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***Membership Application***



Phone _____________________Address__________________________

City____________ State_____________ Email _____________________

Circle One:   Single Rate: $15.00            Family Rate:  $25.00

(Family Rate/Household Rate is for any 2 adults in the same household)

List Family Members:_____________________________________________________________________________

Circle At Least One:

Are your interests mainly:  Conformation     Weight Pull        Obedience        Agility       Herding   Other:___________

Circle At Least One:

I want to help with: Raffle & Fund Raising Committee          Show Committee         Newsletter Committee                  Photo & Public Relations Committee    Advertisement Committee                             Other:_____________

How many U.K.C. dogs do you own? _______________________

Are you affiliated or associated with any other dog registry?  Yes  No

If so, which registries? _____________________________________________________________________________

Sponsoring Member:_______________________________________________________________________________

I have read the club constitution and by-laws and agree to abide by and support the rules and purpose of the club and those of United Kennel Club, Inc.  I understand that any misrepresentation of these facts or any violation of these rules forfeits membership with no refund.

Signed      __________________________Date________________________

Signed      __________________________Date________________________