The Truth

Nice try Saddam

Nice try jackass. Have you ever noticed that every time we bomb Iraq, Saddam comes out and says that we hit only civilian buildings? I remember one time he even claimed we blew up a medicine factory. Now I'm not saying that we never screw up, our bombs aren't so smart that they fix human mistakes, but with all the intelligence we use before these strikes are made, does he really think that anyone believes him? After this recent bombing session, he claimed that all the buildings we have hit in the last few months have been civilian sites. What a crock of shit. Hell, even if we did no intelligence work, and just randomly dropped bombs on Iraq, we would probably still hit mostly millitary installations anyway. Besides, you know what, even if we are hitting all civilian sites, who cares? I say good work and give the pilots a pat on the back. Lets kill 'em all, invade the Middle East, and take all the oil for ourselves.

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