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Resident Evil Zero - Files

Player Manual 1

· Note that buttons may differ depending on the controller type selected.

View status screen:

Press Y button during play
· You should view the screen in the following circumstances:
· During event movies
· When Taking damage
· When weapon is readied

· The following functions are available on the screen:
· Equip weapon
· Use item
· View map
· View file
· Leave item etc....
· View map

Select the map item on the status screen.
(You should also press the Z button during play)

· If you do not have a map for the area,you can only see locations already visited.

Reading the map:
Blue room: Your current location
Green room: Visited locations
No color: Locations not yet visited
Red door: Locked door
Yellow door: Unlocked door

While viewing the map,you can view the item list by pressing the A button.

· The following information is available on the item List:
· Left items
· Locations of the left items

Pushing objects:
Some "objects" can be moved in the certain directions.Use the control stick to push these "objects"...
(You also can use the control Pad).

Climbing(Dismounting from raised platforms.):
Press the A button to climb onto waist-high surfaces.(You can also climb onto movable objects.)

Equipping weapons:
Choose your weapon from the items on the Status screen and select the "Equip" command.(You can only use a weapon if it is equipped.)

Attack Stance:
Press the R button.(You turn toward the nearest enemy with the currently equipped weapon)

While in Attack Stance,Press the A button.(You can attack with the currently equipped weapon.)

Quick Turn:
Press the B button while Pressing Down on the control stick or on the control Pad.

Check item details:
Choose the item at the status screen and select "Examine" command.


Player Manual 2

· Note that button names may differ depending on the controller type selected.

Character switching
A system that enables you to control the two lead characters.Rebecca and Billy and use their different abilities to progress through the game.
The character you are controlling is called the Main Character.
The character you do not control is called the Partner Character.

Controlling the Partner Character:
The Partner character generally moves independently(You can use the C stick to control the Partner Character.)
Selecting the "Partner" on the status screen allows you to assign instructions to the character.

· Solo: Both character move independently
· Team: Partner moves with the main character
· Attack: Partner attacks automatically · Idle: Partner will not attack

· You can also press the START/PAUSE button to switch between independent and Cooperation Action.

Switching characters:
Press the X button at the Status screen to switch between the characters, To overcome the obstacles,you will need to evaluate the circumstances and switch characters as needed.

Exchanging items:
When your partner character is nearby,you can exchange items on the Status Screen.
· Choose the item from the main characters's item box and select the "Exchange" command.

Character Attributes: Rebecca
Rebecca,a member of S.T.A.R.S has the following attributes:
Can combine herbs-related items
Is weak defensively
Can use a mixing set to combine chemicals

Character Attributes: Billy
Billy,a former marine,has the following attributes:
Cannot combine herbs-related items
Is strong in combat
Can push large objects

If your partner is attacked...
Both the main and partner characters will die if they take too much damage. You should always keep an eye on their condition. A partner being attacked in a different room will call for help over the radio. If your partner does call,go and help as quickly as possible.

Cooperating with your partner:
Some puzzles cannot be solved by one character.When you are stuck,try to see if using your partner will help.


Court order for transportation

Prisoner name: Billy Coen
ID number: D -1036
Former Second Lieutenant,Marine Corps
Age: 26
Height: 5ft.9in.
Weight: 163 lbs
Transfer destination: Regarthon Base
Convicted of first degree murder. Court Marshaled and sentence to death by the 0705 rd Military Tribunal. Sentence to be carried out upon arrival

Samual Regan,
Donell Marine Base


Hookshot Operator's Manual

- Warning -

This device should only be used when inspecting difficult to access car roofs,or when connecting special trains. Return to its proper location after use.


1. Where to use
There is a ladder outside the small window by the first floor section door of the third carriage. Fire the device so that it hooks high on the ladder.

2. Using the winch to climb.
After securing the hook,use the winch to lift yourself up.

· This grappling hook can only lift one person at a time. Be aware that the unit may be damaged if lifting more than 80kg.


Investigator Order

(Stained with blood, some sections are illegible)

8 miles north of Raccoon City,in the Arklay Mountains, lies our comp ny's Managment Training facility. It was shut down years ag . Now,w are conductin a preliminary tudy into the re-opening of the faci ities First Investigation Unit is alre dy on-site and opening th investi ation, I want yo r team to provide suppo t. The following orders re Will m Bark and 1s i ves gat o Un t.

