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Wisdom & Love         

Spirit world's gift to us.


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        This is the story of a spirit named Ruthie, who with the help of her good friend Liz, has been sent to us to give guidance on LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. The year was 1985 and Liz needed surgery. The operation did not go well and she lost a lot of blood. After recovering from this traumatic experience she was able to hear a voice in her head that was not her own thoughts. The voice identified itself as "Grtmp." At first Liz thought she was going crazy. After debating with the voice that was calling itself Grtmp she was finally convinced the voice was coming from a source other then herself. Liz learned that in her last life Grtmp was named Ruth Teresa Spoons so Liz started calling her Ruthie. Ruthie informed Liz that she was not a psychic, that she should refer to herself as a "spiritual translator." Ruthie told Liz that they had been close friends in past lives. They had made a pact while still in spirit world to do this work together at a time when mankind needed it. The surgery Liz experienced in 1985 was the first step in a life changing path that she has been walking. It has also been a special gift  for many who call Liz and Ruthie their friends.

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