EXAMINE - Move in front of an object and press the "A" button
- check objects, open doors, talk to characters. By investigations, you can find clues to help you proceed through the game. (If there is nothing to see or discover, no message will be displayed)
AIM & FIRE - Press/hold the "R" button and move the Control Stick or + Control Pad UP or DOWN to aim. Still holding the "R" button, press the "A" button to fire.
- attack with your currently equipped weapon.
PUSH - Get close to an object and press/hold the Control Stick or + Control Pad UP.
- position your character to face in the direction you want to move the item.
- try moving suspicious-looking items. Also, move items to use as steps in order to investigate higher levels.
CLIMB/DESCEND - Press the "A" button near waist-high (or lower) objects.
- climb up or down during your investigation to examine everything.
- try all levels, even though there are places where you cannot climb or descend.
RUN - Control Stick or + Control Pad + "B" button
- your character runs in the direction you press
QUICK 180 TURN - Control Stick or + Control Pad DOWN + "B" button
- use this evasive action to flee danger.
- Press the "X" button mid-game to open the Status Screen. Move the cursor over an icon and press the "A" button to select it.
MAP - opens Map screen
OPTIONS - opens Options screen
PARTNER - opens Partner window
FILE - opens File screen
EXIT - returns to game
EQUIPPED WEAPON - displays weapons you have equipped
PERSONAL - press the "L" button in the Partner window to see your Partner's personal items
COMMAND WINDOW - displays various item commands
MESSGE WINDOW - displays various info
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) - shows character's vitality: normal, caution (slight injury),danger (near death) or, poison
POSSESSIONS - shows items you currently carry; numbers by weapons indicate ammunition available
(When you don't have a partner, the partner's Status information is not displayed.)
When you select an item or weapon in the Status screen, the following commands become available. (You can also use these commands on your personal item.)
Select a command and press the "A" button to activate it.
USE ITEM/EQUIP WEAPON - Use the item or equip the weapon. (you must equip weapons in order to fire them. Just picking them up simply puts them in you Status screen.) Note: You cannot "Use" bullets or weapons.
EXAMINE - Zoom in on an object to examine it thoroughly. Use the Control Stick or + Control Pad to rotate the object, and press the "L" and "R" buttons to shrink and expand the view.
Combining one item with another can produce newer, more effective items (such as herbs) or replenish items (such as bullets).
- Remember to press the "A" button after each selection.
1. Select the first item in your proposed combination.
2. Select the COMBINE command
3. Select the second item to be combined with the first. The new combination item appears. (When you combine a weapon and bullets, the ammunition number should increase.)
(Different characters can't combine all items. Try various combinations to see what works for each character).
- Remember to press the "A" button after each selection
1. Select the item you want to discard
2. Select the LEAVE command from the COMBINE window. The item will be discarded at the character's feet and will also be displayed on the MAP screen.
(The number of items you can discard in a room is limited; you may be able to return later and pick up the item when you want it again. Be sure to carry only necessary items).
You can exchange items between characters when the characters are close together in the same room.
- Remember to press the "A" button after each selection
1. Select the first item you want to exchange
2. Select the EXCHANGE command. Your partner's items will be displayed.
3. Select the second item to be exchanged with the first. The exchange will be made.
You can even exchange small amounts of bullets between characters.
If you merely want to hand one item to another character, select an empty space in the partner's item list as the location to switch items and press the "A" button.
If characters are too far away from eachother to exchange items, the EXCHANGE command will not be displayed. In those situations, you can use the LEAVE command to leave an item from the other player.
As you play the game, you will eventually find maps hidden throughout the level. You can view these on a different screen to help you ascertain your location. Choose the MAP command from the Status screen to open the Map. You can check your characters location as well as see which rooms are connected to the current room. Rooms appear in various colors to indicate whichones you have or haven't entered as well as which are locked and open.
Pressing START/PAUSE opens the Map Select window where you can selectwhich map to display. You can also select a floor on the current map by pressing the Control Stick or + Control Pad UP or DOWN.
When you press the "A" button while viewing a map, you'll see a display of all hte items laying around in that area. You can choose the item you want to display by pressing the Control Stick or + Control Pad LEFT or RIGHT, in case you've forgotten where you've left certain items. You can also zoom the map in and out by pressing the "L" and "R" buttons. Press the "Z" button to toggle the display of map frames ON/OFF.
Choose FILE ot open the File screen. You can read through all of the files you've collected so far. Choose which file category to read by pressing the Control Stick + or Control Pad. Press the "A" button to confirm which file you will read. Files contain valuable information, so check them often.