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The bill, introduced by City Councilman at-large Angel Ortiz, would essentially revise the city’s current 21-year-old law by creating provisions for stricter monitoring and stronger enforcement of city...Full Article

City Council adopted a trio of bills yesterday that could reduce residents' wage and property taxes, if signed into law by Mayor Street. Full Article

Frank Rizzo Jr...his recent $250-a-head fund-raiser at the Vesper Club (his late father's favorite hang) was attended by many Democrats, including City Council President Anna Verna - who noted her family and Franny's have been friends for decades... Full Article

Contractors who do business with the city could be fined $300 a day or lose their contracts if they do not comply with a bill passed yesterday that would help minorities, women and disabled people obtain... Full Article

The bill, which was sponsored by Councilman W. Wilson Goode Jr. and adopted unanimously by Council, would require banks to submit statements to the city showing their goals for making money available for community development... Full Article


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