......... (The rest is torn and unreadable)


Notice to all Supervisors

When closing the dining car,supervisors are asked to switch off the automatic doors after ensuring all the staff have vacated the car. The main automatic door power switch is located on the roof of the fifth car, Inspections will take place when the train is garaged. After inspections is completed, use the ladder at the rear of the second of the dining car.

Umberella Corp.
Maintenace Department


Passenger's Diary

July 14th
Orders came from boss today. Looks like we're im charge of investigating the remains of the Arklay Mountains laboratory. We're moving in two groups, with us the intial group, assigned to stand checking what's left of the abandoned experiment.

July 16th
Unfortunately,the test production of the B.O.W. (Type -Y139) had to be suspended because of this investigation. It's the same with the Type -Y139. There's still so much we don't know about responses to the crustacean virus. There's a lot of interesting research left... Depending on the species and nurturing conditions, only minute doses of "t" bring about remarkable changes in solidity, size, multiplication of internal toxins and brain development. If these effects can be controlled, a weapon weapon could be produced. But the sudden development of the shell results in corresponding fragility. Certain areas become exceedingly weak. Problematically, one of these areas is the head carapace. This lab we are going to .... Were they pursuing the same research? It would certainly help to find data and samples that help us in our research.

July 19th
The day is finally apporaching... I am growing more anxious. The Raccoon City newspapers and TV stations are full of reports about bizzare murders in the suburbs. It can't be the virus, can it? If it is........ No, I can't think of that now. I have to concentrate on this investigation and make sure it runs smoothly.


Brake operation Manual

Using the Brake control,the following steps are neccessary to operate the brakes:

Step 1: Activate the controls
Brake controls are loacted in the following locations:

· First car Driver's compartment
· Rear deck of the fifth car. To activate the system,you must insert the magnetic card into the device in the fifth car. This will supply power to both sets of controls.

Step 2: Enter Rear Deck code Enter the rear deck unit to release the lock. After this, the Driver's compartment code can be input.

Step 3: Enter Driver's compartment code
Enter the code for the Driver's compartment unit to remove the lock. Upon completion of these steps,the manual brakes will be available for use.


Note from the Conductor

The keycard for the driver's compartment is in my bag as always. But I need the other guy's key too often to open the damn thing. But it looks like I've lost it somewhere. If it was a normal key, someone is sure to turn it on, but the key is different. I'll look for it too, but it you happen to find it, please hand it in.

Thanks in advance


Regulations for the Trainees

Training facility Mission:
This training facility will raise a new generation of model employees to serve the future of Umberella Corp. Applying the strictest and most rigorous training standards, this facility will, without regard of gender, race or creed, produce only the best candidates to be global future leaders of Umberella Coporation. We look forward to the development of your leadership qualities.

Training facility Guidelines:

Discipline, Obedience, Unity

These three words are the basic principles which govern Umberella Coporation employees, and are to be considered the Law of this facility. Keep these words in mind at all times. Delicate yourselves to the training, and bring honour to yourself and the coporation.

James Marcus,
Umberella Coporation,
Managment Training facility


Notice to all staff

(This document is very old. Much of the writing is illegible)

Regular meetings of the Vaccine Records Research and Infectious Agents teams will be held. Both meetings are Security Level 5,and will be held in the following locations:

1F W operations control room
2F SE meeting room

The entry code shall be:


Thank you.


Marcus's Diary 1

December 4th
We finally did it....the new virus!! We have called it the "Progenitor" I want to carry it back and start detailed invesgations immediately.

March 23th
Spencer says he's going to start a company. Well, I don't care, as long as I can continue my research into "Progenitor". He can do what he likes...

August 19th
Spencer keeps asking me to be the director of his new training facility. Maybe,it is because of the business but he is becoming intolerably pushy. But,maybe I can turn this to my advantage. I need a special facility to properly to explore all this virus' secrets. A place where no one will get in the way............

November 30th
Damn that Spencer! He came to complain to me again today. He thinks of "Progenitor" as noting more than a money-spinning tool, Fool! But his influence continues to grow, it can only be bad for my research. If I'm to properly develop "Progenitor", I must strengthen my own position, too.

September 19th
At last....
I've discovered a way to build a new virus type with "Progenitor" as a base. Mixing it with leech DNA was a breakthrough I needed.... I call this new virus "t", for "tyrant".

October 23rd
It's no good!
I can't hope for real progress expermenting on mere rodents. Only humans can be a proper mammlian subject for the experiments. Otherwise,I will never any real progress......

November 15th
Someone seems to suspect something about my experiments.......But, perhaps it's just my imagination. Well, if anyone does get too close, they may find themselves unexpectedly "assisting" in my research!

