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Sue Cirba - Life Issues - President George W. Bush


A brief summary of each pro-life accomplishment is listed along with a link to the full-length article or speech.

When President Bush said children need to be "welcomed into life and protected in law" in his campaign for the 2000 election, they were not mere words. While many pro-life people and conservatives may have problems with President Bush on other issues, let us keep things in perspective. The right to life is the paramount issue. Without Life we cannot enjoy any other right.The right to life is guaranteed in the Constitution. Abortion is an affront to God the Giver of Life. Those who promote it not only offend God, they mock our nation's founders and our Constitution. President Lincoln said "No nation can survive half slave and half free." Abortion on demand makes the unborn child a slave to the whims of his mother. If the lives of unborn chidlren are not respected and protected by law, then neither are the lives of any other members of society. The Purpose of this page is to focus on the pro-life accomplishments of President George W. Bush. The text of his pro-life speeches are listed in the following links.

President Bush Addresses March for Life January 23, 2006

President Bush Addresses National Prayer Breakfast April 2006>


President Bush Visited Pittsburgh, Pa. on Aug. 5, 2002 to meet with nine men who were rescued from a three-day ordeal trapped in a flooded western Pennsylvania coal mine and sign the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Bush said he visited with the miners and their families to “celebrate life, the value of life”. Bush signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act to stem the tide of the culture of death. It returns legal protection to newborn children who are born alive no matter what the circumstances of their birth. Prior to the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision legalizing abortion on demand, no one even questioned whether a prematurely born child had a right to life. Excerpts from President Bush’s Speech: “Today I sign the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. This important legislation ensures every infant born alive-including an infant who survives an abortion procedure is considered a person under federal law. This reform was passed with the overwhelming support of both political parties, and is about to become the law of the land. I appreciate so very much Senator Rick Santorum and Congressman Chabot from Ohio for sponsoring this important piece of legislation.”. “The issue of abortion divides Americans, no question about it. Yet today we stand on common ground. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act establishes a principle in American law and American conscience: there is no right to destroy a child who has been born alive. A child who is born has intrinsic worth and must have the full protection of our laws.” “Today, through sonograms and other technology, we can clearly see that unborn children are members of the human family. They reflect our image; they are created in God’s image. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act is a step toward the day when every child is welcomed in life and protected in law. It is a step toward the day when the promises of the Declaration of Independence will apply to everyone, not just those with the voice and power to defend their rights. This law is a step toward the day when America fully becomes, in the words of Pope John Paul II, “a hospitable, a welcoming culture.” “Our society has enough compassion, wealth and love to care for mothers and their children and to see the promise and potential of every life. In protecting the vulnerable and the weak, the imperfect and the unwanted, you are affirming a culture of life.”… “It’s now my honor and pleasure to sign into law the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.” .


President Bush Signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 on November 5, 2003. in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington D.C. before an enthusiastic audience of 400 people. The following are excerpts of the President’s speech. “Good afternoon. I’m pleased that all of you have joined us as the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 becomes the law of the land. For years, a terrible form of violence has been directed against children who are inches from birth, while the law looked the other way. Today, at last, the American people and our government have confronted the violence and come to the defense of the innocent child. I want to thank you all for coming. Many of you have worked long and hard to see this bill come to fruition, and we thank you for your efforts. (The President went on to thank the principal lawmakers who helped to pass the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 and others in attendance. “The primary Senate sponsor is with us, Senator Rick Santorum. Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator Mike De Wine helped as well, in the Senate. Thank you all very much. Steve Chabot was the primary House sponsor, and Steve is with us. Thanks for coming Steve.” In passing this legislation, members of the House and Senate made a studied decision based upon compelling evidence. The best case against partial birth abortion is a simple description of what happens and to whom it happens. It involves the partial delivery of a live boy or girl, and a sudden, violent end of that life. Our nation owes its children a different and better welcome. The bill I am about to sign protecting innocent new life from this practice reflects the humanity and compassion of America. In the course of the congressional debate, the facts became clear. Each year, thousands of partial birth abortions are committed. As Doctor C. Everett Koop, the pediatrician and former Surgeon General has pointed out, the majority of partial birth abortions are not required by medical emergency. As Congress has found, the practice is widely regarded within the medical profession as unnecessary, not only cruel to the child, but harmful to the mother, and a violation of medical ethics. The facts about partial birth abortion are troubling and tragic, and no lawyer’s brief can make them seem otherwise. By acting to prevent this practice, the elected branches of our government have affirmed a basic standard of humanity, the duty of the strong to protect the weak. The wide agreement amongst men and women on this issue regardless of political party government is to defend the life of the innocent. Every person, however frail or vulnerable, has a place and a purpose in this world. Every person has a special dignity. This right to life cannot be granted or denied by government, because it does not come from government, it comes from the Creator of life. (Applause.) In the debate about the rights of the unborn, we are asked to broaden the circle of moral concern. We’re asked to live out our calling as Americans. We’re asked to honor our own a standards, announced on the day of our founding in the Declaration of Independence. . We’re asked by our convictions and tradition and compassion to build a culture of life and make this a more just and welcoming society. And today we welcome vulnerable children into the care and protection of Americans. The late Pennsylvania Governor Robert Casey once said that when we look to the unborn child, the real issue is not when life begins, but when love begins. (Applause.) This is the generous and merciful spirit of our country at its best. This spirit is reflected in the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, which I am now honored to sign into law. God Bless. (Applause.) The bill is signed. (Applause.) Thank you, all.

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