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Normal. The way things are suppost to be. The way we preceve the world in our everyday lives. We've somehow calibrated an imaginary "normal" meter in which we use to judge ourselfs and others. But why? Wy do we do this? Has our socitiey gotten that bad that we have to judge people on how they act? This, I think is another one of those politicly correct things in which we buckle ourselfs under iron grasp of the system so other people won't be offended. If this continues to be in our daily lives, I think it will be the downfall of socitey. The reason I say this is because if we all think in this "normal" way, we will all be stripped of our indeviduality, and forced to all think the same, and if we all think the same, well... I don't think I have to explain that one to you. And who created these standards? Ill tell you. Religion. Religeon has made people kill other people because they diddnt think the same. Religion has brainwashed billions of people to keep them under control. But Religion got more than it bargind for. People started getting too serious about religion. They started Demorilizing sex. Sex is the single most improtant component of mankind. Without sex, you wouldent be seeing this message, the computer your looking at right now wouldent be there, that house your in would have never been built, and so on. I't boggles my mind why this is happening in our socitey. When are people going to start thinking logicly? Well, I don't know but I know it must happen or were all doomed. But like I say, it's just a pondering, and I don't know everything.


Marijuana. The "Gateway Drug". People seem to think that marijuana is a bad drug like heroin, cocaine, acid and all the others. But marijuana can actually be a good thing if you think about it. Marijuana makes you more imaginative, more creative. Maybe when people smoke it, they can think up new things to help the world. But the government says "marijuana leads to other bad drugs.". Thats not true in all cases.I know people who only smoke marijuana, and who have done it for 3 years without touching another drug. And marijuana can be used for more things then just smoking it. It can be used to make paper. Thats a whole lot better than cutting down forrests and waiting decades to cut them down again. And it also can be used to make rope. Now think about this. What if the government legalized only marijuana? The people would have a free way to get high. They would get used to this freeness. So when they go to buy cocaine or something, They'll think "Why get high illegaly when I can just smoke marijuana." And it would sure save the economy. Here is another thing, How do you think marijuana got illegalized in the 30's? Mexicans. The white people of America were losing jobs on the rails to the Mexicans. So the government thought "How can we get these mexicans out of here so more white people can get jobs on the railroads? Ah, I know, we'll illegalize marijuana. They like smoking marijuana. So if it's illegal, They'll go back to mexico where it's legal thus giving the jobs back to white people.". Now what kind of sterotipical bullshit is that? Now they have these commercials that show this kid kneeling down to his brothers grave and it says "1 in 3 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs, tested positive for marijuana." Now let me tell you something. It say "who were tested" indicating that not all people were tested. so lets say that there were 10 reckless drivers. only 4 of them were tested giving you that one in 3 so that gives you a reduced number of people. now its 1 in 10. now another reduction. Marijuana stays in your body for 30 days. if you were driving that car 15 days after you smoked marijuana, and you crashed. You werent high when you crashed, but the marijuana is still in your system. so lets say 100 people crashed, 10 of those people tested positive for marijuana but only one of those people were high at the time of the crash. then you would have 1 in 100 people that crashed when they were high. thats 10 in 1000. That commercial extends the truth so fuck that commercial. I don't smoke marijuana ( I don't do any drugs outside nicotine ). But lets stop listening to what the "politiclly correct" people have to say, and start using our minds a little bit. But like I say, this is just a pondering, and I don't know everything