total of 8 people there at one time!! These things just keep getting bigger!! We had 5 NES's an SNES, 2 N64's, a PSX, a Dreamcast, a PS2, and a total of maybe 150 - 200 games for the systems there. Most of the action was on the N64 when we played Perfect Dark and Super Smash Brothers.
24 hour marathoners:
13 hour marathoners:
Other appearances:
- The 3rd Marathon went good. My perspective of the marathon goes like this...
I woke up at 7:45 ready to have a long day and night of games. I had everything packed in a bag before hand. My load was a little lighter than last time, because my Dreamcast and n64 stayed home. Instead Richie brought his DC and Chris brought the n64. First we played Smash Bros for what seemed like forever. It was me Chris Jay Richie and Jeff for awhile. Then Nate came and we played some more SSB with him. Then a little while later I started to play Xenogears on a PSX. I ended up playing that for a good 5-6 hours of the marathon. Jeff played some Mario All-Stars, I forget when. I took a notebook but forgot to write anything in it. Darn me. Richie played Grandia 2 on DC for a long like, 15 minutes. Nate left at some point. When he did I think I played Xenogears sometime after that. Then Doug and Travis came and played SSB and Perfect Dark. I played Xenogears. Then I stopped and watched SSB. Nate came after a little while and I played off and on. As usual, Jay and Chris fought some, and Jeff fought with everyone once in awhile. I played lots of Xenogears, lots of SSB, and nothing else. I never once played Perfect Dark. In the last few hours we played SSB and taped the matches. Jay dissapeared just like the first marathon and slept. I slept from like 12 to 3 something. I missed a few hours, which someone else can write about. In the end everyone but Jeff slept some of the marathon. Chris for like 30 minutes near the very end, Jay the last couple hours, and me 3 hours on the floor and on a treadmill. Some highlights for me were getting further in Xenogears, SSB is always fun, listening to fights but not being in them, and being out of my house and off my PC. Some negative parts were Jay's annoying phrases he spouted off every 5 seconds such as "Llama" and "Soy, booya", Richie whining loudly whenever he played anything, and the general tiredness of 24 hours of games. Waking up on a treadmill didn't help either. Also, I rode Jay's sister's scooter to where I THOUGHT would be vending machines, only to find the cold and harsh reality they had no soda. The last negative thing was Jay had no non-diet soda. The lack of caffiene probably gave me the headache I suffer now. All in all it was a great time. The fun outweighed the bad parts. I am ready for Marathon 4 which we might do during Thanksgiving vacation or something. We'll burn that bridge and spit on it when we get there. Then we'll call it "stupid bridgeface" and laugh at it. I hate bridges!
- 24 hours of playing games? Can it be done? Well, apparently it can...
For some reason, I woke up at like 5:42 in the morning. I had to pick up Tim and Jeff at about 8:30. So, I went downstairs, cleaned the place up a little, set up the chairs and stuff, the usual. 8:15 rolled around, and I left out to get them. Nothing too strange, just the long ride to New Colombia. Now, I love to rant, so excuse me for a second. I hate detours. I hate road construction. But the thing I hate most is when they don't MENTION it. I mean, the road has been closed off for the past month, and they never mentioned it. I didn't know about it until I actually went past it. Thank god that it is almost done. Anyway, I took the long detour, and got to Tim's, then went to Jeff's. Got home, and Rich was outside, just walking in. So, we went in and started playing. Smash Brothers and Perfect Dark were the two favorites throughout the Marathon, and it showed even at the beginning. So, except for the fact that we taped it all, nothing much else happened. I worked with Tim on Xenogears for a while, then Star Ocean II, then BoF4, then the emulators on my computer and DC. It was 5 people for a while, then 4 more ended up coming in at one time. Well, I had to take a break and mow my grandmother's lawn, as well as fix her Computer. Near the end, we had a long discussion about the new console war. That will be revealed in an upcoming editorial. Anyway, I then had to go to sleep, because I had somewhere to go the next day ( same day? ). All in all, pretty good, though it felt LONG. I don't know when the next one will be, but I might not be there the whole time.