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Louisa´s Design


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We wait all these years to find
someone who understands us, I thought,
someone who accepts us as we are,
someone with a wizard's power to melt stone to sunlight,
who can bring us happiness in spite of trials,
who can face our dragons in the night,
who can transform us into the soul we choose to be.
Just yesterday I found that magical Someone
is the face we see in the mirror:
It's us and our homemade masks.
Richard Bach


It is in our idleness, in our dreams,
that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
Virginia Woolf


One is not born a woman, one becomes one
Simone de Beauvoir


I prefer the most unfair peace to the most righteous war.
Lord Byron


A man can hide all things, excepting twain
That he is drunk, and that he is in love.
Antiphanes of Macedonia


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