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Chuck & Speedy Nikki 2001
Chuck & Nikki

Spooky Nik Speedy
Nikki & Speedy ready for Halloween

Time for a snooze

Go-Cart & Demo Derby

Here's Chuck getting ready for the Demo Derby. 
He won 2nd place! :o)

z zcrp1.jpg (43244 bytes)

Sherry, Greg & Chuck at the Dover Race 

Dover Winston Cup Race

Dover 2     Dover 3

Stacey, Kevin Mom & Charlie Our Tree
Charlie, Kevin, Stacey & Mom Christmas 1997

( ^check out Felix clock on the wall )

~ Chuck's Family ~

Greg Sherry & Katie

Greg, Sherry & Katie

Terri & Brian Chuck's Dad & Maryann
Terri & Brian Chuck's Dad & Maryann


And Me :o)

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No right click code by Billy Bear

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NOR available for download. Thank You!!
cr 1998-01 ~ DMBP