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Tribute to Lucky Dog- (7-7-07)

Take a walk with me my friend

as time nips at our heel.

I want to enjoy once more your playful bow

and happy wagging tail.

For years you've been by my side,

ever watchful, loving, true.

Never has there been a better soul

then when God created you.

When it's your time to walk alone, Dont worry.

Nearly a blink and I am there.

For you shall lead this journey home

and eternity we'll share.

Love Inside

As I look to tomorrow
I see another day
Filled with endless possibilities
And a hope for a better way
Sometimes when I feel down
And start to get afraid
I think of all the others who
share my path and then I pray
To all of us who illness met
Be strong, be wise, be constant yet
Of all these "NEED THINGS" Do hold true
That the most important part of healing Is
The Love inside of me and you!

Jennifer Whitenight
Copyright ©2001 Jennifer Whitenight

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