January 13th
At last,they are ready. My wonderful leeches! Those of low intellgence, they will never have the privilege of tasting this sense of joy and satisfaction! Now, finally, I can move against Spencer. Soon,I will control everything.....

Januray 31st
The devices I set to protect my work have been disturbed, it appears someone came looking for "t" and the leeches, Fool. No doubt of Spencer's group.

February 11th
Today, I again found evidence of tampering around the entrace to the labs. If that is what they're after, I must find a suitable way to deal with them. Perhaps,I should have William and Albert smoke out the pest...

Those two are the only ones I trust. Apart from the beloved leeches, of course, But Spencer... It wouldn't end there... Would it? I will announce "t" at the next directors meeting and collect my just rewards.....


Assistant directors's Diary

September 2nd
A useless bunch of trainees, as always. Where does headquartors find these idiots? We did get a couple of decent ones, though, so can't complain I guess, William and Albert, they might have a future.

September 25th
Scholar Will, Pratical Al, They really are oppersites. And they are always competitive in everything they do. There is something useless and cruel about them both...

October 7th
Got a sudden call from the director, it was to tell me to encourage a rival between those two! It's the first time since this training facility was built that Director Marcus has ever shown interest in anything other than his research. Well, whatever, orders are orders. I'm going to have them tearing at each other's throats.


About Power Regulator

Due to the recent lightning strike,the power regulator continues to be inoperative. I wouldn't really matter about the power, except for the fact that the boiler room equipment is on the same grid. The equipment is so run down, I'll probably have to have it fixed up all the time. If you wish to exit rapidly, set the indicator to 70.Check first though that everything is connected to the chain.


A Verse of Poetry

The Moon bows to the Earth
The Earth swears loyalty to the Sun
And the great Law of the Sun Governs all things,
This itself is the keystone,
The pointer of glory
All our hands Cannot open the door to the heaven.


Management Trainee's Diary

What is that Director Marcus is researching all the time? And what's with his weird interest in leeches?Interest..? Seems more like love at times.... Rumor has it that there's something dangerous about those leeches. It is true that when Dennis just touched one, he got ill with a fever.

Again today....... There were those horrible moans. Beyond that door,"Let sleeping dogs..." No way I'll go near them. Even if the Director tells me, I no way want to end up like Dennis. That poor bastard. Scratching and scratching. Makes me itch just watching him.

Must maybe go

IF can but hwo

Dennis gone,I go





Microfilm image

An image resulting from overlaying microfilms A and B

Numbers appear on the seats of the conference room.


Inmates List

Correctional Institute Inmates List

Mathews, K.
Deceased,Disposal Complete

Deceased,Disposal Complete

Preserved as specimen

Transported to research facilities

Transported to research facilities

Preserved as specimen

Transported to research facilities

Transported to research facilities

Deceased,Disposal Complete

Transported to Arklay labortary

Deceased,Disposal Complete

Transported to research facilities

Transported to Arklay laboratory

Transported to Arklay laboratory

Transported to Arklay laboratory

(Transported individuals to be deleted from the records).


First Investigation Unit Notes

We are searching the facilities, and it looks like a lot of chemicals survived. Fortunately, the storage tanks are still full. We have just started and there is still a lot we don't know, but it appears that the chemicals can be mixed to produced new substances. The chemicals are scattered all about. Not because of the accident, more a result of a plain investigation. When we re-open the facilities, we have to develop a system for dealing with these chemicals.

(Something is scrawled on the back of the note)

Red + Blue =Sulfuric Acid
Green + Red =Stripping Agent


Marcus's Diary 2

(This page has been torn out)

Trouble is unlikely, but I closed my babies up in the special capsule. But it won't be safe if I hold it onto myself. I'll hide it in that place. "To hide a leaf, put it in a forest". To open the capsule, the special stripping agent is neccessary. No way Spencer's lackeys could figure how to make it......


Old photograph

(There's something written on the back of the photograph).

To James,
To Commemorate your Graduation, 1939


Investigator's Report

Dr.Marcus, Co-founder, with President Spencer, of the Umberella Corporation, disappeared 20 years ago. The results of his research have been kept under warps for all that time. The reason became clear here at Training Facility run by Dr. Marcus...Well, not here exactly, but underground. When we ventured below, we understood.....

