I've been wanting to share this for such a long time.
How many times have you heard me say that It's time for me to go to beddie?...smiles
Ask my husband, daughter, everyone I know for that matter ...
And don't call me on the phone after 8:00 p.m. either, I won't be available to talk-- Emergencies only please!
I guess I've been following this ritual for about 3 years now.
I thought I'd get used to going to bed early, but NO on the contrary, sound sleep doesn't come easily for me.
It's even worse in the summer months when the days are longer and the light creeps in around the shade.
You know I'm not too fond of winter but at least the days are shorter and night comes quicker then.
Even being surrounded by darkness, falling asleep is a chore.
Counting sheep doesn't always do the trick. A rosary or two helps.
You wouldn't believe the thoughts that run across my brain like a video in color.
Are you wondering what kind of thoughts they could be to keep me awake?
Okay, they're strange ones about dying, yeah you read that correctly, about death,
Heaven, Purgatory, the hereafter, and God. Not so much about Hell though.
And, where am I going after I die? Ah, I know that, it'll be to Heaven like everybody else..uh huh
Isn't Heaven reserved for saintly figures? Maybe so, after all Saints live holier than thou lives.
I doubt whether I'll make it on the first shot -- meaning at the First, Particular Judgment.
Hmmm, that word judgment sounds serious. You better believe it, cuz it is!
Now you know I believe in the hereafter, the peaceful life beyond the tunnel.
Can I tell you a little more about this? Thanks, you won't be disappointed -- here goes.
When the time comes, and life ends, the body separates from its immortal soul.
The body is sadly placed in a grave, and returns to the dust of the earth.
The soul journeys on to meet its Maker for the first, Particular Judgment.
It's like being called on the carpet I think, and lots of questions are asked and
Hopefully the right answers are given -- at least by me....smiles
He wants to know why I faltered from the golden rules He gave us.
We're going through each and every Commandment one by one.
This is bound to be one L-O-N-G Judgment I can see that already.
Now you understand why it's hard for me to sleep with all these goings on.
Ya know, there was a time when I couldn't think of myself dying let alone anyone else
Especially a close member of the family or a dear friend.
I even had a rough time when we lost Napoleon during that winter snow storm a few years ago.
Figuring I would live to be at least 70 yrs of age with my medical record was being kind.
With each year that passes, I'm getting closer and closer to that age and I fear it less -- death.
Don't get me wrong, I want to stick around for a bunch of years, as long as I possibly can.
The loves of my life are here, so where else would I wanna be but here?.
You just never know when the dear Lord is going to call you home, so it's better to be ready.
My soul will be judged on its merits (or demerits) as soon as I die.
That's pretty darn fast don't ya think?
As my family goes through all the last minute arrangements, the viewing, the Mass
And interment, there's my soul floating around the Lord's presence,
Telling Him all the things I was either afraid to confess on earth,
Or did confess to the Priest and maybe wasn't repentful enough for.
My palms are a bit sweaty right now thinking of how much I hurt Him with my sins.
I could have been more disciplined with myself. Guess it's a little late for that now.
My chance to make amends is over now, what a pity!
This earthly body has no reason to care what kind of coffin I have to lie in,
Or what kind of clothes they choose for me -- (I better be wearing what I wore on my wedding day),
Or how many bouquets of fresh flowers people sent and who sent them
Who all came to see my family to comfort them in their sadness.
All that stuff doesn't seem to matter anymore....only to the living,
The body is gone, forgotten, to be mourned. The immortal soul takes over now and
The journey begins. This journey is the most important one you will ever make.
The Particular judgment is over....wasn't as terrible as I figured it would be.
I hear angels whispering something. There it is again that word -- Purgatory.
That's a place I like to think of as a room down the hall from Heaven.
Souls get to work off their imperfections there and it's pretty hard work I hear.
Okay, a band of angels escort my soul to that room.
Not being able to see God in Heaven is the biggest sacrifice a soul has to endure.
How long does it take to purify a soul? I guess that depends on how many sins you had.
Maybe Santa even has some input in gathering this information who knows? He knows who's naughty and nice right?
And to think I used to tell my mother I didn't believe in Santa...smiles
Purgatory doesn't last forever because it ends when God comes at the end of the world,
To judge the living and the dead -- This is the Last Judgment.
Everyone gets the third degree this time. And the line is longer than you can ever imagine.
The agony of Hell never came to light, so I can't share that with you.
That place is self-explanatory. Never did care for Satan and his band of evil men.
Don't try to say your earthly life was like "Hell" or punishment enough,
Or that all your friends are going there so you want to go there too.
Think again, nobody wants to go to Hell... That place is forever, there's no turning back,
No second chance, no Purgatory to spruce up, no God, how terrifying.
Here's where I see myself asking an important favor of anyone who reads this.
Would you please, please say a prayer every single day for all the faithful departed
Including me after I pass on? It will help to lessen the purification. You can count on
my prayers too. You will be thanked in ways that are unexplained and unbelievable.
I can't impress upon you how important this is to me and to all the souls who are waiting
To enter God's abode.
Sharing one last thing before I close, is the Prayer I use:
Prayer For the Faithful Departed
Heavenly Father, I believe that in Your wisdom and justice, You willed to purify all persons
Who die without having attained the state that they need for all eternity, all who have still to
expiate completely the sins committed here on earth.
I also believe that You have mercifully arranged that this process of purification can be
aided by the prayers of the living and especially by the Eucharist. Help me to pray for my
brothers and sisters who have departed from the world.
(Here you can mention the names of those you wish to pray for)
May their time of purification be short and may they be quickly guided into that holy light
promised by our Lord to Abraham and his descendants. I offer You sacrifices and prayers
of praise. Accept them for all the souls of the faithful departed and admit them all
to the eternal joy of Heaven. Amen
--taken from the St. Joseph's People's Prayer Book
For those who will be left behind, you must grieve of course, but not too long.
Move forward and continue to live the best way you can with God's grace and protection.
Please don't forget to say that prayer
Someday we will meet again somewhere, somehow....wherever your soul takes you
In that vast community in the sky -- I will be there to meet you .....trust me.
Good night dear hearts, time to go to beddie...
~~Smiles N Huggsssssssss~~
October 28, 2005