Niggers Should Thank Us for Slavery

"Thank you so much!"

Most people have heard that many black activists have tried to bring a lawsuit against the United States for the restitution for slavery. This suit was nearly laughed out of the courtrooms. I find it hard to believe that the suit even made it to court because of the ridiculousness of the notion that we should pay these people (I use the term loosely) for a service that we did for them. Black people should thank us for slavery.

The reason I say this is so simple that any NAACP moron could understand it. Africa at the time when blacks were “abducted” was even less civilized than it is today, and most of the African population lived in nomadic societies that hunted the local animals. Societies such as these are in equilibrium with their environment, and therefore the population grows at an extremely small rate. Nomadic societies very rarely have populations that number forty humans in one tribe. When the niggers were taken from this environment, they were transported to the new world, where they entered a more advanced society which had the means to feed everyone, and therefore broke the equilibrium, allowing the population to grow at an exponential rate. Therefore, had the blacks been left in Africa, the population of Africa would be about the same as it is today, and almost all of the millions of niggers living in our country today would never had been born.

And unless they have forgotten, we fought a Civil War over freeing them for some reason. Yes, when you look at the reasons for the Civil War, slavery did not directly cause it, but it indirectly caused the social tensions and animosity that did lead to the war. Many resources were lost, and many white Americans died to set them free. If anything, instead of paying the niggers restitution for whatever hardships they had when they were slaves, why don’t they pay the government back for all the resources lost and all the men who died on both sides (with inflation and a flat interest rate calculated of course) in the Civil War, along with a $100 fee for each black person living in the U.S. today who would never had been born had it not been for slavery (lets round down and say about 90% of them).

They don’t seem to realize that if we had never brought the infection that is the black population to our country, they would not have all the things that they love (cornbread, basketball, collard greens, etc.) here in the United States, they would be even less educated (if it is possible) than they are now; they would be back in their fucking motherland, running across the plains and chucking spears at zebras.

If we hadn’t let these coons get so fucking uppity in the last fifty years, we wouldn’t have to put up with this bullshit. I don’t know about you, but in the presidential election of 2004, I’m writing in a vote for Trent Lott. I want him to bring a lawsuit of our own: United States vs. Niggers, and make them pay us back for all the money they actually owe us.

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