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By Brady Seals


She is more than any man could ask for
She is everything a woman can be
And she is life
Heaven here on Earth
There's no way to say what she is worth.

She never looks at the bad side
She has a heart as pure as gold
She's always eager to give it one more try
Unbelievably, she belongs to me.

She is love
Beyond my wildest dreams
With eyes of winter green that chill me
And she is so
The half that makes me whole

She is Rock 'n' Roll, Blues and Country.

She never looks at the bad side
She has a heart as pure as gold
She's always eager to give it one more try
Unbelievably, she belongs to me.



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Created with love by Patty
October 21, 2005
© Patty's Song Wavs  2003 - 2005