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Ultimate Championship Wrestling

The Daily Cory Graves

This is the second edition of the daily thought,written by myself,Cory Graves.Myself,is definetly a word i've been forever using.I mean when it comes to friends,I don't have many if any true friends,and spend most of the days of my life,myself.When it comes to being a hardcore wrestling fan with a vast knowledge and desire for it as well,I always seem to be the only true one around me.And more importantly to you people,when it comes to me wanting to start my own backyard wrestling fed up,I wind up by myself,or atleast,with myself to blame.And now,I seem to be with myself again,yet once again.I still have that burning rage and desire in my heart,my heart which has nothing but love and support for the world of wrestling.So with me having that heart,I want the dream and many attempts at getting this fed up and running to finally come true and become a reality,or if not the fed,just me being able to wrestle here and there to have something to do,and while not something to do,live my dream.Its going to be boring for yous because you see the same repeating news on the site over and over again like a circle,but for me its another hard drive down the long winding lonely road that i hope has some end that leads to victory.I will keep yous updated if there is any of yous out there,thats for sure.So if your with me reading this,stick around and support.Thats all for now,thats just my daily thought.

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