There we found evidence of Dr.Marcus' research into the T-virus prototype called "Progenitor". The evidence of years of hideous experiment that used company employees as guinea pigs. We cannot know how many were forced to become subjects, but based on the evidence, no less than twenty individuals were involved; some of them taken deliberately to keep the Coporation's secret safe. Where is the Doctor now I don't know, but considering the recent rapid growth of Umberella Coporation, I can't imagine the research is continuing. No...his experiment lives and continues to grow in the dark. Those things, the "fruit" of his research, they fill this facility.

(The rest of the notebook pages are missing).


Leech Growth Records

February 3rd, 1978
Administrated "t" into 4 leeches. Their will to survive leads them first to parasitism and predation.Then they breed and mulitply. Such single minded biology makes them attractive candidates for bio weapons research. Afterwards, no major changes observed.

February 10th, 1978
7 days since the adminstration of the "t". Rapid growth to double former size, signs of tranformation emerging. Spawning successful, they double their numbers in one hour, but their ravenous appetites lead them to cannibalism. Hastened to incease food supply, but lost 2. March 7th, 1978
Provided them with live feed, but lost half when the live food fought back. However, the leeches are learning from experience, and are beginning to exhibit group attack behavior. They are also ceasing to cannibalism. Their evolution is exceeding expectations.

April 22nd, 1978
The leeches no longer exhibit individual behavior,even when not feeding, they move as collective. They consume everything I offer with remarkable efficiency.

April 30th,1978
An employee has stumbled onto my experiments. Can human be a food source? How will the leeches respond?

June 3rd,1978
A day worthy of commemoration. Today they began to mimic me! Surely they recognize their father.... Wonderful children, No one will take you away....


Laboratory Manager's Diary

Today, under Director Marcus' orders, I changed the platform entry code. Later I asked him what the source of the entry code was.He told me it was based on something significant in his children's growth. But, the Director's a loner, he isn't married and he sure doesn't have any children...

What could he mean?


B.O.W Report

Research to date has shown that when the Progenitor virus is administrated to living organisms, violent celluar changes cause a breakdown in the system, Furthermore, no satisfactory method has been found to control the organisms for use as weapons. Clearly, greater coordination at the cellular level is essential to enable further growth. I conducted a number of experiments in an effort to find a breakhthrough. This is my report:

Perhaps because of these ancient animals have been genetically stable for millenia, when administered with the progenitor virus they exhibited only explosive high-energy growth and increased aggressivness. It is extremely difficult to envision using them as B.O.W.

Injecting a frog with the virus resulted in an increase in leaping power and abnormal tongue growth. However, no change in mental ability is observed. Furthermore, an abnormal resulted in the test subject randomly attacking all moving objects. Usefulness for B.O.W is limited.

The progenitor virus was merged with the monkey's cellular DNA ,resulting in increased in fertility. The resulting young exhibited improved aggressivness and some increased mental capacity. (As a side effect, the visual power was lost, but this offset by an improvment in hearing ability). However, they were unsatisfactory as weapons. It does seem that no progress can be made without making humans as base organism.


About Battery Fluid

Battery Fluid
The fluid used in batteries is a diluted solution of mixed water and sulfuric acid. Both must be of high purity. When fully charged,battery fluid should have specific gravity of 1,280_+0.010 at 20 degree.

Battery Acid Purity
Take care that dilute sulfuric acid solution is of sifficient purity.


Investigator's Report 2

We should have finished with this dump long ago. When this is all started, did anyone expect that there would be guns blazing away like this? We weren't told a thing about creatures attacking us at the briefing... Guess they were a surprise to the head honchos too. The things in the woods - just starting attacking people. That had to be planned.Someone diliberately scattered that virus, no doubt about it. But the guards, our fellow soldiers, they must be still around...Well, whatever. Don't have to worry about that anymore. What I've got to worry about whether to use the last bullet on myself, or on a friend...

That's the only decision I have to make.


Treatment Plant Manager's Diary

Damn it! Why is normal industrial waste being delivered here? This is an Umberella Coporation facility. We can't deal with this volume of material. Plus they're sending us contaminated materials that we can't process. What are we supposed to do with it?

Well, looks like they're closing it down. Not surprising, using like they did. Had to be done, but....It was pretty sudden. It's not like they cared unitl now.Anyway ,as long as I get out of here, I don't care what they do.


Gate Operation Manual

To open the Heliport in case of emergency, follow the procedures below:

Removing the lock:

There are four locking mechanisms in the room which must be activated in this order:

1. Southwest Side
2. Northwest Side
3. Southeast Side
4. West Side

Turn each of the mechanisms' handles to unlock the gate.


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