In 2002 the Vikings stormed into the world of Playmobil, that is the theme. They did have a Playmobil Special figure 4519 (Viking) that came out in 1995 and 4540 (North Man) in 1997. Also Special set 4526 (Dove Maiden) can be used a Viking maiden. In 2002 Special 4599 (Norseman) came out, with the rest of the Viking Theme. Set 3150 (Viking Longboat), 3151 (Viking Stronghold), 3152 (Viking Raiders), 3153 (Vikings Warriors), 3154 (Norse King & Prince), 3155 (Nessie), 3156 (Viking boat), 3157(Viking Shelter), 3158 (Norse Horseman), 4433 (Viking Fortress) and 5707 (Viking Starter Set)
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