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Susan Cirba Life Issues - Chastity

Chastity Resources

There are numerous pro-life resources and individuals which promote Chastity. The Sex Respect Classroom Eudcational Program by Colleen Kelly Mast is not only thorough, but was created with the input and ideas of teens.

Molly Kelly, mother and chastity educator has produced pamphlets, and videos to promote chastity which are available from the Pro-Life Iformation Center Scranton. (570) 343-5099.

For an intelligent, thoughtful commentary on our culture's approach to education in human sexuality and the approach of Fertility Awareness read Holistic Sexuality by Dr. Hanna Klaus

Holistic sexuality by Dr. Hanna Klaus>

The late Rev. Henry V. Sattler C.SS. R. wrote about chastity education throughout his life. His book Challenging Children to Chastity: A Parental Guide is still available through the Pro-Life Information Center in Scranton. (570)343-5099. A summary of the topics included in Father Sattler's book can be found at the end of this page.

Numerous Abstinence or Chastity Education groups came to the forefront in the late 1980's and early 1990's primarily as a response to the AIDS crisis. Studies have proven that chastity education works. For instance numerous faith-based programs promote chastity pledges. Chastity pledges have been found to delay the first sexual encounter of teens by 18 months to 2 years. See articles on sex education and chastity education under LINKS

Challenging Children to Chastity: A Parental Guide

By H. Vernon Sattler, C. Ss. R.


Preface-John Cardinal O’Connor


Chapter I -Right, Duty and Privilege of Sex Education by Parents

Chapter II-Nuptial Meaning of the Body

Chapter III-Process of Sex education in the Home

Chapter IV-Step by Step in Sex Education

Chapter V-Parents and the Direct Sex Education of Children

Appendix I-Sex Education in Schools in General
Appendix II-Sex Education in Catholic Schools and in CCD
Topics in the Classroom

If you are interested in purchasing this book, the cost is $7.00 add $3.00 for shipping and handling. Call 570-343-5099 to order.

Copyright 1991

Susan Cirba

Susan Cirba Life Issues Home

A book written from a doctor's perspective, Epidemic - How Teen Sex is Killing Our Kids by Meg Meeker, M.D. is available through Amazon .com and has chapters like Condoms and the Myth of Safe Sex, Media and the World Our Kids See, Adolescent in Body and Mind and more.

Links to articles and websites on chastity education.

Sex Education Planned Parenthood Style Equals More Teen Pregnancy, More Abortion by Susan Cirba
