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Acid on your Soul

I see a single tear
trace across your cheek
Perhaps it's for the killing fields
Or for the earth that begs for peace
Oh Such silence in your downward stare
As you gaze across the bay
Should you go one more hour
Or stay and fight again this day
The blood that stains your hands and face
Burns like acid on your soul
Soldier should you stay one more day
Or maybe just go home

Jennifer Whitenight
Copyright ©2001 Jennifer Whitenight

A Time

Once Upon a Time
Born was a heart pure
brimming with peace and love
still it beat softly and lowly
hiding itself from the world
locked away
in it's dungeon of pain
It began to bleed
vital faith
before long
it was unrecognizably battered and bruised
left lonely to rot and die

Jennifer Whitenight
Copyright ©2001 Jennifer Whitenight

A Tired Head

"Do not disturb! Come Back Later!!"
The sign said, as it hugged the hotel door
But it was much too late for me
I was already quite disturbed
And I was wasn't coming back anymore
At the Lobby exit, I walked the velvet way
So Soft and cushy between my toes
I almost wanted now to stay
I melted out on to the sidewalk
At it's curb I poured my tired head
Watching the traffic pass me by
Praying hard for death



Jennifer Susan Whitenight

Copyright ©2001 Jennifer Whitenight

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