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Sailor Phoebe

Otaku Senshi: Home
Roll Call

Name: Kasa Warden

Sex: Female

Height: 5'4"

Eye Color: Green

Hair: Curly orange shoulder length hair.

Birthday: March 19th

Blood type: AB

Build: Slender, well toned muscles

Unique Characteristics: None

Senshi Name: Sailor Neo Phoebe

Phrase: Star of creatures, Kamio is my Guardian. On behalf of Neo-Queen Serenity, you shall cause no more crime!

Senshi Colors: Brown, green

Realm: Animals

Henshin Phrase: Phoebe star power!

Animal Guide: None

Fuku: Brown skirt and flap, green bows, fuku same as the supers

Transformation: Her body shimmers as her arms create some butterfly move above her head when a shinning beast jumps across her making her tramsformation complete.

Weapons: N/A


Fury claw revelutionize!

An orange shinning leapord would be blasted from her hands and attack the enemy.

Background: Her family has been serving Neo Queen Serenity for three generations. Kasa grew up listening to Kat's (Sailor Harmony) stories and past adventures.

Favorite Food: Honey cakes made by Kat

Least Favorite Food: fat

Favorite Gem Stone: Ruby

Favorite School Subject: P.E

Least Favorite Subject: None

Strengths: She's a strong fighter thanks to her training with Kat

Weaknesses: Her hot headedness

Future Goals: To help Kat with her problem

Hobbies: Shopping, listening to Kat's stories/past

Family: Mother who is Sailor Mini Phoebe, and father who's human.

Became a senshi: Handed down from her mother

Personality: Kasa loves to have fun. Kat is her idol and is exactly like her sister. There's nothing she loves more than to hang out with Kat. As a senshi, she's been trained well and it a great fighter. But her flaw is she rushes in too fast unlike her mother. Overall, she's a kind, happy person with a temper that can be calmed easily.

Senshi's Website

By: Kat

Otaku Senshi of The Month

^-March Winner of Otaku Senshi of the Month!-^