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My Nintendo 64 Collection

Systems: (1 complete)
  1. Regular Black Nintendo 64

Controllers / Accessories: (3/5+)

  1. Regular Gray Controller (2)
  2. Transparent Purple Controller

  1. Controller Glove (2)
  2. Expansion Pak
  3. Rumble Pak
  4. Controller Pak
  5. Gameshark

Games: (23)

  1. Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.
  2. Body Harvest
  3. Bomberman 64
  4. Conker's Bad Fur Day
  5. Donkey Kong 64
  6. Doom 64
  7. Excitebike 64
  8. Goldeneye 007
  9. Jet Force Gemini
  10. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  11. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  12. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Gold Version ('bout time!))
  13. NASCAR '99
  14. NFL Quarterback Club '00
  15. Perfect Dark
  16. Quest 64
  17. Star Fox 64
  18. Star Wars: Episode 1: Racer
  19. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
  20. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
  21. Super Mario 64
  22. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
  23. Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
  24. Wave Race 64
  25. Wayne Gretzky's 3d Hockey
  26. WWF War Zone