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I need to be

I can feel the magic
It calls
Like a lonesome dove
Beckoning me
to take my place
Beside my own true love
Yes I can feel the splendor
It's in all I see
It guides me
to a place each day
a place I need to be

by Jennifer Whitenight

Into the Well

Listen to the wind, It has a story to tell
About a sweet young princess
Who stood at The Weeping Well

On a cold dark day
She sought shelter from the rain
Sobbed and sighed in loneliness
And for relief began to pray

From the depth of the covered well
She heard a young boy cry
How can I help, she yelled
As a tear dropped down from her eye

I have been pushed in here
From a time that long has past
Parting me from my princess friend
and her Kingdom proud and vast

Let me help you, the excited youth reached
Into the old dark well
So we will be together and end our saddeness forever
And then into the well she fell

Jennifer Susan Whitenight
Copyright ©2001 Jennifer Whitenight

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