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Sailor Harmony

Otaku Senshi:Home
Roll Call

Name: Kat Luin

Sex: Female

Height: 5'5"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Violet

Birthday: July 27 3117

Blood type: 0+

Build: Slender, well toned muscles

Unique Characteristics: Hers eyes will stay the same in any form

Senshi Name: Sailor Harmony

Phrase: Star of peace, Harmony is my Guardian. On behalf of Neo-Queen Serenity and planet Harmony, I'm gonna kick your butt.

Senshi Colors: White, plush violet

Realm: Peace and Harmony

Henshin Phrase: Harmony star power!

Animal Guide: A white tiger at home named Starla

Fuku: Same as the supers exept no sleeves. The bows are plush violet and everything else is white. Her earings carries the symbol of her planet.

Transformation: An orb of pure light will set her in the middle. When the time is right, her hands will pop out along with the rest of her body. The light disappears in her heart and she makes a nice pose.

Weapons: N/A


Justice Peace Beam!

Beam of her light/Senshi power would come out through her finger and changes the monster into a good person if there's any good left inside. Otherwise, it will be destroyed. Will have no affect on civillians.

Background: Kat is from another galaxy on a planet called Harmony. Her parents are of the Cosmos Soldiers so that made her Harmony Cosmos. Kat is not a princess, or have any royal blood in her. Her in laws, the Worland family however, are of Royal blood on other planets. Magic runs through her veins and has been training as a Cosmos soldier to protect the innocent since childhood (Began training at 5 years old) Like everyone else in her family, she will stay looking like a 20 year old because of her immortal powers.

Favorite Food: Honey cakes and honey porkchops

Least Favorite Food: Onions

Favorite Gem Stone: Ruby

Favorite School Subject: Drama and Spells

Least Favorite Subject: Social Studies

Strengths: Her confidence in others

Weaknesses: Will always go over her limit

Future Goals: Fulfilled, to be a Sailor Senshi because she heard tales from her Great aunts about their daughter-in-laws who were of the Kimio Scouts.

Hobbies: Shopping, matchmaking

Family: Her family are the Cosmos soldiers

Became a senshi: Flew from her planet to Earth just to plea for the permission of Neo Queen Serenity (Rini all grown up) to be a Sailor Scout. There were disagreements between the inner senshi, but after Kat proved herself against a monster, her dreams finally came through.

Personality: Clumsy sometimes, stupid other times, and maybe even serious once needed to be, but she is always helpful and kind. Beauty is of no importance to her, she makes herself ugly on purpose. Putting couples together is her fortee, but finding one for herself had never been a thought until that one planet she went on during her journeys to be a Sailor Scout.

Senshi's Website

By: Kat